
Transmigrating into a World of Cultivation

Chapter 1: Transmigrating into a world of Cultivation.

'Damm! Why am I feeling suffocated? I thought I died after jumping in to save that kid,' Ren pondered when he felt a skeletal hand attempting to squeeze the life out of him.

A sickening, noxious odor emanated from their flesh, nauseating the struggling Ren profoundly. Struggling to grasp a breath, he unleashed a punch with his free left hand. Thanks to whatever it was that was trying to kill him focusing solely on his neck, the punch connected effortlessly, and a loud "Bang" rang out.

Ren breathed laboriously and jumped to his feet, trying to assess the situation with a clearer eye.

In the distant horizon, amid a wreckage of shattered bricks and dirt, he spotted a humanoid figure possessing pallid and mottled skin, with patches of dark decay clinging awkwardly to its skeletal frame. Clad in tattered and blood-stained clothes, the creature's eyes were hollow and devoid of life.

Ren's eyebrows raised slightly. "A zombie?"

His expression shifted further as he watched the grotesque creature approach him with its unnerving gait. Ren knew that this wasn't the time to think; he first needed to confront the zombie before evaluating the situation further.

'A weapon must be somewhere.'

In an instant, the young man's gaze fell upon a dagger concealed beneath a mound of dirt. He picked it up and wielded it against the agonizingly slow zombie.

The dagger pierced through its skull, spilling gooey contents and the zombie's brain matter onto the ground, then an appalling stench emanated from the repulsive contents. A few breaths later, the zombie collapsed to the ground lifeless.

"Where am I? This doesn't seem like heaven or hell," Ren inquired as he surveyed his surroundings. All he could see were several rows of dilapidated buildings in pitiable condition. It almost seemed as if this place had once been a battlefield of some sort, as Ren could even discern some destroyed heavy machinery.

"This appears to be a city, but…"

The city was dim, desolate, and seemed to have been deserted for years. Here and there, faint sounds of the wind could be heard. The sight of this ruined city was somewhat unsettling, but Ren remained undaunted.

What more could a deceased man fear?

"How did I get here? I sense it. I saved that child, but in the end, I was struck."

On his way home from work, he'd attempted to rescue some careles kid and was hit by a truck!

Yup, as clich as it might sound, It was always the damm trucks!

"Did I somehow reincarnate like those online novels Xin used to read?"

In the past, Ren had watched Xin avidly reading web novels with enthusiasm in her eyes. Imagining their moments brought a smile to his face. If he could recall, Xin was a fan of overpowered main characters.

She would often times leap around, making amusing gestures. Ren would occasionally told her to cease reading those stories because of her eccentric behavior.

But the lovely girl would stick her tongue out in a childish manner and say, "Never!"

"Sigh! It would be very difficult to forget about you, Xin."

"Hey, look this way."

Ren heard a voice. He gazed around with perplexity in his eyes before his eyes settled on a floating orb with a spectral appearance, complete with eyes and a mouth.

Seeing this peculiar entity, Ren remained unfazed. Instead, he posed a question. "Where am I?"

"Fascinating, you're not frightened of me, I see."

"Bro, I'm already dead, what can some talking ghost do?"

"True." The spectral orb attempted to nod its head but realized it lacked a neck. It awkwardly regarded Ren once more. "Regarding your question about where you are?"

Ren nodded, urging the ghost to continue. "You're in an parallel world teeming with Spirit Qi, a world of cultivation where the powerful are revered and the feeble are scorned."

'Let me guess: I fall into that feeble category?' Ren flashed a wry smile. The term Qi didn't ring a bell. He was utterly clueless about what it even signified since he had never perused light novels.

However, the unfamiliar term wasn't important at the moment. What mattered was…

"Parallel world? Does that mean Xin is also in this world?" Ren asked with hopeful eyes.

In his previous life, Ren had lost his girlfriend, who had battled a rare ailment in secret, to the cruel hands of death. Since then, he had lost all purpose and led a mundane, uneventful office life. On several occasions, he had even contemplated ending his own life but lacked the resolve.

Hearing that Xin might exist in this world filled him with joy.

The pale ghostly orb hesitated. "Fortunately, yes, but she may or may not recollect your love."

Ren experienced a whirlwind of emotions. He felt elated that he had transmigrated to a parallel world and Xin was still alive here, but it pained him deeply to learn that Xin might not have any memory of their love.

Ren smiled.'Sigh. At least she is alive.'

The pale ghostly orb provided him with some basic information. From this information, Ren deduced that even in this world, he remained Ren Tao. He had the same parents, and the world remained the same Earth with all the nations intact.The sole significant divergence was that this world was infested with zombies, ferocious monsters, and Gates, from which monsters could emerge if not sealed, opening up sporadically.

The Ren Tao of this world attended the revered and famous Immortal Academy and presently found himself in a ravaged city named Abaddon.

One might wonder how he ended up here and battling zombies.

Coincidentally, the Ren Tao of this world also held affections for Xin and had made his intentions known. Upon discovering this, Gao Yan, another of Xins suitors, approached Ren Tao and assigned him the task of retrieving a treasure left behind by a deceased cultivator expert along with him.

After parting ways to search for the treasure, Ren was subsequently murdered by Gao Yan and his henchmen just because he held romantic interest in Xin!

Ren had gleaned this information from the ghostly orb.

"When I return back to the Academy, I'll probably fake amnesia to avoid questions."

However, for now, he was in a city teeming with ravenous creatures. Survival was imperative. As he racked his brain on how to survive, the white-haired youth noticed a glittering object withn the skull of the slain zombie.

Next chapter