

As the cruel and fierce beasts howled in their citadel, the hospital was overrun by hungry, skinless wolves. Panic swept through the corridors as everyone attempted to escape, only to be hunted down and torn apart by the creatures' wrathful jaws. Their lives were snuffed out in a moment, their screams of pain echoing through the halls as the wolves feasted on their flesh, blood splattering ruthlessly around them.

In the midst of this chaos, Lisa felt like she was trapped in a viper's den, silently shaking in fear as she hoped the wolves would not find her. In her unstable condition, with wounds piercing her body, she dared not make any mistakes that could put her in danger. She remained still, listening to the endless screams of agony and the taunting growls of the wolves as they savaged and feasted on their prey.

Hours passed in a haze of terror, with the voices of the victims fading slowly until there was only silence. Lisa checked the large digital clock, which read 6:00 AM, the room brightening slightly as the sun set outside her tinted glass window. Despite the horror she had witnessed, she felt a strange sense of calm wash over her. She knew she was fortunate to be on the tenth floor, in her own private room.

"If things were the opposite, I wouldn't be so lucky," Lisa thought, reflecting on her narrow escape.As she pushed herself up from the slippery, bloody floor, Lisa was shocked to see glowing blue words hovering in front of her. Rubbing her eyes in disbelief, she realized it was a magical screen displaying her

Status."Name: Lisa Thea Lovedart. [Awakened]

Physical Strength:10

Stamina: 14

[Special Skills]:

Vigor: F

- Mana: F

>Telekinesis: A Rank

- Physical Defense: F Rank

- Magic Resistance: F Rank
[Acquired Skills]: None

Galaxy Viewers: 100 Special Gifts: None

>- Gold: None

>- Shop: Open once a week

- Followers: None

Comments: None

<Strongest To The Weakest Tabs< p>

>Click on them and watch Other Awakened One's On the Battlefield]

"What is this?" she muttered, bewildered by the sudden appearance of the screen.

With a sense of determination, Lisa examined her wounds, knowing she was at a disadvantage in her current state. She understood that she was now part of a twisted game orchestrated by the galaxy aliens. Despite her fear and anger, she felt a glimmer of hope as she realized she had obtained powers.

"To survive, I have to play by their treacherous rules," Lisa thought, clenching her fists in resolve.

Glancing at the screen again, she noted her newfound abilities: physical strength, stamina, vigor, mana, telekinesis, physical defense, and magic resistance. Though her skills were basic, she knew they would be invaluable in the battle ahead.With a mixture of bitterness and determination, she drank the healing potion that had mysteriously appeared next to her. As the liquid coursed through her veins, she felt a surge of energy and determination. Holding tightly to her mother's necklace, Lisa made a silent vow to herself.

"In order to survive, I have to fight back," she declared, steeling herself for the challenges ahead. With her newfound powers and resolve, she was ready to face whatever twisted trials the aliens threw her way.

Next chapter