
Fang x Hisoka (1)

"Let me start at the beginning. Yesterday after I left the boat" said Fang to Togiri who was listening curiously. "The first thing I did was search for a place to take a nice nap"

"Ugh~ Important Information FANG!" Togiri yelled at Fang. "Let me finish! I searched until the evening and found a nice place. When I went out to gather some plants to season the bird I hunted, I found Hisoka..." Fang looked depressed at his hands.

"Then what?" Togiri asked the quiet Fang "...I... swear that I died. It doesn't make any sense! I was DEAD!" Fang's hand rolled into a fist.

Togiri's eyes widened "What do you mean you died? Are you....the same...as me" Togiri whispered his last words quiet enough that he himself didn't hear them, but somebody else did. Fang's with widened eyes looked at Togiri.

Togiri snapped back into focus. "Explain properly" Fang took a deep breath and continued.



*The evening a day before*

The sun was setting and the blue sky turned into a yellowish orange. Togiri was putting up his tent.

Gon was training at a river bed and Hisoka was sitting with his back leaned against a tree.

Fang was strolling through the forest searching for herbs to season the bird he caught. Fang was strolling through the forest.

*Whistle~* "Du du du dudu. Ba pa rapa dapa. Tu tutu tu" Fang's singing scared every animal in a 20 meter radius away.

"Today~ is a great day~. Good food~ makes a great mood~ super duper good~" Fang continued singing, dancing and searching for herbs until "Ah!"

Fang sat down. 'Hisoka! Togiri said not to mess with him. What's he doing here?" Fang carefully looked at Hisoka and his surroundings.

"He is injured at his shoulder and waist. Now is the best time to escape" Fang stood up, turned around and took a step and suddenly stopped.

'Escape?... Me? Didn't I talk big and promised to stop all evil?' A voice appeared in Fang's mind, but just as this voice appeared so did another.

'Didn't Togiri tell you how dangerous this guy was? Can you beat him alone? If even Togiri with his 100 plans to defeat anyone says to stay away than I have no chance.' Fang's expression darkened.

'What if you die? In the worst case can I... kill him if necessary? No no no' Fang's legs started trembling and he broke out in sweat.

Pictures of the victims that his eldest brother caused flashed before Fang's eyes. He took a deep breath and stopped trembling and sweating. Fang looked expressionless at the ground before his feet.

'Can you even stop your OWN brother if you can't stop a guy like this. Can you? Can you? ....Can you protect Togiri? Mom, Dad, Julia, myself?...Can you protect anyone.....Will you...' Fang's hands rolled into fists and his arms started trembling. His face turned rageful.

'WILL YOU EVEN TRY? Or will you run away defeated while someone else saves you like back then' Fang grabbed his arms as if he was in pain.

An image of Togiri carrying him out of the warehouse flashed before Fang's eyes.


*Many minutes pass*

Fang was staring at the floor. His eyes were void of emotion and his face was expressionless. Slowly lifted Fang his head up and looked at the beatiful orange sky above him.

Fang took a deep breath and then sighed. *crunch crunch* The sound of twigs being stepped on entered the ears of the sitting Hisoka.

"Someone I know often questions me 'What kind of person do you want be when you grow up?" A smile appeared on Fang's mouth.

"I usually say 'someone strong that will fight against Injustice, protect the weak and the innocent!'"

"Hm~ You want to become a hero?" *Whack* Hisoka's smile dissapeared. Fang threw a punch, but Hisoka dodged.

"Quite fast for a kid. A second later and I wouldn't be standing here" Hisoka smiled perversely.

"He often says that too. "A born HERO and that I'm a protagonist", but... I don't want to be a hero. I'm not kind enough to live my life for others"

*Clap* Fang caught Hisoka's punch. "You sound like a hero, but fight like a villain" Hisoka slowly stood up.

"I don't know what I want to be, but one thing I'm sure of. I don't want to be "whack* Fang's strike connected and blood ran down Hisoka's nose.

"a COWARD EITHER!" Fang with determined eyes took his fighting stance before the puzzled Hisoka.

"...." Hisoka widened eyes shook looking at Fang. His upper body started trembling. Hisoka hugged his shoulders as if he was shivering and shortly after his whole body started trembling.

"Hm..he...ha..haha...HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.... I-..." Hisoka took a big step forward. Hisoka's body towered above Fang's head.

Fang's head barely surpassed Hisoka's waist. Fang resolute face looked up at the clown before him. Hisoka's exhilarated face looked down on the boy.

"wanted to 'EAT' you since the first time I saw your incredible powers" Hisoka licked his upper lip which was covered in the blood that ran down his nose.


*Fang destroyed the Trick Tower by punching through the floors*

"Ah~ I will enjoy this meal"

Next chapter