
Why disturb my sleep ? Because of some tour ?

It was just a normal day. Would be normal if we were not meeting Takagi family today. In last two years we were visiting their house once a month. My father and Soichiro became something like best buds, Yuriko and my mom became best friends, and our two, me and Saya, were watching all this happen with blank expressions. She have gotten used to my visits, so once I have gotten here, she readied some board games or games for intelligence. Week ago I have spotted something weird, it was that once I got to the car I spotted smile on her face. There wasn't anything around her that could make her smile, nor did her parents said anything. Weird.

Anyway, now we are driving towards Takagis mansion. By the way, my training have progressed very much that dad started calling me little monster. And for my hobby's ? ... Probably sleep. Now I am in school, but kids are still as dumb as ever. My parents said that once in high school, I will be in same school as Saya. Well it doesn't matter, on lessons the only thing I do is sleep. Once teacher wanted to catch me asleep, but I only answered his question and gone back to sleep. But from my habits to sleep, all kids in class sees me as some weirdo. Once there was a cliché situation, bullying. Three kids wanted to 'beat me to wake me up', but they ended miserably because of my training. Later they called teachers and told them that I beaten them up without a reason, but I were sleeping princess of the class so they didn't believe them, and only reprimanded them to don't lie to anyone. Later they tried to do it some other times, only to meet the same fate.


Now we are in front of medium-sized mansion. On front of it, six peoples can be seen standing in front of each other. 4 of them were adults, while two were kids, about 10 years old.

"Saya, Kuro, do you want to go to the city ?"

"Okay !"

"...*Sigh* Okay."

They said as they started walking out of the mansion. After 15 minutes they found themselves in area filled with people.

"Papa, where are we going to ?"

"Hmmm ... what about of cinema ?"

"Okay !"


They said as they started making their way to the mall, and then to the cinema. While on the way woman trio made their way to shops that pinched their attention, Soro and Souichiro stands outside, while Kuro got 'kidnapped' to shop by Saya to help her chose something.

"Ahh. Youth."

"Yes. Youth."

After 30 minutes they finally arrived at cinema. From Kuro, his soul could be seen floating outside of his body. After another 15 minutes of standing in queue, his and Saya's parents bought tickets to horror film, while smiling to themselves in understanding. When they finally sited on their seats, Saya was on side of Kuro, while their parents were on their right. Before the film started.

"Mom, what is genre of this film ?"

"It is romance Saya dear."

Said Yuriko while smiling to her daughter. After 15 minutes film started. Saya got scared because she expected romance but was given horror genre. She got this scared that she unconsciously clinched to Kuro a little. After half of hour, she finally realized she climbed to red headed sleepyhead. She first wanted to die of embarrassment, but when she looked at his face, she saw that he sleeper entire time.

"Baka !"

She shouted as she placed her head in different direction from him. Kuro, that woke up because of her shout, looked at her surprised and with expression asking `What da fack ?'. He then proceeded to look at his parents with same asking face, only to get little chuckles and smiles as answer. Kuro then shrugged his shoulders and gone back to sleep. After hour of constant situation 'Saya clings to him unconsciously, she realizes it, she looks at his face, she sees him asleep, she calls him idiot, he wakes up, he looks around confused, he goes back to sleep' they finally got out of cinema.

"Saya dear, how do you liked the film ?"

"Humph !"

She 'Humphs' as she looks away.

"Kuro, how do you liked it ?"

"...it was okay"

I said as I fastened my walking rate. They then catched up with me.

"Kuro, why don't you take Saya with you and go around stalls while me, Souichiro and your parents go around ourselves ?"

Yuriko asked. I then looked at Saya waiting for her answer.

"Okay. Come on Kuro, let's go !"

She said as she started walking towards the stalls.


I sighted as I started following Saya around.

After 30 minutes she was done with all shopping things. As we made our way back, Saya pleaded me to let her go alone. I have allowed her to, but I was secretly following her around. After a while some low lifes approached her. They started making ruckus, because she didn't want to hand her money to them. I slowly made my way towards them. Meanwhile outside of store 4 adults were peeping on this situation. Souichiro wanted to make his way towards this hooligans, only to be stoped by Nana.

"What are you doing ? They will hurt Saya if this goes on."

"Don't. Look there."

Says Soro as he points in direction behind Saya and hooligans. There a certain red headed boy could be seen making his way towards the ruckus.

"Kuro will take care of them."

"This boy ? You are kidding right ? Kid won't be able to take care of three adults."

"Hahaha you sure ? Okay then, I bet thousand yen on Kuro."

"*Sigh* okay I will let him 'take care of them'.

While they were betting, Kuro made his way towards the place.

"Hmm ? What do you want little boy ?"

"Release her. While you still can."

"Hahaha ! Boy will be reprimanding me ? Listen kid, get out of here while you still can."

"Hee.... and here I wanted to do this peacefully. Okay then."

Says Kuro as he delivers roundhouse kick towards hooligans neck, knocking him out instantly. Rest of them startled by this course of events, let go of girl and rushed towards the boy while trying to hit him. Said boy evaded their attacks with ease, while punching one of them in head, and the other one in family jewels. Two adults observing this events showed painful expressions on their faces, while Kuro continued his massacre. He started throwing punches towards their faces till they gone unconscious. After some good 'Muda Muda Muda'. He approached Saya.

"You good there ?"

He said as he extended his hand towards her.


She said as she grabbed his hand, and got up from the floor.

"Un. Let's go back."

Said Kuro as he started going out of the shop, while Saya just followed him silently.


After going out of there, we have gone to meet up with our parents. Once we met up, we decided that it was enough experience for today, so we went back towards the mansion. Once here, me and my parents finally went back towards our home. When I was entering the car I heard some unexpected words.

"...Thank you"

Was what I heard. I must have misheard. I entered the car and quickly went back to sleep.


Heyo !

Your adorable author here ! I have gotten some break from writing, but now it is over, so I will be posting as ever.

See ya !


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