
Chapter 12

"i accept these conditions, can you give me this month's payment so i can do my thing" Akira said.

"of course, I'm happy to see you become a part of this association" said the CEO smiling he then made some calls to send money to the new S-Class hero.

"we will create a bank account for you, where we will deposit your monthly payment and don't worry about the paperwork needed" said the CEO.

"sorry for the trouble" Akira said.

"if you don't mind can you show your face so that the other S classes trust you" the CEO said smiling awkwardly as if he knew how would the heroes react.

"I'll show them my face next time they regroup for a meeting or something like that" Akira said while walking towards the elevator.

After leaving the heroes association he changed his clothes.

*he stopped time and took some fresh clothes in a nearby store*.

"I'll buy a big house with a pool so that i can relax and enjoy my life here".

Akira went to an agency and bought a house a little bit far from the HQ so that he can avoid the destruction of his new cozy house.

Then he relaxed an turned on the TV to see the news.

He mainly saw the reports of casualties and monetary losses caused by Carnage Kabuto plus the fall of 2 A-Class heroes Mustachio and Golden ball.

He was about to doze off when he heard the journalist speaking about the hero that saved the day.

".... and as this recorded video shows the man jumped into danger while injured just to help civilians and from this we see a probably new powerful hero, if that's the case then most people want to call him Godspeed, this was xxxx from xx news".

Akira looked at the TV baffled and speechless by the name he got, "*sigh* who cares? it's just a nickname" he got up from the couch and wanted to sleep on his bed.

"a lot happened today, i will go sleep" Akira slept like a baby.


Akira woke up, brushed his teeth and stretched, he saw the news on his phone.

{A new S-Class hero emerges from nowhere}

{A speed type hero faster than sound?}

"faster than sound? bitch please, I'm faster than time baby".

He got out and started exercising his muscles and swinging his sword.

After hours, he heard his phone ring, he picked it up.

"hello" Akira said.

"hello sir, after reviewing the fight you had with the monster which was probably a mid-tier dragon level threat (a reason) and Taking in account the evaluation of the S-Class hero Flashy Flash, we decided to put you above Flashy Flash, in other words you are rank 13 out of 17, and people want to call you Godspeed, do you want to keep this nickname or not, sir?".

(Genos isn't a registered hero yet)

'i honestly don't care about the ranking as long as i have fun, it's all good'.

"it's okay, just keep it like than it doesn't matter, and thanks for the update" Akira thanked the guy who called him.

"it's my pleasure" said the guy and he cut the line.

'well i think Genos will be my junior, huh' Akira thought.

"well let's take a stroll and see what i can do today" he put the black mask in his pocket and got out.

After entering a restaurant and sitting, the waiter came to get his order, he smiled and said "it will be ready in a moment" and went to continue his work.

Akira was looking out of the window and saw someone buff, who was most likely a hero considering all the people taking pictures of him.

"it's weird how the crime rate is high, with all these 'heroes' roaming the streets" Akira said under his breath as he followed the same guy with his eyes.

"here's your order sir" the waiter came with the dish and some desserts.


Just as Akira wanted to eat, the hero from earlier entered the restaurant in an arrogant manner, and everyone stood up to welcome him but Akira didn't, which made people look at him with weird looks.

'Why the fuck do i need to stand up for a dumbass'.

Akira cut up the small cream cake in an elegant manner with a knife and picked it using a spoon towards his mouth.

"if this hero wasn't here you wouldn't be eating that right now, you should be respectful and stand up to welcome him".

"yeah he's right".

Many spectators began to become noisy but he didn't care.

"everyone calm down, it's alright he probably doesn't know who i am" the hero said as he walked towards Akira.

"yes that must be it" said a spectator (he doesn't deserve a number).

"I'm B-Class hero Bear fists (You have bear fists?)" the B guy said and looked at him expecting some reaction but he only got an indifferent gaze, with made him mad.

"so you want me to give you a cookie or what?" Akira said frowning.

After he said that the whole place quieted down.

"wha..?" even Bear fists was surprised, it was the first time someone said that to him.

"this guy is crazy".

The B guy got infuriated and he decided to scare the guy who disrespected him by crushing his table.

*Time Speed*


You could see a large silhouette getting launched just to hit the restaurant's wall, breaking it and the table shards all over the ground with some bits of the food Akira was going to eat before he lost his appetite because of a screaming dumbass.

Then he left the place to go to his home.

*inside his house*

Akira pulled out his phone and called the number he got from the hero association.

"hello sir, is there anything I can help you with?".

"yes please, some hero called Bear fists came to me in a restaurant and threatened me so i made him unconscious (he didn't lie) can you please deal with that? the restaurant is in xxxx".

"we will deal with it, sir Godspeed, don't worry".

"oh, let me tell you, until now the heroes i met aren't really 'good' heroes" after saying that he closed the phone.

'now, that this happened, i have some arguments against the association if i need them'.

After that he removed his clothes but stayed wearing shorts and visited the pool at the back of his place.

After a little bit he saw a silent drone watching him.

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yeah boi the longest chap

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