
Chapter 22 - The Players of the Underground (below)

By the end of the day, even the ever-strong elara was shivering slightly because not only was she going to the disgusting sewers, but there were hordes of rats, and just thinking about it made her scalp numb.

"You chose it yourself, don't run away." RICK, who saw through elara's mind, said with a bad smile in her ear.

"Now announce the plan." At sav's command, a huge plan of the city's sewer lines draped down from the second floor.

At each of the eight corners of the map, there are 8 red circles marked. Following the eight routes marked along this line segment, the group will head towards the sewage treatment center in the middle of the city, and with a little luck will be able to rendezvous there to complete a sweep of the entire city sewer line.

However, it is expected that one team out of all will meet the enemy early, and then the others must be notified at the first opportunity to quickly move to the battlefield where reinforcements are needed to surround the recitalists.

The team that spotted him first was responsible for slowing down the player by any means necessary until the rest of the team arrived.

It sounded like a simple plan, but everyone understood that the group that was unlucky enough to be the first to encounter the virtuoso would undoubtedly be the most dangerous, while the others who arrived later were more like groups picking up the slack.

No one wants to be the first to eat the crab, so the mission is more or less a gamble.

After everyone divided up the routes, Nan Mengxuan was assigned a route that was 20% longer in total length than everyone else, making it clear that it was bullying. Because the longer the route, if they encountered a virtuoso in the middle of the route, everyone's arrival time would be slower, and their own life to reinforce the other teams would likely become a hit.

Strangely enough, the Nam Moon-Hyun, who would have struggled to the point of redness with elara for tens of thousands of dollars, uncharacteristically accepts the garbage route that everyone is dividing up among themselves.

The operation was scheduled for tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. Because the city's entire underground pipeline was extremely large, it was estimated that the battle would most likely take 2~3 days to be completed in its entirety, so it was necessary for everyone to go back and prepare for it. Either to sharpen their combat knives, or to say goodbye to their favorite family members.

After the meeting was adjourned Nan Mengxuan was dragged by elara to the largest weaponry mall in the middle world as promised, there was no difference between this place and the shopping mall outside, except that grenades and sub-machine guns wouldn't be displayed in the windows of the mall outside.

elara faced the 7-story mall with two eyes, and took two men back and forth for an unknown number of times, one time to try this latest American silk body armor, and one time to use a trial submachine gun to beat the whole target to death.

Compared to the shopping street at the border, this place was simply heaven, the things were not a little bit better and not a little bit more expensive. If it wasn't for the fact that they had signed the crusade order mission and had the privilege to temporarily enter the middle world, rick and elara would need to wait for at least half a year if they wanted to see these things.

Nan Mengxuan's canine license was snatched to elara when she entered a mall, and just listening to the non-stop ringing sound of the card, Nan Mengxuan sighed that his hunting mission in the first half of the year was considered to be in vain.

When both rick and dignity could no longer be lifted, elara returned the dog tag to Nam Moxuan, and after a burst of false goodbyes, elara and rick returned to the rented practice room. The original messy place had been cleaned up by Auntie P, but it was immediately messed up again by a bunch of equipment discarded on the floor.

Buying gear with other people's money, elara fully proves the saying that women are the devil. everything elara takes is the most expensive, because in their thinking, the most expensive thing is not necessarily the best, but it must be the one with the loudest brand name.

Waterproof U.S. Army Special Forces special boots bought four pairs in one breath, a pair of black and a pair of camouflage color; high-explosive fragmentation grenades to buy is two boxes, that is, the whole body hung full of hanging can not be finished.

Countless unique military knives used by various national armies were bought, enough to open a museum. The most bought is still the firearms and ammunition, what P5, P military version, 417 assault step, 6-barrel Vulcan Green machine gun, Stinger anti-tank missiles ...

Still, one thing elara forgot to buy was an electric ammo press. As a direct result of so many guns, the ammo used had to be hand-pressed into the magazines themselves.

Depressed rick sat on the ground, one by one bullets on the endless, fingers are given to wear skin, elara is in the name of inventory equipment in the name of blatantly do on the side of laziness.

But the most pathetic is dignity this big man, fingers thick like a stick, even hold a bullet is difficult, but also forced others to sit on the side of the pressure of the bullet.

"I mean, are you really going to go down into that sewer and hunt that nasty rat?" RICK said as he squeezed the bullet.

"Don't make me think about something that disgusting ahead of time, of course I'll be there." elara played with her newly acquired dagger.

"What do you suppose they're going to use against that virtuoso?" rick's voice became so soft.

"That monster possesses 1,000 heart ghosts turned into evil souls, if we dealt with it in a normal way, I believe we would have given it a living hell before we finished him off." Elara immediately understood what rick meant.

"Hey, the first soul hunting mission we joined turned out to be a bunch of guys running after a kid who just exited at 20." RICK smiled intolerantly, "Don't you think we're no different from the group of punks who brutalized his family? Only we're greedy for more money ..."

"RICK, I get what you're saying, we're hunters, not hounds, and that kind of reward by killing hosts isn't uncommon to me.

So starting tomorrow, we will do our best to hunt down his evil souls, and after collecting up 100 evil souls with black cherry petals, we will immediately retreat." elara made up her mind.

"I hope it really goes as well as we planned." There was always an indescribable twinge in rick's heart.

With their minds completely off school, rick and elara rushed to the rendezvous point on the outskirts of town as soon as class was over. There was a crop field next to the highway, where elara's rented container truck had long been parked, beautifully named as her dressing command.

RICK had no right to go in, so he stripped naked under the car. On top of the bone shaping and practicing clothes, a tight waterproof combat suit was put on, pitch-black military boots, multi-functional bulletproof jackets, infrared night vision, 417 assault rifles, pistols, grenades hung all over the body, well a future warrior-like look.

Then look at Nan Mengxuan, the whole body is still the same set of unchanged denim backpack pants dress, behind the back of the inserted that mahogany long sword, only the chest loaded with yellow paper pockets bulging when.

"I say, we're going on a soul hunt, not a war, why are you bringing so many guns?" Nan Mengxuan finally couldn't help but sigh.

"What elara said, buying it and not using it is a waste, it's good to wear it out and pretend to be handsome, anyway, if it's broken, just wait for the next time Nanmongxuan-sama to buy it again." rick's bad smile made Nam Mong-hoon's heart go wild, it seems that this pair of female and male thieves are blackmailing themselves.

With a click, the container's door was pushed open from the inside.

Under the bright fluorescent lights, elara's exquisite figure wrapped in a high elastic fiber combat suit, that fit like nothing else.

The bronze-colored metal box hung behind her waist, these two pistols were strapped to her well-proportioned thighs, and later on her dark hair was tied into a high ponytail, like a playful female spy in a game.

And stand behind it dignity, a hand holding a Green machine gun, a hand holding an anti-tank bazooka, behind also hung two ammunition boxes, a good medieval stout knight, hard to dress up unorthodox.

"Really defeated by you two, whatever." As Nan Mengxuan shook his head and sighed, his Bluetooth headset rang, a signal for action.

Nan Mengxuan threw the two extra headsets to the two men, and only after putting them on did he realize that the communication network had already been set up, and that the 24-member team was all within this network, and the headsets also had pocket-sized cameras, which could monitor the video information of every member of the team.

And the staging area for processing this information, is in the mayor's building of the 13th metropolis, dozens of staff members, facing 24 screens, various instruments working nervously, while Milk Duds lay down on his side on a sofa bed, sipping the expensive red wine poured by the Cajun, eating his favorite milk lollipop, waiting to see the long-awaited good show.

"Depart!" In the headset, the SAV gave an order, and Nan Mengxuan pulled open the metal gate that led to the underground waterway, and the pungent smell immediately spread out, causing people to frown slightly.

The large hernia light that was mounted on Dignity's shoulder came on, illuminating the darkened hallway.

Following the dignity of the big man down to the sewers that even sanitation workers hate to enter, it is hard to imagine that this is also a sector of human civilization, arched tunnels tall enough for two people, with two-meter wide concrete roadbeds on both sides, and three-meter wide seemingly sewage ditches in the center of the intervals. Black sewage surface floating all kinds of garbage, have been rotten emitting bad gas, but only walked for a few minutes, elara has been choked to the point of crying out. It is hard to imagine, that the legendary underground virtuoso, actually can live in such an environment for several years long ...

For the flip side, dignity and elara go one way, and rick and Namunghun go the other.

"I say, did you bring your gas mask? I can't take it anymore." elara said with difficulty.

"Bear with me, it'll take some getting used to." Holding his assault rifle flat, rick carefully pushed forward.

"Can't help it, Nan Mengxuan, lend me some of your yellow paper to cover my mouth, do you hear me? Nan Mengxuan!" elara shouted, dignity also at the same time turned back to shine the light behind rick, only to see a Nanmongxuan who was following rick stayed in place and didn't move.

"Hey, acting like a ghost to scare me don't blame me for lighting your head on fire." RICK pushed Nan Mengxuan, only to see the skinny body instantly turn into a pair of charms that floated down to the ground, and his headphones rolled to the side with it.

"Holy shit, kid you sure are fucking treacherous." RICK's bad feeling turned into reality.

Countless curses from the other teams also immediately came from the communication headset, but things had come to a head, so they could only take this on.

No longer paying attention to the missing Nan Mengxuan, rick and elara move forward according to the original plan ...