

In a world divided by magic and technology, there were a hundred years of war to determine who should rule, one is The Liwa Continent in the east where the fantasy and magic reside, the other one is Cadi the region from the west where technology and science thrive.

The two regions have been stuck on a ceasefire for the last 20 years after the dark god intervene.

The dark god was a being with an unknown origin, no one could explain its existence in how it came to be.

It just suddenly emerges in the middle of the battlefield between the two regions, then it annihilated almost any being that came in contact with it, driving the two sides from further extinction.

Giving the two factions no choice but to make a temporary truce.

Both sides work together to defeat the dark god, forging a weapon combined with magic and technology wielded by the chosen one.

In a last-ditch of effort, they manage to come out victorious but at a cost of everyone's life that partake in the battle, even the hero doesn't leave any traces left.

One thing is for certain after the victory, is no one knew how long would the truce will last.

but until then both sides agree on not entering each other border by then.

and after 20 years have passed they are still reclaiming their lost resources.

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