
Ch 15

Noah yawned while looking at the portal in front of him. A couple of feet away from him, Sam can be seen talking to the six random hunters on their team.

After a while of talking Sam comes back. "Alright, I talked to them and explained that me and you will be splitting up temporarily to train on some basic E rank monsters and we will meet up to fight the boss."

"Alright, so we can go into the market during that time." Noah then stretched his body before meeting up with the other hunters preparing to enter.


When they entered they were introduced to a land similar to the Grand Canyon with tall rock walls and a couple pathways. Sam and Noah then proceeded to note the area as they split up with the group.

After walking cautiously for a few minutes, Noah found a secluded spot to set up his portal. After entering Sam cautiousness disappeared, being replaced with excitement. He quickly ran to grab a ticket and to look to see if their was any new gear. All he found was the fox sword, a chest plate with a bear carved into it that Noah gained during a portal expedition, and red earrings that Sam gave him the last time he entered to buy stat coins.

Noah followed him to grab and equip them. After grabbing the bear chestplate, Sam finally reached the counter.

"Come on, hurry up, Lets trade pleease," Sam says looking like a kid in a candy shop.

[Trade successful

Int +5 obtained

+1 lvl gained]

Noah smirked, adding a point to Int before looking at his stats.








"Alright, ready to test our new powers on some test dummies and the gigantic test dummy too?" Noah then started walking to the golden portal.

"Yes I definitely am," Sam replied, understanding what the dummies were.


After exiting the portal Noah and Sam then proceeded to search for any monsters. They soon found a couple of monsters that looked like a mixture between a mantis and a tiger. It had a thin and long body with razor sharp claws and a blade attached to each forearms.

"You ready," Noah says, activating Phy up completely.

"Of course." Sam was confident with dealing with multiple (F) ranked monsters. He could easily deal with (F) ranked monsters when his ability became F ranked. Now that it was E ranked, even though it wasn't as big of a difference as when it upgrade to F from G, Sam can breeze through multiple monsters with his now more efficient and powerful fire attacks.

Their were 4 tiger mantises in Noah and Sam's path. Sam conjured fire onto his fist before rushing towards the group. He spins his body off the ground to dodge an incoming claw swipe and to generate a small fire tornado to burn the nearby mantises and deter more from attacking.

using his hand as a swivel, Sam spins his legs to cause a expanding ring of fire to hit and push the mantis, clearing up the space.

Quickly getting onto his feet, Sam sent a fire punch that immediately exploded on contact blowing the mantis head clean off.

"Now that you had a chance to test out your ability it is time for me to test mine."

Noah took out an F+ rank black fox sword. Enchanting it and his body with force, Noah dash towards the one of the three remaining mantises. As he closed onto his target, it and another mantis nearby swung at him. Using telekinesis, Noah changed the trajectory of the swipe up while lowering himself to dodge it leaving the mantis open. Noah chucked his sword at the mantis cutting one of its arm joints off when he was aiming for the head. Noah then redirected the sword again to turn back and managed to pierce through the mantises head, returning back to his hand.

the other mantis took this opportunity to attack during all this. Noah activated Phy up to tank the attack. The swipe left a cut about a centimeter deep. He then activated regeneration healing up the wound.

'Let try out my physical abilities now.'

Noah dashed at the attacking mantis, deflecting an incoming swipe attack. Using his left hand, he sent a haymaker punch to the mantises face, knocking it off balance before Noah finishes it off by beheading it.

Switching to the last mantis, Noah quickly asked Sam to back off before sending an swipe made of wind, water, and fire. The range attack was pretty far allowing the mantis enough time to react be trying to strike it. The elemental swipe instantly cleaved through the tiger mantis's blade and its torso almost as if it wasn't there.

Sam looked at Noah in shock.

'This dude is crazy, not only was he able to move those claws without concentrating, but the ability to instant kill E rank monsters with stats that should be around either a high F rank or a F+ rank hunter is mind boggling.'

Noah not noticing Sam gaze was thinking about the recent quick battle.

'I can probably kill an E rank king beast if I use everything, but I won't be able to take hits even with steel body and the Con given when using Phy up unless my Con stat increases. It won't be too detrimental with my regeneration, but that ability will suck my mana dry even with 50 points in Wis if I get hit around several times by a E rank monster. This is with me only using mana on healing. If I was using all my mana draining abilities then it will last for about two or three hits before I'm out of mana.'

Noah closed his eyes briefly.

'Too fix this problem I could either increase my maximum mana by putting points in Wis or reduce the mana cost by increasing Con (The mana cost of regen is based on how bad the injury is) or my ability rank. Well I say to increase Con so I have more stamina, vitality, and defense.'

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