
Hunting My Bitch Husband

The world had served her the cruellest and bitter taste of life. From the mysterious death of her parents to her awful marriage which slowly ripped her off. All of this made her become a changed woman and she vowed never to love again because she believed that all men were evil. She was called the city bitch, a woman who rampaged the city, tortured men with her body and did cruel things to people. Nothing and no one could stop the hottest slayer in the city who bowed to no one. Digging gold with her pretentious smile that made men succumb to her and women green with jealousy. All these she did in viciousness to take down her lifetime enemy who ripped and turned her world upside down. Plotting her sweet great revenge, storming the city with her cruel and crazy acts, she was suddenly trapped in the web of the same oath she vowed not to break. Finding herself spelling the word LOVE seemed like a curse to her as she felt she will make the same horrible mistake that took the life she once had. Either she ruled and accomplished her revenge, or the city goes to ruin.

PenDora56 · Urban
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54 Chs

Did she just call me bastard?

"Now you see the reason I said that wickedness must be paid with wickedness? Unless these useless people are taken down, this country will keep suffering and for the fact they killed my mother like a rat, I will surely make them die the same!" Roderick yelled.

Roselle was feeling the same as Roderick now, she had first believed that the drug her mother was taking was the reason why she was still alive not knowing that it was because of these same drugs that she had been bedridden till this point.

It was hard to believe that this kind of thing can be going on in the city when she had believed it was only Rashuel who was her enemy and the only one she had to unleash her revenge on?

Now she had just discovered that she had a lot on her list to take down and she had to make her move now before it becomes too late to execute her plan.

There were so many to discover, the death of her parents had never been swept aside in her mind and she vowed never to let her father die in an accident just like that and her mother left in a paralyzed state. She needed to find out the truth of all this. She needed to dig things out

There was so many truth to uncover and what she had just heard from her boss was just the first and the beginning, and she knew that only this man in front of her with a deep scar on his face will be the one who will put her through with all the plan she has to execute.

Roselle clenched her hands and the hatred washed down her body and she felt her body had just been heated with fire.

"Now listen to me Karla, this is the first mission and each of your mission must be accomplished in the first trial. Consider your friend whose mercy is at your hand. Consider your mother who had been bedridden for years trying to recover.

Think of all the hardship you had gone through before I picked you up, if you show any mercy it's to the detriment of others because I will make them suffer because of you. I made you who you're.

Santiago help is nothing compared to the millions I have put in your account to make you stand firm as you're now." Roderick pointed out one after another as if he needed to make sure he convinced her well enough. He needed to put this hatred in her or else she would be swayed with soft-heartedness.

"Yes boss, I'm willing to do all you asked for me to do."

"Good. By 6 pm tomorrow, Doctor James Morgan would be arriving at the Mirlat hotel, before he goes to the venue where the minister of affairs would be having the project launch." Roderick dropped another file in his hand in front of Roselle.

She picked it up immediately and looked at the file. It was the map of the hotel where Doctor James Morgan would be going.

"I want you to dig up some information about him and that stupid drug he produced. You need to get enough information on this and make sure he won't suspect anything.

Doctor James Morgan is not a stupid man who can just be swayed by a silly unthoughtful lie. He is intelligent, very intelligent I must say. I will fix my men who would be at the corner in case you need more information on how to get in and out of the hotel.

I won't tell you about more now you have to figure out how you will get him down by yourself. It's a night from now Karla, I expect victory from you." Roderick said, and left Roselle in deep thought.

Roderick went down the hallway and headed towards the room where Galaxy was boldly written on the door of the wide magnificent room. He turned the gold-coloured knob and the door opened slightly. He peered in a saw Tina and Nate enticing themselves with wine. 'Enjoy yourselves for now, but I don't know how long my kindness will last. I need to hold you two, for now, to get to use her for my revenge.' Roderick smiled wickedly.

About to turn out to leave, Damen was standing right in front of him.

"Boss," He muttered and bowed deeply before looking up at his face.

The look on his face gave him away as he fought so hard to cover his feelings but he was not good enough in doing it and his boss knew that he was keen to know something about his plans with Roselle.

"Boss, you didn't tell her that Rashuel will be there tomorrow."

"I have no other choice, this is the only time I have to face Doctor James and if I don't achieve it now, he will surely escape this time."

"But boss do you think ma'am Roselle is ready to face Rashuel now? Don't you think it's better to alert her more, maybe just give her a clue?"

"There is no point in giving her a clue, the probability that she would meet him is very low."

"What do you mean by saying that boss? Doctor James Morgan's reason for going to the hotel is mainly to see Rashuel for the first time after he arrived in the city."

"She can handle it."


Roderick left Damen dumbfounded.

Back in the room where Roselle was, her hands were still placed on the file as her mind was occupied with thoughts, thoughts that made her feel like she was drowning in the ocean of sad truth that she wished someone was out there to tell her everything was a lie.

She didn't want to believe what she was seeing when she turned to the last page of the file which read; Tyla and Sliv drug will only give the patient 20 years more time to live and after these 20 years, the patient will die.

Her hands began to shiver as the thought ran through her mind. 'No, my mother is not going to die. I won't let this happen.' She knew there must also be a second cure somewhere somehow and she needed to find these things out to save her mother.

The door of the room opened jolting her out of her thoughts.

"Ma'am, the boss has ordered a warm bath for you."

Another man stepped into the room, it was not Damen who had executed the punishment, but this one had a bad tempo and one will notice it when you just look at him, that means she needed him to work herself out of her problem. Bad tempo's are always cruel, all she needed now was cruel people.

Obediently, Roselle followed him as he directed her to another bathroom different from the one she had seen before when she had first come to this house.

As soon as Sebastian gestured his hands telling Roselle to go in and refresh so he can shut the door from outside, Roselle grab him immediately, sending a moaning hiss to escape his lips as her finger tickled his chest at a fast pace.

Roselle knew well what she was doing, as she pushed him in locking the doors of the bathroom herself.

Sebastian's breath was impatiently heaving as he waited for her to lock the doors when he was the one ordered to lock the door himself.

Roselle turned to face him, at least he was handsome even though he had a look one had to be wary of the danger he can emit. She needed him, she just had one night to achieve her plans so she needed to act fast with getting people to work closely with her.

'I don't mind the awkward thing that is going to happen in this room in a...' She cut her thoughts short by looking around and saw the bathtub steaming. Surely, the bath now was going to be warm. She pushed Sebastian roughly to the bathtub.

Sebastian didn't mind his well-tailored suit that was getting wet in the bathtub and he had totally forgotten that he had somewhere to go with his boss.

'Forget the fucken boss order and enjoy yourself now you have the opportunity.' He thought now seeing Roselle's full bosom towering on his face, he too wanted to have the taste of the city bitch for a long time ago and he can't miss this opportunity.

"I'm willing to do everything you want, I know you were going to ask me for it." Sebastian hushed out the words as he slightly pulled her waist. He saw the city bitch lips move in a smile.

"You're very brilliant. What will I call you?"

"Call me Bastian, it will be okay."

Roselle's mind was occupied with thoughts that she only heard Bastard instead of Bastian."

"Okay, Bastard, but know that the moment you take me in, you must do all I say. No excuses, no going back, betray me and I will have your throat slit."

Sebastian slightly raised a brow in slight anger. 'Did she call me bastard?'