
Hunter x Hunter : The Harem King

Ash Bernard finds himself in Hunter x Hunter world, bound to a system called The harem King System, with the goal to build a multiverse level Harem! First World : Hunter X Hunter Second World : Jujutsu Kaisen Possible worlds with no determined order : Danmachi, One Piece, My Hero Academia, Chainsaw Man, Magi, High School DxD, Naruto, Soul Land, Tales of Demons and Gods, Wu Dong Qian Kun, Battle Through The Heavens, A Will Eternal, Emperor's Domination, Martial World, The Outcast, Solo Leveling, And any future serie that interests me. ... if you simply want to give me some tips : P@YP@L: achraf.oubella00@gmail.com

SaikiKusu · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 6 : 100th Floor X Unexpected X Harvest

As the darkness of the night fades away like a shy introvert, Heaven's Arena City is bombarded by a kaleidoscope of colors that could put a rainbow to shame.

The city is transformed from a sleepy town into a vibrant metropolis, full of life and energy. With a sunrise like this, you know that anything is possible—even the impossible!

Ash woke up from his sleep, washed his face with the cold water, and then walked out.

The heavens' arena is already bustling with people, Ash strolled around curiously.

To be honest, he didn't feel any big difference in this new world from his old world, if there was no existence of Nen and warcrafts, or the mysterious Dark Continent out there, then this world will be no different from Earth.

He found a cheap restaurant, He casually ordered something for breakfast and at the same time bought high-calorie foods like chicken legs, meat, fruits, etc. He asked the waiter to pack it for him, waiting until he left and finding a hidden place to store it in his inventory.

Ash headed toward the heaven's arena tower and took the elevator all the way to the 70th floor.

He signed up for today's match, went to the changing room, and waited for a while before his name was called.

Ash entered the arena, and he was surprised to see that only half of the arena was full. He immediately understood that most of the spectators are still sleeping in this morning. after all, they spend all night in heaven's arena, so it's only normal for them to be absent in the morning.

That's why most of the important fights in heaven's arena are held at night.

Ash stood in the ring facing his opponent.

A middle-aged man with a strong build, wearing his martial arts school costume, had already taken his stance.

"Begin!" The referee gave the signal.

The middle-aged man didn't make a move at all, he stood in his place waiting for Ash's move, ready to make a deadly counter-attack.

Ash saw this scene and immediately understood the opponent's intention, he had also relied on this strategy in his previous fights, so he was familiar with this kind of routine.

"Unfortunately, it won't work on me."

Ash emptied his mind and focused his energy; he said in his heart, "My body, I order you to become stronger and faster!"

His strength and speed soared until they reached the limits of what his body could do, and at the same time he felt the consumption of the physical energy that was used to realize his order. The clear indication was simply the feeling of getting hungry all of a sudden.

This time Ash didn't stop at one order, he added another one.

He focused his mind on the next order, looking at his opponent inwardly.


The sense of hunger increased, and Ash immediately understood that his order was implemented, he didn't waste time, charging directly toward the middle-aged man.

The old martial artist tried to get his body ready to counter-attack but was horrified to find that his body wasn't listening to him at all, he was paralyzed!

His eyes widened in shock, unable to process what was happening.

Ash didn't aim at the vital parts, his fist landed on the opponent's stomach, sending him flying backward.

The punch was strong enough to send him out of the ring.

The middle-aged martial artist tried hard to stand up, but he failed, his stomach is aching and trembling from pain, and he can't summon any strength at all.

The referee checked him, and after determining that he couldn't fight, he announced the winner.

Without wasting time, Ash headed toward the 80th floor, took the money he won, and registered for the next fight.

During the waiting time, he secretly took the food he bought earlier and ate it to replenish his lost energy.

A few minutes later, Ash faced his opponent; this time he was against a certain champion boxer. Ash repeated the same trick, enhanced his strength using Absolute Order, then ordered his enemy to freeze in place, using a combination of karate punches and kicks until he beat the poor boxer down.

Because This time Ash came prepared, he didn't stop until he reached the 100th floor at night.

If it wasn't for the heavens arena putting his two last matches at night, he would have already reached the 100th floor.

"Finally, I can have a decent place to sleep!" Looking at the room given to him by the heavens' arena, Ash nodded in satisfaction.

Without caring about other things, he jumped toward the bed like a fish jumping into water.

"I'm so tired!" Today he participated in four fights, the first two were easy for him, but the last two were quite tricky.

He faced in the third match a previous 150th floor fighter, that guy was different from the enemies he faced, he managed to quickly free himself from Ash's "freeze" order, and his strength was also great, Ash can still recall the power of his punch that he avoided in the last second, which created a big pit on the solid ground of the ring.

In the end, Ash managed to defeat him, relying on a technical knockout, by scoring ten points.

The strategy he used was to order the opponent to close his eyes or slip and freeze just before Ash hits him, so he can't avoid his punches. He did so until he collected the ten points.

The last opponent was a young man of the same age, The opponent had an iron-like solid body, and no matter how much Ash kept beating him, he didn't seem to get any damage. In the end, Ash used all of his energy and made a powerful order, which was "Sleep!" The opponent fell on the ground and started snoring loudly. and like this, Ash managed to win with difficulty.

"But I must find new ways to use absolute order, or I'll be in a difficult situation against the incoming opponents." Sitting on his bed, Ash starts brainstorming new techniques for his absolute order.

After a few moments of thinking, an idea sparked in his mind.

He stood up excitedly and started muttering to himself.

"I'm really stupid, I should have thought of this earlier."

"Instead of ordering the whole body of my enemy to freeze, I should order only a part of it, like the leg or hand, or even stop breathing. Since these orders only affect a small area and few organs, they shouldn't take a lot of energy to be implemented."

"Also, instead of enhancing my all-around attributes, I should focus on certain attributes only, like strength, speed, or defense, and once I make the final blow, I should use an order like "use all my strength." In this way, I will reduce the wasting of energy to the lowest degree possible!"

Ash's golden eyes glowed brightly as he found a solution to the lack of energy.

"But this isn't enough, in the face of those Nen users, I will be at a great disadvantage, I'm afraid even the simple orders won't affect them."

"That previous 150th floor fighter I guess maybe he is close to learn Nen, his strength already exceeded the range of ordinary people."

The gap between Nen users and non-Nen users is so big.

The Absolute Order superpower because it's so heaven-defying that he managed to close this distance, but unfortunately, the limited energy of Ash weakened it.

If this ability were to be given to someone like Netero, who has a huge amount of aura, he may even be able to destroy a mountain with a single order.

"Because I didn't learn Nen, I can only consume my limited physical strength, if I had Nen, then the orders that I can make will expand."

Nen is the art of manipulating life energy, what differentiates Nen users from ordinary people is that the first can control their life energy and prevent it from leaking, while the latter can't.

Everyone has the possibility of becoming a nen user, but they need talent, time, opportunity, and hard work to learn it.

"It seems I should find a way to learn Nen before I reach the 200th floor." Ash believes that learning Nen will improve his strength quickly, so he paid attention to it in his mind.


Ash's eyes opened wide as he suddenly seemed to realize something.

"Maybe I could learn Nen now!"

Ash knows There are two ways to learn Nen, one is by slowly opening the aura nodes through meditation, and the other is to get initiated by another Nen user.

The first is safe, but it takes a long time, and without the guidance of a master, only gods know when he will open all of his aura nodes.

The second is fast but accompanied by a certain risk, if the person who initiates him has the slightest bit of malicious intent toward Ash or low mastery over Nen, then Ash will be at risk of getting injured or even disabled, the worst case is losing his life directly.

But Ash doesn't intend to use these two methods, he wants to——

"Self-initiation!" Ash said with a big smile on his face.

"Others need either to spend a lot of time to guide their life energy to open their aura nodes from the inside or some sort of external stimulation, but I don't need to spend the time like the first group, nor do I need external stimulation. You may be asking why?" Because... I'm Here!

"Ahem, wrong line... because I have absolute order!"

Ash's excitement almost reached the sky, although he gained absolute order and experienced extraordinary power, but Nen is different!

As a child, he had watched the Heaven's Arena arc with fascination, captivated by Wing-san's detailed explanations of Nen and the training methods of the protagonists. He had even attempted to replicate Gon's water divination method in the hope of making the water overflow from the cup.

Now his childhood dream may get realized!

He immediately starts calming his emotions, he sits cross-legged, takes a few long breaths, and the heartbeats become slower and more stable.

"The condition for absolute order to work is to perceive the thing I want to order, the aura nodes exist in my body. As long as I can see my body, then naturally I can order them!"

Ash looked at his hands and whispered.

"All the aura nodes in my body, open!"

As his words fell, he immediately felt a sense of hunger appear all of a sudden in his stomach. The extraction of the energy means that the order was implemented successfully.


Ash felt as if his whole body had exploded.

As if the door to a new world opened in front of Ash, he saw waves of white mist coming out of his body like a flood.

Ash was caught off guard, although he expected it, he didn't react quickly when it happened.

"Did I succeed?" Isn't this too… Easy?" Ash still feels as if he were daydreaming.

Nen, the mysterious power of this world, did he acquire it just like this? with one order!

Seeing the white gas gushing out of his body endlessly, Ash realized this wasn't the time to be shocked.

"The second step is to stop the aura from leaking!"

"This is all my precious life energy, I don't allow it to be wasted like this."

The thing Ash hates the most is the stupid wasting of resources.

His eyes focused on the aura escaping from his body and he made an order: "Stop for Laozi!"

Ash managed to perform "Ten," one of the fundamental techniques of Nen that keeps the aura shrouding the body, all with the help of Absolute Order.

Ash began to recall the fundamental techniques of Nen.

"First, there's ten," he thought to himself.

"It's the foundation of Nen, the technique that allows us to shroud our bodies with aura to protect them from Nen attacks."

It can be said that in Nen battle, having a solid, refined Ten is more important than any other technique, because without Ten, as long as the enemy manages to land a blow on you, you are completely screwed.

"Next is Zetsu, the technique that allows you to conceal your aura completely. It's important for sneaking and avoiding detection, and at the same time can be used to recover from fatigue."

"Then there's Ren."

"It's the technique that amplifies the amount of aura we can emit. Making the body stronger and more durable, it's a powerful offensive technique that can quickly increase the strength for a short amount of time."

"Finally, there's Hatsu,"

"The unique Nen ability that one develops through years of practice and self-discovery, It's the ultimate expression of individuality and creativity."

"Since I managed to achieve "ten" this quickly, should I try other techniques?" Ash was eager to experiment with Nen, so he decided to practice the remaining three techniques.

"Let's start with Zetsu!"

The zetsu technique achieves the effect of concealing aura by closing all the body aura nodes, so Ash tried to take back his aura.

Like loyal soldiers, the aura surrounding his body quickly returned from where it came, responding to his will, and then the aura nodes that were just opened closed completely as if they had never been opened. He achieved a perfect zetsu, not even the slightest bit of aura leaking.

The presence of Ash instantaneously decreased, even if Ash stood in front of an ordinary person now they would ignore him.

Other Nen users need to stay focused or take years to turn Zetsu into an instinct, but Ash has absolute control over his aura, he can play with it as he likes. This monstrous talent is bestowed upon him by the absolute order superpower.


Then he tried Ren, his aura exploded like a raging tornado, and at the same time he felt that he could destroy a mountain with one punch! Of course, it is just an illusion due to the sudden increase in strength.

Ash successfully used the fundamental techniques of Nen in less than two minutes, he skipped the process of learning and practicing and used them like the palm of his hand.

"Although I can perform these techniques perfectly, I need to engrave them on my mind, heart, and body until they become an instinct!"

Even though his absolute order bestowed him absolute control over his aura, Ash knows that in a life-and-death battle, the mind and reason are prone to getting overwhelmed. At that time, will he be able to issue orders in time? Only by turning these fundamental techniques into an instinct, he can rest assured.

Moreover, he needs to keep practicing these techniques to increase his aura vault and, at the same time, get used to this new power.

"Now remain Hatsu!" The thing he had been waiting for a long time is now a reality. He can also use the water divination to see his Nen category.

This form of divination requires one to float a leaf atop a glass of water. A student of Nen will place their hands around the glass and channel a greater than normal amount of aura; the resulting change

Nen is divided into six categories; there are Enhancers, this Nen type is characterized by the ability to strengthen an object or the user himself through aura, and it's represented in the water divination as an increase in the quantity of water.

Transmuters are able to change the nature and properties of their aura, as represented by the change in the water's taste.

Emitters are able to separate the aura from their bodies. The aura usually decreases in intensity very quickly when it leaves the source body, but adept emitters can separate their aura from their bodies for long periods of time and over long distances and still be able to maintain it and its functions. represented by the change in color of the water.

Conjurers are able to create a physical, independent, material object out of one's aura; users of this category can also create laws and principles and affix them to a specific area or even create their own pocket dimension. represented by the appearance of impurities in the water.

Manipulators are able to control living and non-living things, as represented by the movement of the leaf floating on the water.

Specialist can be broadly defined as any abilities that do not belong to any of the other five categories, making it the most vague Nen type. represented by the appearance of any other effect than those previously stated during the water divination.

If he can choose, Ash really wants to be a specialist; just like Chrollo's abilities, specialist nen abilities are all weird and mysterious, which is why he likes them the most.

Ash found a glass water cup, filled it with water, took a leaf from the tree pot in the room, and put it on the water.

With everything in place, he stretched his hands and put them a few inches around the cup.

Then he concentrated his aura on them and channeled it towards the cup.

The water volume didn't rise, the color didn't change, and the leaf didn't move, but a few moments later, a change happened.

Small crystals start appearing in the water.

"It turns out that I'm a conjurer!"

Although a little bit disappointed because he isn't a specialist, Ash was also satisfied with being a conjurer.

The conjurer can realize all kinds of weird and unique tools with all kinds of abilities, like Kurapika's chains, Shizuku's vacuum cleaner, Kite's crazy slots, etc…

In terms of mystery and diversity, conjurers are only second to specialists.

"Hmm. What kind of Nen ability should I develop?" Although he knows he is still far away from developing a Nen ability, he still needs to increase his aura, train on Hatsu like what Gon and Killua did, and practice the advanced Nen techniques. He must lay a solid foundation first, then think about Nen abilities.

But he wants to have a clear goal first from now, so once he has all the conditions, he won't waste time and create the Neen ability faster.

"I think my absolute order superpower is more than enough, it's an all-around ability with offense, defense, escape, auxiliary, etc., so I don't need to create an offensive Nen ability, it's better to be simple yet with a powerful function."

"And this function should solve my current problem." Ash recalled the sense of hunger he felt after each use and the sense of anxiety he had in battle, always afraid that his energy will bottom out before the match ends. He dislikes that feeling a lot.

"It's decided, the Nen ability that I should develop must have the function of storing energy and feeding it back to me so I can use it for The Absolute Order ability."

He thought of developing a pure auxiliary nen ability with the function of storing energy and feeding it back to him.

The core concept of the Nen ability is established, now what he needs to do is just keep brainstorming.

As long as he develops this ability with the aid of a huge amount of energy and his absolute order, he won't need to fear any certain pervert floor masters, S-class criminals, or the incoming Chimera Ant invasion.

"By the way, I don't know what time in the plot I'm in. Is Gon still on Whale Island? Or did he already passed the hunter exam?"

Ash finally remembered that he needs to check which timeline he is in, so he turned the TV on and searched for the news.

He doesn't have a phone or a computer, so besides the newspaper, only TV is his source of information.

He searched casually until he luckily found a news channel.

He saw something interesting.

"The 287th hunter exam had officially begun, how many applicants do you think will pass the exam, Mr. Kim?"

"It's difficult to answer this question, the content of the exam changes every year, so anything can be expected, but I believe no more than ten people can become hunters each year no matter the level of difficulty!"

Ash listened to the interview with full focus, through it, he knows that the hunter exam already began three days ago, and probably Gon and others are already doing the test.

Ash didn't feel any regret that he didn't participate in this hunter exam, maybe the only regret is that he didn't meet Menchi. That chick will probably be an orange or green level beauty, or even more.

With Ash's beauty and reputation in Heaven's Arena, he can easily get a lot of fangirls into his harem, but Ash's standards are high, he doesn't want to develop a relationship with an ordinary gir,; he wants a woman with an adventurous spirit, a strong woman who can go on adventures with him. Moreover, they are only in the white level, and rarely there would be two or three yellow levels, he hadn't found any orange or green level beauties, so the investments aren't worth the gain.

For now, he puts his sights on Menchi, there are other targets, but their backgrounds are a little bit sensitive.

"If I remember correctly, after one or two months from the hunter exam, Gon and Killua will come to the Heavens Arena, and that pervert will also be here, with my appearance and potential, I will definitely be targeted, I must become strong quickly!"


Tears of sleep appeared in Ash's eyes, and without any further thought, he entered the sleep mood.

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