
Chapter 2- Luminous

(This chapter contains abuse and violence!! Please be aware!!)

APRIL 24th, 1737.


I hear a little hum, a little song, she's singing to me.

I sit up, careful not to wake up my husband.

I exit the bedroom, my feet padding softly against the wooden floor.

One creaks underneath my foot and I look down, seeing it come up.

I crouch down, lifting the splintering wood...it's molding cause it's wet.


But it's red...red?

I pull my hand back, a small gasp escaping my lips.

"What the...?"

My hand is caked in blood, and I frown.

I shake my head, pulling the floor board open.

I stumble back, a stench so rotten filling my nose.

Human remains.

Skinned to the bone.

Blood in jars around it.

I jump up as I hear my husband's voice.

"Irene? Where did you go, honey? Are you okay?"


I run quietly over to the back door, trying desperately to open it.

But the blood on my hands make it too slippery.

I get a good grip on it, turning the handle just as I hear the bedroom door open.

I make a run for it into our field, into the thousands of roses.

Some red, some white.

"We paint white roses red...each shade from a different person's head..."

I trip on seemingly nothing, falling onto my back.

I see a dark shadow coming closer, a large silhouette.

I scramble back, letting out a loud screech as the person stabs me.



Three times.

All in my stomach.

My baby...

I pass out, as the person drags us closer and closer to the bright red barn, one I saw my husband painting red with our gardener's blood.



OCTOBER 15th, 1879.

10:11 PM.


I follow them onto the sidewalk, as I feel something hit my back.

"Ouch! Spencer! Orabelle! Guys! Wait a moment. Something just hit my back."

Cecily rolls her eyes.

"It's probably just a guy giving you his number. They always do."

"And I always tell them I'm lesbian."

I turn around, squatting in my large skirt to grab the yellowing paper.

It's old.

I look up, and recoil a little.

What the—?

A cold breeze hits me as I stand up, watching the spot I swear I just saw an eight foot shadow pass by.

I turn back around, meeting the eager eyes of Cecily, Orabelle, Emmett, and Spencer.


I unfold it, letting out a yelp when a literal human finger falls from between it.

Everyone grimaces besides Spencer, who bends down to pick it up.

"Spence! Don't touch it!"

He doesn't listen, picking up the finger between two of his.

"A white female's finger. Ring finger."

He points at the golden band on it.

"But...but why?"

Spencer gives a strange look towards the finger before looking back at me.

"Read the note and you might."

I don't bother to ask how he's so calm, looking down at the note that's somewhat covered in dried blood.

I can still make out the words though.

Darling, have I ever told you your eyes look like diamonds? They shine so bright, and they light up even more when you see him. I don't like that. Why can't your eyes show that same light to me, Bonnie? I'm should be the one you love...not fucking Jeremiah. You hear me, Bonnie? You better stop this now...or else...I won't hesitate to come through your window tonight and get you. Get you all to myself. If I can't have you, no one else can. You're mine, Bonnie Sekt, you're mine.

Just a reminder...black lace looks really good on you.

- A

As I stare in horror at the letters and words scrabbled across the page, the more I realize that whoever Bonnie Sekt is, that this is her finger.

As I start to get extremely freaked out, Orabelle frowns.

"Ivy, what's that?"

I look at where she's pointing, turning the paper around.

A bunch of scrambled letters.

Ruro ydsa nitlu dednus ehtad.

"It's just scrambled letters."

"Four days until sudden death."

We all look back at Spencer.


"The letters there make up five words. Four days until sudden death."

I look down, the letters moving to their correct places in my mind.

Four days until sudden death.

"But what does that mean?!"

We all turn back to Spencer and Emmett looks at him expectantly.

"You seem to know everything...what does that mean?"

"I have no clue. But whoever A is, they have Bonnie."

"So what do you suggest we do? Go in the forest?"

Spencer nods at Cecily.

"Exactly that. Because come to think of it...I just saw someone go right in there."


We venture into the trees of Willow's Forest, the whistling of the leaves chilling me to my core.

The more you hear it...the more it sounds like people screaming for mercy.

"You good?"

I turn my head to Orabelle, nodding silently.

"Yeah...I'm fine. I'm alright. Just...something about this is weird. Why did the person throw the note at me?! I don't—wait a minute."


I snap my head towards Orabelle who's eyes are as wide as two full moons.

"I know a girl named Bonnie...she had disappeared eight months ago from her Georgian home."


"What does this mean?"

Orabelle looks at me.

"I don't know! That it could've been her?! Why would they throw it at me though?"

"Wait...you said you could see the past of things you touch, right?"


"Touch the blood or her finger and see what the hell happened."

I look down, picking up the finger.

I go completely still, my eyes rolling back into my head.



OCTOBER 1st, 1879.

"Please! You can't do this to me!"

Through my eyes I see the same eight feet tall silhouette, but this time I see their eyes.

Scarily bright.

They're also glowing.

This is no human.

"But Bonnie, you know I love to see you cry...it brings me joy. Joy I haven't felt with the others."

I hear her sobs as if they're my own, and the person hands her a sharp saw.

"Cut off your ring finger. I cannot stand the sight of that ring."

"I'll just take it off—"

"Cut it off, woman!"

I hear his pants, but he seemingly calms down.

"Sorry, Bonnie, it's just another episode. But if you don't chop off your finger I'll chop off your head."

Her head moves down towards her shaking hand, looking at her ring finger.

She picks up the saw, and through her tears and sobs she saws the thing off.

"Good girl."

He laughs as she bleeds, sobbing through the pain.

"Wait a moment while I get some gauze...are you still wearing the black lace underneath that petticoat, doll?"

She nods shakily.


"Great...take off that petticoat by the time I get back."

He exits the room, and Bonnie looks at the window.

I can hear her thoughts.

He didn't tie me up this time, maybe I can escape?

She looks down at the blood dripping onto her dress, before standing up, limping towards the window.

I won't be able to run.

She sighs, limping back to the corner where she sits.

"I don't want to do this again," I hear her whisper softly as footsteps come back down the hall.

"Have you been a good girl, Miss Sekt? I don't want to have to hurt you..."

"N-No, sir...I-I'm having trouble with my injuries."

"Your injuries? I'll help you, Bonnie. But only because I love you. If this was anyone else...they'd be dead."

He comes back into the room, and Bonnie's head jerks to the side.

She releases a shaky breath, and the person approaches her.

"I will bandage you first, Bonnie. I do not want blood on my suit."

He picks up her hand in his large one, his black gloves hiding any sort of identity there.

He carefully wraps up her fingers, setting her hand down.

"I hope you forgive me for doing that...I just needed it for something."

Bonnie shakily moves her eyes to his, and through hers I now see blue. The brightest blue.

"It—it's okay..."

He cocks his head to the side, standing up completely.

"I think we've done enough today."


"You're sick, sweetheart."

He hands her a cup of water which she takes with wide eyes.


"Rest, girl. I will talk to you tomorrow."

Bonnie shakily takes a sip, and he bends down to kiss her forehead before walking away.

Bonnie watches the door, her knees hugged against her chest as the man turns back around one last time, a smile actually on his face.



10:34 PM.

My eyes jolt open, and my eyes adjust to seeing all four of their faces in front of me.


"Guys, Bonnie's captor was the one who threw the note at me..."

My breathing picks up as the realization hits me.

"Bonnie's captor is in this forest."



He hasn't come to feed me in four days.

I stare at the window blankly, then at the door as I hear footsteps.


I call out, and the door opens.



He walks inside, walking towards me.

"You are coming with me."


"People know where this place is...we have to move deeper in the forest."

He picks my fragile body up, and I sit there nervously.

"A? What's your real name?"

"I do not tell people that, Bonnie. Only people I know."

"Y-You know me?"

"You have developed a stutter. Are you doing okay?"

I frown at the fact that he ignored my question.

"No. I-I'm hungry. Y-You haven't f-fed me in four days."

"I will feed you once we get to the new place."

I nod eagerly, before looking at him again.

"Your eyes are so bright...a-are you even human?"

"I do know you. I've known you for a while."

Again, not answering my question.

"Hold on."


I hold onto him as we seemingly teleport, now standing inside a dark room.

"W-What?! Did you just teleport?!"

He sets me down on something cushy, turning on a light.

The light illuminates the room, and it's the first time I actually see who I'm talking to.

He's usually shrouded in the shadows.

Very tall.

Still in all black with a mask so I can only see his eyes.

A bright blue that pierces through me.

He removes his gloves, revealing slightly tanned skin.

"What're you—"

"Shh, Bonnie."

He crouches down again, now nearly at my level.

He reaches out, taking my trembling chin.

"I am not human, Bonnie."

He then drops my face, and I stare up at him.

"May I see what you look like?"

"I am far too hideous, sweetheart."

I frown.

"You must be pretty. Handsome, I mean. I forgive you. For keeping me captive. It isn't that bad. You aren't that bad, A."


"Asher...Asher may I see your face?"

He turns back around to face me, his blue eyes drifting to mine.

They sparkle.

"Okay, Bonnie."

He crouches back down, and I reach out, pulling the mask from his face.

"Woah...y-you're beautiful..."

I blink a few times, staring at him in wonder.

Slightly tanned skin, bright blue eyes, a cute nose and full lips.

I reach out again, pulling down his hood.

Silky black hair.

I drop my arms again, and he looks away.

"Don't! Please! You're very pretty—handsome. Pretty handsome. I'm at a loss for words...why do you hide, Asher?"

"That is what my father said to do."

I tilt my head, reaching my hand out to touch the delicate skin of his cheek.

"If you are not human, you have to be a—"

"Vampire. I am a vampire, doll."

"That is why I never saw you in light! Then how are you—?"

"Shh, Bonnie."

I shut my mouth, and he looks at me for a moment.

"Do you want to be a vampire too?"

I blink a few times, before slowly nodding.

"Okay...if I can be one with you...does it hurt?"

He smiles.

"Only for a second, Bonnie."



11:05 PM.

We walk further into the trees, listening out for anything.

Me and Cecily now walk together, and everyone pauses when we hear a small whimper.

"What was that?"

Cecily holds onto my arm tightly and Emmett puts his finger over his lips.

"Over there."

We all inch closer, looking over the corner to see something laying in the floor.

"Guys. Wait a minute."

I lift up my skirts, inching closer to it.

"Hello? A-Are you okay?"

The thing turns its head around and I gasp, seeing a very beautiful white wolf, drenched in its own blood.

It doesn't seem to want to be seen, trying to get away.

"I'm not gonna hurt you..."

I crouch down, reaching my hand out to pet it.

I back away when it starts growling, a large purple cloud surrounding it as it transforms into something different.

As the cloud of purple fades away I'm left in shock, at the beautiful pale woman that emerged from that wolf.

She's covered with nothing but a satiny slip, something any woman would get trashed for wearing.

Her legs are long and ashen, while her face looks to be carved by the gods.

She has lengthy, silky silver hair, and when she opens her eyes mine widen.


A luminous violet that shines.

She sits up, trying to stand up when she grimaces.

Our eyes both move to the large gash on her leg, and she frowns.

"Are you okay?"

She jerks her head towards me, coughing.

"I apologize...just—have you seen any other wolves?!"


She sighs as I realize she must be a werewolf.

A very beautiful one though.

"Are you lost?"

"Well, yes. My pack left me to die, I guess. I'll be okay. But who the hell are you?! I have never seen such a—" the girl pauses, her eyes raking slowly over my body. "I've never seen such a maid girl...you must be a maiden from town."

"I am, you must be?"

"The only maiden wolf. Or werewolf...whatever you people call us. According to you we're monsters."

"I don't think you're a monster...you're pretty cool."

"Thanks. I'm Astrid, and you must be?"

"Ivy. Come with me, I'll help you."


I tried my best to get Astrid over to everyone else unharmed, and they were still waiting.

"Ivy! What took you so—woah."

Emmett studies Astrid, who looks away shyly.

"Who's this?"


They all look at her in wonderment, and she brushes off her bare legs, the one that magically healed by itself.

"I'm Astrid."

"Astrid?! I've never heard such a name...here everyone is either Celia, Cynthia, or Sylvia. But I'm Orabelle."




She nods, brushing herself off.

She moves her eyes to the moon, and hers sparkle before she looks back.

"You guys are giving off weird energy..."

Astrid's eyes shoot over to Orabelle, and her eyebrows furrow.

"Where were you born?"

"I don't know...I don't remember anything past the age of fourteen."

"Interesting...was your hair always...black?"


We all look over, seeing her hair growing black at the roots.

Her blonde hair starts to go black, and Spencer jumps back a little.


Orabelle looks at Astrid, panicked.

"What in the world is happening?!"

"The witch's spell is working, Shadow Raven."



SEPTEMBER 10th, 1869.


"You will never be pretty, Auryn."

The witch surrounds me in thirteen candles, placing a dead raven next to me.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm fixing you, making you useful. Perhaps this'll work. With that ugly black hair no one will except you."

I sigh.

She starts chanting things, and my eyes glow black as the raven twitches, and I turn to dust, reincarnating into the bird.

I flap around, and the witch lets out a stream of curses, watching as I turn myself back human.

"Get out! I cannot have you any longer!"


"I curse you, Auryn! When you turn eighteen, your hair will turn black and you'll turn into the ugly Shadow Raven you are! You will kill the souls of unfaithful husbands...and you'll do it until I come back."

"W-When will you come back?!"

"When the day of Sudden Death approaches."



12:47 AM.


Astrid turns back into the beautiful white wolf, sprinting away into the distance.

"What the—"

"—hell?" I finish, and me and the other look at each other.

"Guys. My hair. Is black. Help!"

"I don't know what happened, Ora, I really don't!"

We all freeze when we hear footsteps, and Spencer, Emmett, Orabelle, and Cecily run behind a tree, when I just kind of stand there as the same eight feet tall shadow comes from behind a corner.

But this time there's a shorter shadow with them, and my eyes widen as they come closer.

Both have on all black, but one's a girl and one's a boy.

My eyes drift to the girl, who tilts her head to the side.

Her eyes are a deep wistful green.

I move my eyes up to the man, who looks down at me.

My breath catches in my throat as I move my eyes between them.

That girl—that girl is Bonnie.

I stare into his eyes.



And a scarily bright blue.

Next chapter