
Hunter x Hunter: Reborn as Ken Masters [StreetFighterxKOF]

This is just for fun, don't take it seriously. Seriously, if you taker it seriously, you are going to be disappointed. It's just a story that I would have liked to read around here, but since nobody wrote anything similar, I decided to try to write something. English is not my native language, and I'm using a google translator, don't complain if there are errors, obviously there will be many errors. And well, I don't care much, as long as it is possible to reasonably understand.

luck_cc · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 8 - Arrival x Fight x Decision

A few minutes later, after climbing hundreds of meters.

They continued to follow the rocky trail. And, fortunately, they have not had any unpleasant encounters with some type of bear.

However, they had with another creature, although peaceful. It was a giant frog the size of a truck. He was bathing in a stream. When everyone saw it, they had different reactions. But Keitaro, the guide, still remained calm. .

- You can relax. - Keitaro warned calmly, - As long as nobody disturbs him, he will do nothing.

Then Ken watched in awe. He knew that there were mystical creatures in HxH. But seeing one up close was something else.

He followed them again.


In an open and flat area on top of the mountain, you could see a dojo, and beside it, a two-story wooden house.

The three had finally arrived. A huge man with tanned skin, bald, and a thick white beard, and a small boy with short black hair were waiting for them in front of the house. It was Gouken and Ryu.

Ken was a little shocked, but he calmed down afterwards. They were exactly the same as the images he once saw on earth. Of course, in the case of Ryu, much younger.

The presence of the older man was that of someone very strong and who suffered many battles. The only difference he seemed to have would be the various scars on his chest. They certainly had stories.

- "Master Gouken" - Keitaro bowed his head in greeting. Followed by Sales and Ken.

- "You took too long" - he murmured - "I thought I would wait all afternoon."

He looked at the three. And then, directly to Keitaro.

- "Thank you for bringing them here, Keitaro, now you better go," said Gouken with a serene and calm look. - "Go, before dark."

"I will go. it was nice to meet them "- he waved to both of them. And they thanked me. Then, he started down the mountain quickly. Leaving the two alone.

- "Mestre Gouken, it is a pleasure to meet you" - Sales gave a brief Japanese greeting. Ken followed him.

- "Don't stand still. Get in soon. " - He waved to both of them, and entered the wooden house. - "Let's eat first"

Ryu looked at Ken, and then entered the house.

Ken raised his eyebrows, disconcerted. He didn't know exactly what kind of attitude to expect from his new Master.

"We'd better go, and don't keep him waiting again," Sales recalled. And he walked with Ken following him.


One year later

In Japan, on top of a Mountain, inside a Dojo

Ken and Ryu were dressed in a fighting kimono. Ken's was red and Ryu's was white.

Gouken was watching, sitting.

They took up battle positions facing each other.

- "Begin!" Shouted Gouken.

Ryu moves forward! Throw blows and kicks! Ken deflects and dodges masterfully!

Ryu turns with a high kick, and Ken blocks, taking steps back!

Ryu moves forward! And they exchange blows again! - Block! Kick! Punch! Low! Up!

Ken moves to the left! And he spins with a low kick!

Ryu jumps! - but get another kick in the chest! He almost falls - but he somersaults backwards and balances himself.

They look at each other and return to take up the battle position again.

- "My turn" - laughed Ken. Ryu signals 'Can come'.

- Ken's advances! And then kick low! Ryu's dodges, turns, kicks !. Ken's blocks, punch! Get it right!

"Uughh!!" - They exchange more blows,

Ken punches, but is blocked, so head on! Get it right!

"Hey!" - annoyed Ryu - and takes another punch in the chest! - "Uughh!!"

"Stay tuned," laughed Ken.

- "Stop!" said Gouken.

The two stop and return to starting positions.

Gouken looks at his two disciples. - "Greet each other!"

They salute each other in front of each other.

Gouken turns his eyes especially to Ken.

He couldn't deny that he was surprised by his development this past year. After all, Ryu has trained with him since he was seven years old. But since he arrived, Ken has been surprising him with the speed of his progress.

When his old acquaintance asked him for a favor to train his son in the martial arts. He thought about not accepting it, since the boy had certainly grown up in the middle of comfort, and would most likely complain about the exercises and all the extensive training. But then he thought that this was his friend's wish, so that he would give discipline to the young man. However, he soon realized that he was enormously mistaken.

Ken was very disciplined and committed.

In the beginning, it was certainly complicated for him. Running, carrying rocks, climbing rocks, pulling logs. Gouken was increasing the levels, with each step, he was increasingly amazed by his efforts.

Then, when he gave her Nen weights, in the form of vests and armbands. He was surprised by the child's cheerful face. He suffered a lot, but endured as a man, not as a child.

Throughout the year, he was always the first to commit and want to improve.

Even Ryu, who is a hardworking boy, still lacked effort when compared to Ken. He wondered how Stevan achieved that feat. Anyway, he was happy to get another talented disciple. It looks like Ansatsuken could survive the next generation.

Both were in fact very talented, and this made him wonder if he should start his real training.

Releasing their two Nen at such an age was a little risky, but their talents spoke for themselves. If Ryu was alone, he thought he could wait a few more years. But now that he had a teammate to compete with, he believed this would be a good challenge for him.

Short chapter. I still don't know how to do action scenes. But eventually I will have to learn, at least to make them acceptable.

Recently, I am seriously considering giving up on King of Fighters. I was watching some videos about the story and some texts there and here. And I realized that after the first saga, the Orochi saga, it becomes very confusing.

The developers themselves don't understand it very well. And they need to keep making amendments.

So maybe it's just Hunter x Hunter and Street Fighter. Anyway, if there is any change, it will be when I rewrite history. And I only intended to do this when I have 15 chapters.

I'm going to start speeding up events a little bit, because of that, in order to have at least more action scenes and some lemon scenes.

Thanks for reading.

luck_cccreators' thoughts