
CHAPTER 2: Broken Promises

About a week after Jody murdered the dog, life went back to what Cole would call "normal."

Mrs.Green "Good morning, class! Today we are going to do history."

Jonathan "Aww Mrs. Green history is on Fridays!"

Mrs.Green "Friday is your midterm. so today you will learn all about your A.I.E pro and naming your angel program."

Today couldn't be any worse for Jody. "They are going to find out. Is she going to have to leave again? The voice she long put behind her will it come back? Is that threat real?"

Mrs.Green "So before we start, are there any questions?"

Natalie "What do the colors mean?"

Mrs.Green "Good question, Natalie! You might want to take notes. This will be on the midterms as well, the blue eyes. The blue eyes are controlled by the angel program. Its proper name is program-code root 1a angel. Green eyes are prisoners. Their A.I.E program has been deactivated by a yellow film that resets it. This way, they will be fully rehabilitated when re-entering the civilian sector, prompt capture is important. Once their eyes turn red, there is no going back that we have found so far. If you see green eyes anywhere get a law enforcement officer. Black means they are dead. Grey means dying. White means the system is making a possible death alert. If you see any one of these get an adult. Now you can control the... yes Johnathan?"

Johnathan "Mrs.Green what about the red ones."

Mrs.Green "Ah uh, it's not really appropriate. But I know you're curious. Give me a second."

Mrs. Green didn't know what to do, so she called principal for an answer.

Mrs.Green "Yes hello sir. I was wondering if I should tell them about those eyes with her in here....yes...but Jody is.... yes sir....no sir.... but they are way too young to..... yes..yes..ok. Thank you. Bye."

Mrs. Green sighed, "Ok, ware going to discuss some sensitive topics that may be triggering to some. You are free to leave if you feel as though the topics are too hard to handle. The red-eye program is called Program-code root 2b demon. It's a sign that the person is really in need of help for instance, although rare when sociopaths and psychopaths are born their A.I.E program scans their brains and changes to adapt to their new host or it can happen because of a traumatic experience such as family death, rape or torture to name a few."

Johnathan "So it's not a guardian program?"

Mrs. Green "It's as much as a guardian program as any other. It's just a little different. It's extremely volatile at times and can at times do what is known as a forced possession. Forced possession when it completely overrides the host's wishes and does as it pleases. It will hurt when it wants to and do what it wants without command. Do not provoke any red eyed people, for your safety and the safety of others. However, remember they are just like the rest of you however different. They think, feel, eat, and sleep just like the rest of us."

Johnathan "So Jody what's your story? Someone tiddled your lady bits or were you born a weirdo?"

Mrs.Green "What the heck did I say? Did you not just hear what I just said. Do you want to die?"

Johnathan "What? Then remove her. She isn't fit to be around us if she's that dangerous."

Mrs.Green "By what metric? All she has done was score perfect grades. The same could not be said for you. Maybe you should focus a bit more instead of being a bully."

The class started laughing. Jody started to twitch. Cole saw her twisted smile from his desk, and it terrified him. It was the same smile as before. Filled with fear, he didn't know what to do and acted on instinct. Grabbing her and ran as fast as he could out of the class to an abandoned part of the school.

Jody" Let go Jody will kill them. Jody is powerful. Jody is not a joke to be laughed at."

Cole grabs Jody's hands "Jody...JODY!... We're friends, right?"

Jody nods, calming down a bit.

Cole "Ok then promise me you will never kill anything again."

Jody nods and cries "Why do they have to be so mean? All I want is to be a good person. Don't they know If I could change my eyes, I would? I would do anything to change the color of them. Did I do something that I deserve to be treated differently? What's wrong with me?"

Cole "Jody, you did nothing wrong. You are a strong person. You've must've dealt with this for years. I know I couldn't. I would've been hanging from the rafters a while ago. To be honest, I like those eyes on you. They are kinda cute."

Jody "You think Jodys cute? I guess they aren't all that bad then."

Cole "No, not at all."

Cole sighed a sigh of relief as he just avoided a major crisis. Seeing what Jody would do to protect him, he could only imagine what she would do to protect herself. Jody wipes her tears, and they walk back to class.

Mrs.Green "Cole, thank you. Here I am her teacher and could do nothing."

Cole "It's fine, most humans can't rise above their fears."

Mrs.Green looked down in shame as cole and jody returned to their seats.

Mrs.Green "All programs should be set to the default settings. To change them all, you have to say is change name program-code angel to blank. It's up to you to come up with a unique name for your angel. This will allow for further personalization of your programs to match your personality."

the lunch bell sounded.

Mrs.Green "We will continue the lesson after lunch so ponder the names of your program!"

Cole thought long and hard and decided to name his Angelos.

Cole "What you named your Jody?."

Jody" Deablos. It means devil in Spanish."

Cole "Well, I named mine Angelos it means angel."

Johnathan "That's not a word dumb ass. It's angēl."

Cole "Why are you still here?"

Johnathan "It's not my fault, stupid. Teach though it would be good if I studied etiquette."

Jody starts breathing heavy.

Natalie "Jonathan stop. Haven't you done enough to the poor girl? Leave her boyfriend alone."

Jody started to blush. Jody "B-boyfriend eeeek! I don't think im ready for that type of commitment but if you'll have me cole."

Jody looked at Cole with large puppy dog eyes waiting for confirmation. Cole blushed as he looks away.

Cole "Sh-she's not my girlfriend! S-stop being weird."

Coles words hurt Jody in a way that surprised her. He knew in his heart he shouldn't have said that. He didn't know why, but he was growing a small fondness for Jody. Johnathan and Natalie snuck out before the teacher saw them.

Cole "Nothing good is gonna come from that."

Once lunch was over, the students filed in giving strange looks at Jody and Cole.

Mrs. Green "Ok class, when we left off, I was telling you about the A.I programs. All of your programs can appear to be real because of augmented reality. The program learns how to do more computations as your brain develops, so it does not overwork your brain with information. Don't worry. Yours should be in full throttle at the age of nineteen."

Jody was sitting at her desk when a spitball was shot at her head. She tried to ignore it, not knowing who it was coming from. It would only cause further embarrassment for her to act out. Jody just stared at Cole, remembering her promise to him.

Jody whispering "Deablos. Take a picture and record all the time I spend with Cole."

Deablos "Yes, Jody. anything else?"

Jody "No, that will be all for today."

Deablos "As you wish."

Jody was angry, not at any one person in particular but herself. Why is she allowing these things to happen to her? Jody could easily handle anyone in the class. She wondered if it is because of her promise? If so, why is she stopping for him? Why does he care anyway? She couldn't quite understand why she felt the way she did, but if she was with him, it was almost worth it.

Mrs.Green "Ok class it's time for a video of our history and the history of A.I.E. It's fascinating, so make sure you pay attention. I've learned a lot from watching it. I'm sure you will too."

As the video played, Natalie handed Jody a note.

-hey im sorry about Johnny. he can be an ass sometimes >:(

don't worry. I think youre pretty cool!- Natalie (natty)

-Thank you for your kind words. I'm not stressing it, but I do have a question for you. - Jody

-ask away!- natty

-Why does everyone hate Cole? Did he do something?- Jody

-well, haha thats a long story but the short of it. cole excels on all of his tests. physical and academic but he barely participates in class and dont really talk to anyone but james.- natty

-Is that a problem?- Jody

-It wouldnt be an issue if james wasnt the most popular kid in school. Not to mention he just got here not too long before you. He would do great if he dropped his nasty attitude.- natty

-Do you know why he has such a nasty attitude?- Jody

-well when he brand new here, johnny found out he had a crush on me and played a bit of a mean spirited joke on him. it was all in good fun, but he overreacted and got super pissed and went on a rampage. it took the whole class to subdue him.- natty

-Any reason why he lashed out?- Jody

- you sure do ask a lot of questions lol! but no no clue. his eyes turned purple, and he started mumbling gibberish. like he was speaking backward and reversed. - natty

-My apologies this is the last one I promise. Anything I should know about the class?- Jody

-stay away from james. he may seem nice on the surface, but we used to go out, and he was a real creep. he only wanted me to do creepy stuff and I wasnt with it. I swear he only wanted to fuck boys these days I swear >:(- natty

-Thank you. I will keep that in mind. I think the teacher is staring at us.- Jody

Mrs. Green took the cd out. She turned on the lights to see Cole fast asleep.

Mrs. Green" Cole! Sleeping in class again. I told you. You can relax during your lunch and recess break. You couldn't have waited for 1hr. Saturday detention for you."

Johnathan "haha, there goes your sleep."

Mrs.Green "Johnathan don't think I forgot about yours. It's time for lunch, so we will wrap this up when we get back. Cole, you must go to lunch you've slept enough."

Cole "Mrs.Green, please let me eat here."

Mrs. Green "eating in the classroom is a privilege you have to earn, and you cant earn that sleeping in my class. Besides, it will do you some good to have some interaction with your peers."

Cole was terrified. This was the first time he had to eat with the rest of the students. Cole ran into bullies just about everywhere else. He never told on them to not seem weak, but it's not like they were hiding it either. Each time it tears him down bit by bit. He often thinks of sticking it to them. It's not like they are even on the same level as he is. The cafeteria was packed as always, but somehow, Cole managed to find a spot to eat by himself. He was glad no one, not even Jody, was sitting with him. He was at peace until he spotted Johnathan.

Johnathan "Hello no soul Cole. Can I sit here, my dear old peer? I can see fear. let the cards fall as they may cos' you're fucking gay."

Cole "What wonderful "bars" dude."

Jonathan "What you eating no soul? it looks like spit."

Cole stayed quiet. He hoped he would leave. While Cole wasn't paying attention, Jonathan spat in his food.

Cole "Gross dude. What the fuck! Are you fucking kidding me! Can't I even have lunch? Why do you have to be such a dick? Huh? Can I fucking eat what's left of my lunch in peace please!"

Random people started yelling at Cole to shut up and calm down. They said that his problems weren't that serious. That his feelings didn't matter. That he was wrong, Cole's eyes glowed a bright azure blue. It was deep and rich in color. He started to tear up. Frustrated, he knew he couldn't do a damn thing to stop it. Not due to a lack of ability but from pride. He did his best to rise above his peers, to not be like them, to accept everyone for what they are. Never using violence to solve his problems.

Johnathan "What? your gonna cry you, baby."

Cole couldn't hold it back anymore. He started to hate Jonathan. So much, his eyes were turning purple.

Angelos "walk away right now, Cole. It's only going to end badly if you continue."

Cole "It ends today. NO MORE!"

Angelos "Is it worth losing who you are in the process? For what a few moments of gratification? You're better than them, prove it!"

Cole took his angels advice and walked around the school until he had to go to class.

Jody "Hey... Cole! Hey Cole! HEY! Don't you hear me?"

Cole "Hey..."

Jody "Is Cole ok?"

Cole "I'm fine."

Jody knew Cole was lying, and Cole knew Jody knew he was lying. Without skipping a beat, the final bell rang, and Jody ran up to Cole in the courtyard.

Jody "Cole! Cole you know Jody cares for Cole a lot, right? If anything is bothering you, anything at all. She's here for you!"

Cole "No, you don't. You're just like them. I bet you're using me for some sick joke Johnathan cooked up. Just leave me alone."

Jody "Yes, Jody does." All of a sudden, Jody's eyes lit up with a bright. Idea. "Hold that thought I know who will cheer you right up!"

Jody ran off. Cole just kept walking home. He didn't pay attention to where he was walking and ended up running into Johnathan and his friends.

Jonathan "Hello no soul."

Brandon "Haha no soul. Are you gonna get possessed again no soul?"

Cole "Leave me alone. I apologize if I offended you in any way."

Gabe "Nah nerd you don't get to get off that easy."

Cole tried to walk past, but Johnathan held his arm out.

Johnathan "Hey now. You're not going anywhere. If you're gonna, apologize and do it properly."

Cole "And just how might I do that?"

Johnathan "Get on your knees and bow."

Cole tries to keep walking. Brandon puts his leg out and tripped Cole.

Brandon "He said get on your knees and bow you piece of shit."

Cole "I just wanna go home. Next time I promise."

Johnathan "If you don't, I'll make you."

Cole "Yea and James will be pissed."

Johnathan "Are you sure that's something you wanna bet? I can guarantee you he won't do a thing. NOW BOW!"

Cole "You are not a god for me to bow to you."

Johnathan grabbed cole by his neck, slamming his head into the ground, leaving a little puddle of blood on the ground.

Johnathan "Now say I'm sorry Johnathan, you are my god and im not fit to breathe your air."

Jonathan's friends start recording cole as he says in tears. "I am sorry Johnathan, you are my god and im not fit to breathe your air."

Johnathan "Was that so hard?"

Cole "Not at all."

Cole tried to stand before Johnathan kicked him back down.

Johnathan "Where do you think you're going? You gotta pay tribute to your god! haha"

Johnathan and his crew beat Cole until he was bloody and bruised. Cole couldn't take it anymore, being unable to take them all on. When he found his chance to escape, he did. Cole ran as fast as his leg would allow. He stopped by James' house. Oddly he saw Jody knock on James door. They exchanged a few words and Jody grabs his hair and pulls him out of his house. She beat him badly. Because of his injuries, Cole couldn't move to stop her, so he just watched in horror as they fought. Mrs.Ambler, hearing the cries of her son came with a bat and started swinging at Jody, making her run away. Cole limped up to see if everything was fine. James had horrible injuries, but nothing that could or would potentially kill him. Did she keep her promise? Why? Maybe because Mrs.Ambler came to the rescue at the right time.

Cole "James! Are you ok?"

James "Get away from me. It's all your fault!"

Mrs.Ambler "What! James, It's Cole, your friend."

Cole "James I would never."

James "That stupid red eyed witch. Came and did this to me. She said you sent her to deliver a message."

Cole "What? That's insane! I would never ask her to do such a thing. How did she even know where you lived? I never told her that."

Mrs.Ambler "Why are you sticking up for her? That little girl is a demon. Look at what she did to my little boy! Who knows what she would've done had I not been here."

Cole "No Mrs. Ambler. It's just not in her nature..."

Mrs. Ambler butted in "Her nature is to be a demon! I think you should leave."

Cole "Yea, I think so too."

Cole walks towards his house. As he gets close, he is shocked to see Jody on the couch with his baby brother. the door slams open. Making Gavin cry.

Cole "Put Gavin down!"

Jody "Gavin that's so cuute. Hi, Gavin...mwah mwah. Jody will remember your name fow evah and evwah."

Cole "Put him down!"

Jody "Uh oh I twink big brobwer is mad."

Cole grabs Gavin from Jody.

Cole "Stay away from me, my brother, and my house."

Jody "What did Jody do?"

Cole "Where should I start?"

Jody "From the beginning."

Cole "How about you almost killing James!? Wanna explain that to me? Why did you do that? He was my only friend."

Jody "He wasn't your friend, Jody is. James hates you. Jody loves you. Jody could have killed James, but she let him live because you wouldn't want him dead."

Cole "Friends? I'm not too sure about that after what you did today, you fucking psycho."

Cole pushes Jody away from his house. Jody walked away and waited for him to go inside to sit on his porch.

Jody" 5.4. 3..2...1. Here he comes now!"

Cole's father pulled up in his black Humvee. Coles father was a strong, tall man. His was the sharpest in his unit. He had enough awards that you could eat a meal off of it. He wore that uniform like his skin.

Jody "Hi Mr.Yankell. Cole took Lil Gavi inside."

Mr.yankell "thank you so much, Nichole will be home soon."

Jody "No problem anything for Cole."

Sondi "Well I should pay you. So, come in and eat dinner with us."

Jody thought for a bit and nodded. As soon as she stepped in, Cole pushed her right back out.

Sondi "Cole what the hell you're doing young man."

Cole "Dad!"

Sondi "Is that how I taught you to treat your guest? Where is your military barring? She is our guest. So behave!"

Cole "Dad. She is a monster! She just beat the dog shit out of James, and he hates me now."

Sondi "Is this true, young lady?"

Jody "Um... uh yes, but I can explain."

Sondi "Better be a damn good excuse or you're going to pay. Possibly in jail time."

Jody "Where does Jody start."

Sondi "In parade rest! hands interlaced behind your back and your feet shoulder width apart."

Jody "Yes sir! Jody did it because James hates Cole, sir!"

Cole "Thanks to you!"

Jody "Sir it was before Jody was a thing he hated Cole. I thought he was Cole's friend, so Jody followed him. Jody made recordings as proof sir!"

Sondi "Blu-tooth them to me."

Jody "Sir, I don't think that's a good idea."

Sondi "do it."

Jody "Yes sir! Its files 233, 245, 276, 277 and these three are today. 300, 301, 302."

video 233 - "

Jody "James.. James. Hey, James wanna play with Cole?"

James "We are thirteen we do not play anymore. And no, I don't wanna hang out with that loser, Cole."

Jody "Why? Are you not Cole's friend?"

James "Yeah, best friends. hahaha"

Jody "Then let's go to Cole's. I think he could use you right about now!"

James "no."

- video end-

-video 245 start -

Jody "Ok we are gonna watch James what could he possibly have to do that's more important than Cole?"

James "Hey Johnathan I'm here. Yea on the corner. Oh, I see you, ight. I'm coming."

Jody "I'm gonna follow him."

Johnathan "You know I don't like this, man. Cole really don't do shit wrong to me."

James "You wanna be cool, right? Besides your girl is falling for him and it's gonna separate him and Jody. I've been walking her home recently."

Johnathan "Natalie would never leave me. But bro my boy is gonna clap cheeks?"

James "Yea give it a couple more days, and im gonna be swimming!"

Johnathan "ooo get it. Foods on you today."

James" I had it last time but whatever."

-video ends.-

Jody "See? He is telling Johnathan to bully!"

Cole silently looks at his dad.

Sondi "You could have told me, Cole. It's not stronger to suffer to keep your morals. Being a pacifist is just going to make them think you're weak. If you can't take them all on that's I'm here for, and a battle buddy like Jody is here for."

Cole "You've known her for less than a day."

Sondi "And she has been nothing but squared away. You could learn a thing or two from her."

Cole wanted so badly to tell his dad about how she will get mad and start going into a blood lusted frenzy, but he remained quiet. Glaring at the computer screen.

-video 276-

James "Hey Cole, I think you should take the long way home."

Cole "Doesn't Johnathan take that way home."

James "No come on last time was an accident. Anyway, it's the fastest way to my house."

Cole "Ok if you say so."

Jody "Cole...Cole. what's wrong, Cole?"

Cole "nothing."

-video end-

Jody "That's three past times he has done wrong to you."

Cole "You're making this up. You doctored film. James is my best friend no way he would do anything like that."

Jody "what will it take? Him professing his hatred? Well, these two was taken today!"

-video 300-

James "I'm gonna take you home today, Jody."

Jody "No thanks, I'll wait for Cole."

James "Cole isn't coming. he has after-school work to do."

Jody "No thanks, I'll wait for him."

James "Well he said to leave with me today. It could be very unsafe for a girl like yourself to walk alone."

Jody "I'm certain I will do fine on my own."

Cole "Jody! Oh, James hey man what you doin here? thought you goin home early?"

James "I was when I saw Jody here alone I was gonna walk her home, but I guess you got it."

Cole "Nah I got stuff after school. You can walk her home today. I'm glad you made friends with her. Make sure nothing happens to her."

Jody "But Cole!"

Cole "No, buts, school is out, go with James."

James "I got her. Remember the route to take going home. This time I personally made sure it was safe!"

Cole "Ok thanks!"

-video end-

video 301-

Jody's view is obstructed from behind bushes.

James "Jody! Jody! What the hell! I'm gonna be late getting home! Whatever catch up when you can."

An hour later, Cole walks out.

Jody "Hey... Cole! Hey Cole! HEY! Don't you hear me?"

Cole "Hey..."

Jody "Is Cole ok?"

Cole "I'm fine."

Jody "Cole! Cole you know Jody cares for Cole a lot, right? If anything is bothering you, anything at all. She's here for you!"

Cole "No, you don't. You're just like them. I bet you're using me for some sick joke Johnathan cooked up. Just leave me alone."

Jody "Yes Jody does. Hold that thought I know who will cheer you right up!"

Jody ran to catch up to James but she was too late, she went back to find Cole getting picked on.

Johnathan "I said bow!"

- video end-

Cole "You saw me and did nothing?"

Jody "Jody did! I went to get James. He has much more influence than I do."

-video 301-

Jody was breathing heavily from running so much.

Jody "James. Call off Jonathan. It's gone too far. It's no longer slight teasing."

James "Johnathan is Cole's bully how could I call him off. I don't even really know the kid."

Jody "I saw you with him. I know you know him. "

James "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Jody "I'm gonna tell Cole. "

James "So what? That faggot can't do shit without me. You know he doesn't even like you. Why don't you come inside, and we can talk? "

James to put his hand on Jody's shoulder before she swatted it off.

Jody "I told you I could not be friends with my future servants. Hurry! We have to help Cole! "

James "Well, I will help you if you help me with a little something. "

deablos "Jody I believe he is referring to a sexual favor. "

Jody" I AM NOT touching you. You can forget that!"

James "Come on your pretty red eyes are such a waste on a loser like Cole."

Jody "Some friend. If you were his friend, then you would protect Cole at all cost."

James "Give yourself to me and be mine. Jody, I've never felt this way about anyone before. I am in love with you."

jody "Eww gross. Jody will never go near a thing like you."

James "What, how dare you? I knew it, how could I be such a fool. I bet you're cole's little slut. Arent you? I bet he has a blast tapping that."

Jody grabs James by the hair, pulling him to the ground, dealing a flurry of blows. One by one, she made sure to avoid all vital spots.

Jody "I swear upon the angels in heaven and every demon in hell if something happens to Cole, I personally will come and pay you a visit."

James "I'm counting on it!"

Mrs. Ambler "get away from my son, you red-eyed bitch."

-video end-

Jody "Cole I hate to be the one to tell you he was your friend to hurt you. But Jody loves you. Jody is your only true friend. No one will ever replace me."

Cole "Get away from me."

Jody "BUT!"

Cole's eyes turned a royal purple.

Cole "I hate you! Everything was fine until you showed up! Don't you think I knew? Stupid! How dense could you be? Why else would he be my friend? I was ok with it even if it wasn't real. A blissful lie is better than the bitter truth. Couldn't you just let me have that? Everything you touch turns to shit. Stay away from me you red-eyed demon! These past six months have been nothing but cleaning up your messes! One after the other. The slightest thing sends you into a rage. Me begging on my hands and knees for Natalie to befriend you. Using my allowance and doing other peoples homework so they would leave you alone and this is how you repay me? I hope I never see you again!"

Sondi "I think you're overreacting. You shouldn't even be mad. She just wanted to help you. If anything, its James fault for the situation. Direct your anger in the right places!"

Jody looked at cole with somber sunken eyes. She knew he was actually mad at himself, but for him, she will take all the blame. She will single handedly take the burden of his hate on her shoulders.

Jody put on a devastated smile as she tried to fight back the tears. "Mr.Yankell its quite alright. Jody will fix it. Jody..." Jody's eyes started to fill with tears "Jody will fix it the best she can. So just wait for me, Cole. Just wait for me."

Cole "Get out of my house!"

Jody "Before I leave cole I want you to know my feelings for you run much much deeper than friendship. It was a short six months for you and a long six years for me."

Before Cole could get out any words, Jody presses her lips upon his. At that moment, it was as if time itself froze so he could notice her in every detail. Her warmth lit a fire within him that melted away his cold vexation. The way her silver hair gleamed in the moonlight. The look in her eyes was that of a somber yet passionate inferno. Her soft, supple, velvety lip, tasted like the sweet nectar of a yellow Iris. There was a delicate, distant smell of cherry blossoms in full bloom. In a moment, Jody's sorrowful face was at it's most stunning point it could be in Cole's eyes, filling his heart to the brim with regret. His heart stopped for a moment, or was it two? Maybe three? Four, five? Being stuck in time, he didn't notice his heart was a flutter. That instant, he wanted nothing more than to take back the words that hurt her so, to reach out and hold her. His anger reminding him of the pain he was in, Just as quickly closed his heart, making him do something he would come to regret, pushing her off his steps to the dirt below.


heartbroken, jody runs off into the distance.

Sondi "You should have held her close. Told her you loved her, cherished her. One day you will regret this ya know kid?"

Cole "I don't care. It doesn't matter anymore."

Cole storms off to his room for the night.

Sondi "That boy will be the end of me, He's so young and immature. God, I hope you know what you're doing."

Jody stops for a moment to catch her breath when it started to downpour. Her anger blames James. It accuses him of Cole hating her. It blames him for Cole not wanting anything to do with her. She was cold, wet, hungry. Her hair started to smell foul from the rain because of him. Her clothes were covered in dirt that's now turned into mud. She felt dirty and impure. Tainted, like she had betrayed Cole somehow, not that it matters anyway now. Hardening her heart, her eyes were the brightest they have ever been, she was going to make him pay for his crimes. That's when she heard the faint voice of the devil itself. one blissful sentence rang throughout her entire being. "kill, mangle, torture, hate, DESTROY!"

deablos "Are we going to kill him? It's not like your promise matters. Cole doesn't love you, anyway. "

Jody outside of James house. "Yea we are, I must make him pay for what he did to Cole and Jody. Cole, I want you to know if you can hear me. She's sorry, please forgive her."

Next chapter