
Hyde, Worldwalker Reborn

[Check out my new book 500th Time Reborn. A World Only Know By Women: The Karma System] Dropped into a world after dying, Hyde, an unlikely hero that is given a wild magical power is placed in a world with a misleading god to guide him. Hyde will journey across the land to rescue Beast Folk and other races that are being abused by humans, while slowly taking control of the world. Little does Hyde know that he is in a game to save people he cares about from an Evil Game Master hellbent on destroying this world. Hyde will have to find all the girls and get the world working together before he can challenge and stop the Game Master from destroying everything. Hyde is one of the five Harem Leaders in Reborn, a game world that has trapped players in an endless loop. The five leaders are fighting to reach the final Zodiac world to defeat Aegis and stop the Reset, and the unknown entity known as MainFrame. Hyde has complete the first 12 game worlds and had tried to enter this game world once before, but failed, leaving all of her harem members behind in this world. After fighting through the game worlds again with only the help of two other Harem Leaders Kiada, and Bhan, Hyde has reentered the Zodiac world, Leo, to find his girls and prevent the Game Master from destroying this world. This is the first part of the Reborn collection, and reading it will held understand Harem Reborn, and The Blood Servant System a bit better. You do not have to read then in this order because the stories do line up, but the events in should have let me die start before Harem Reborn. This book series is part of the Reborn Collection Hey Fans! I have started a another book to help you all keep track of the growing harem so check it out! The Great Master Hydes Harem List https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/19073480406302905?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4314060402 My discord: https://discord.gg/ugVdHzENju Instagram: ddcmagic_ Twitter: @Daniel_smiles Check my other books Harem Reborn To help support my work and for new covers https://www.patreon.com/Magic_?fan_landing=true https://ko-fi.com/magic_

Magic_ · Games
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I Didn't Stick My Fingers In... There!

"So? How do they feel?"

"Like metal and rubber are sitting on my face."

"Ugh, Alex, how is it to look through them? Don't be a Weiner."

"Weiner? Wait, are you calling me a male..."

"Glasses Alex."

"Oh yes, well let's see, oh?! I can see things far away close up if I concentrate!"

"Yea, that's the money!"

I had noticed after some messing around with the way I looked through them. I was able to figure out a couple of functions, but they were all thought up along the way over here, so I was no expert. I turned to Titania and asked her to explain the functions to everyone.

She talked bout the autofocus and the telescopic lenses and a few adjustment tricks. Everyone listened because I mentioned about each woman, man, and child getting a pair of these glasses. Titania raised her eyebrows at me, and I put up my hand to ward off her concern.

"I will get you more helper, and having glasses that autofocus and zoom will make everyone better at what they do. I couldn't test everyone's eyes, so this was the best option. No one has to wear them, but I recommend them; hopefully, we can get everyone to see this great idea, hehe."

That was a horrible joke, but to my surprise, everyone burst out laughing like I had just told the funniest thing in the whole world. What was with these people? I said funny shit before this, and all the laughs were forced! Now I make a stupid pun, and everyone is splitting their sides?

Everyone finally calmed down and got their shit under control. I let everyone else get back to what they were doing before and went back to Titania's bench and grabbed the other pair of glasses. I turned and walked over to my beautiful red-haired wife and slipped them onto her face, kissing her while I did.

I hand notice Kadence squit at things before, so I thought that she might actually need these. The thing was that Alex liked the attention, but Kadence was like my newest wife, Xelios, shy, and timid around groups and crowds. After I pulled away and broke our kiss, I watch Kadence's face.


Kadence's face filled with emotion, and she began to look at different things around the room, but focusing on colorful things. Her eye had filled with tears, and they began to pour down her cheeks as she put her hand to her mouth, choking off a sob. I moved back to her quickly to take her back in my arms, but she looked up at me with a massive smile peeking out from behind her hand.

Kadence pushed away from me but took my hand, dragging me to the door and then outside. We ran out into the green grass and blue skies bright above us. Kadence took my other hand, and we dance to a song only she knew, but it could feel through our connection. Together we dance until we both fell to the grass.

I took Kadence into my arm while I lay on my side and wiped her tear-stained face off.

"Was it really that hard to see before?"

"No, I could see fine, but all I could see were different shades of red. My entire life, I have been told what each color was of everything, but it all was red. I gave up on telling people that I couldn't see colors and just got used to it, but now I can see these brilliant and wonderful things ever been missing. It was just a lot for my emotions."

"It's okay, babe, and I get it. Don't hold back from your sisters or me anymore, okay? If there is a problem you can't fix, let one of them or me know, and we will help make it possible. This group of women started with you and Kyra, and I love you just as much as I love her. I love Alex, and even though I married her and Kyra first, you know I feel... whatever, you get it, right?"

She just smiled at me and then kissed me. We both got up and brushed the grass off ourselves, looking around, but none of the girls had followed us out. I guess they understood better than me about these kinds of things, but then I got to thinking about something.

I had a date later with Kalita, and I hate to show so much favor with Kadence, but I really did like her a lot. I know I should be doing other stuff, but I turned to Kadence. This moment was important, too; conquering the world could wait another day or two.

"Want to go for a quick stroll through the skies?"

"Sure, I'll meet you up there!"

"Wait! Why don't... I carry you?"

For some reason, my confidence slipped when I asked her that. Maybe it was because I felt embarrassed asking such a mushy thing like that, but I didn't regret it when she nodded. I put an arm under her knees and the other around Kadence's waist before jumping into the air.

My racing heart made it very easy to catch my mind on fire, and I felt Nina complain, but not in pain. She would stay quiet for so long at times, and I would forget she was even inside of me. I got an annoyed feeling from that, making me grin.

"What's so funny?"

"Just Nina complaining about the heat, hehe."

"Oh, I thought you might have been wanting to change the way you're holding me," Kadence teased me as I came to a floating position about fifty feet in the air.

I pleaded the fifth.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Oh, Marly told me you had a firm grip on her buttocks and that your fingers were pushing into other places!"

Oh, boy... I think my whole head just turned red. I could feel real heat coming from my face that put my pants to shame. That was not what happened, at all, well, not entirely!

"W-Wait a m-minute! I didn't stick my finger in... there!"