
Friends Of Alisa - Chapter 13

Marcus did not know anything about Filvarno Island, but it is still possible that there are islands and places that the Hunter x Hunter universe did not contain.

This is because in the end when Marcus was reading the original book and watching the anime, he always went with the protagonist, and they only been three to four places in the whole world.

So it is normal to encounter different places other than the protagonist been.

But Marcus was a little bit surprised that Alisa was a hunter from the Hunter Organization.

It was still good nonetheless, at least he knew that what kind of harm can come to himself by the Alisa.

All nen masters and hunters, people with deep backgrounds knew that in the world they live in there are many strong people with no moral thoughts and will kill anybody they want without a second thought.

So, Marcus was happy that Alisa had at least one kind of discipline program by being a hunter.

At that time, Alisa started talking.

"You said that you are a specialist, but don't you think that it is weird that your wounds healed up this fast even with the pills I gave you"

Marcus shook his head and spoke with a smile on his face as he sat on the side of the couch.

"I know that I am not experienced in battles and other things, but even I can understand that the pill you gave me was an ability of someone you know"

After these words from Marcus, Alisa laughed and nodded.

"You are right about that, the creator of that pills is my close friend, it is her ability"

Marcus smiled and did not say anything. But Alisa talked again about the creatures.

"Human-Mantis creatures are fascinating creatures with strong physical power and speed, the Hunter Organization was inspecting them closely because they scared of something"

At that time eyes of Marcus got serious and he finished the words of Alisa

"Intelligence ?"

Alisa then took a deep breath and nodded.

"You are right, they are scared what will happen if these creatures develop "Intelligence" that rivals to human and in the end learn about the nen"

Marcus then furrowed his brows and started thinking as he put his right hand on his chin.

"It is pretty similar to the situation from the original universe, the "Chimera Ants", but I don't think these creatures will do that because they can evolve like the Chimera Ants"

At that time the something hit the door and Alisa turned her head and yelled.

"Come in"

After Alisa yelled, two people entered the room, one of them was a man in his 30s and another one is a woman with black hair and black eyes, looked a little bit shy from the outside.

They both wore leather black clothes without any kind of symbols on it. The man had a pretty average face with average height, he looked like your friendly neighborhood enhancement nen master, and as he entered the room, he directly locked his eyes into the Marcus, and the female one was not bothered by the Marcus at all.

At that time Alisa got up from her couch and Marcus followed her and then she talked.

"These two are my friends, Barkas and The girl, I talked about you the pills her name is Pelis"

Marcus nodded his head a sign of welcoming the two and started talking.

" I am Marcus, nice to meet you two"

Barkas and Pelis just nodded and they all sit on the couch as Alisa was preparing the tea for them.

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