
Without prior notice

Alpha Damien's POV


"Layla," I said while staring at her milk-like, flawless body while halting my previous movements

"Yes?" she replied with a silky voice and on her face is displayed innocence and a hint of smirk which gave me the opinion that she is doing this knowingly

Of course, she is I mean why else would she enter the bathroom naked while knowing I'm inside and also when she just heard not too long ago that I was aroused.

"What are you doing?"

"Standing?" she said indifferently, acting as if she doesn't know what she's doing both to me and my sanity

"Why are you here Layla?" I asked with a calm voice, I know what she's doing here, she's seducing me and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't working

"I came to take my bath" she stated as she made her way into the shower room and I couldn't help the way my eyes followed her every move which seemed effortlessly graceful and beautiful.

"But..." I started wanting to counter her before she stopped me with her finger on my lips

"But what Damien? I don't think there is anything wrong with me wanting to take my bath, I shed more than a bucket of water today and I was already feeling uncomfortable" she said while batting her long eyelash at me in a way I'd say describes enchanting most of the time

"Okay," I said not really having a say since she's right and also she's my mate, of course, she can do what she likes, but then I'm a man of plans, I can't give in to my desires even if that's just what Guy's aching to do as the wolf kept barking at me to be a man and show this little human what she's supposed to get for teasing an Alpha male.

Washing and rinsing myself quickly so as not to be too close to this female for a very long time, I made my way out...

No, I was about to make my way out, but then the devil called eyes decided to take a glance at the woman in the same cubicle as me, the same one I had decided to take my eyes off so I wouldn't fall into temptation and let me say, the sight in front of me is as sinful as it's displayed.

The way she squirted the body-wash on her palm and then rubbed her palms together before applying it on her neck and shoulder then took it again and repeated the same thing over and over again, applying it to her entire body in the most sinful way possible.

"What are you doing?" she said

"Yes?" I said with a distant look because I was lost, the only thing I could see is the way her lips parted and met with the way she talked, making me wish my finger was inside it, and the way her pupil bulged and shrunk as she stared at me

"Damien?" she asked as she held unto me my hand bringing me out of my reverie and back into reality, making me realize why she asked me what I'm doing, it's the same question I'm asking myself as I stared at my hand which was holding unto her hips possessively.

How I got this close to her is a mystery to me because the last thing I knew I was doing is making sure I kept a huge distance between us despite the small space we were both in

"Oww, I'm so sorry," I said as I hastily took my hands away from her body but then she stopped me by placing hers on mine and holding it down tightly

"'Bout what?" she said seductively as she pushed herself into me

"Hmm, uh," I said speechless and senseless as an un-describable sensation filled my senses. With my erection hitting the flesh on her stomach and her erect nipples grazing my chest I knew I had to get out of there as fast as I could but I couldn't.

"Damien" she whispered and I impulsively pushed her against the wall making her gasp in surprise but before she could utter a word I silenced her with my mouth, thrusting my tongue into her mouth, claiming hers, and binding us in a hot frenzy.

"Alpha Damien" I heard Gamma Andrew speak into my head and I immediately halt my movements

My Gamma rarely speaks to me through the mind link, he mostly writes letters to the pack house mail, my office, or come himself as his primary assignment is to guard the pack borders with some other designated wolfs so this must be pretty urgent and important.

Telling him to wait a moment, I rinse out the soap on my body, kiss Layla's forehead, and walk out of the bathroom with a still very hard erection.

"What's wrong?" I asked immediately I entered the closet

"Alpha Patrick of Shredders pack is here and without prior notice," he said and I stood rigid in my spot

This is not good news, Patrick is one of the Alphas that still belittles my pack and he's known to be a very cunning sly werewolf Alpha who had succeeded in taking over more than thirty packs in a hot war, broken people, and destroyed sanities with his army and although he irritates me to the core, killing him without backup will only cause my downfall as he has the support of Alpha King – an aged werewolf, also a born Alpha and who is the direct ruler of the werewolf race

"Where is he now?" I asked as I hurriedly put on my cloth

"I still haven't allowed him into the pack land," Andrew said and I breathe in relief, he has always been a wise man

"Search him and his entourage, high and low; everything and everywhere, without leaving a stone unturned, when you're done, take him to my office, I'll meet you there"

"Okay Alpha," he said and I could feel the respect in his tone

"Is he with anybody apart from guards?" I asked before he could cut off the mindlink

"His daughter is here with him Alpha"

"His daughter!? What... why did he bring her here?" I reasoned but couldn't find the perfect answer, this son of a gun is too sly and so is his daughter, I know they can't be here without any reason, good or bad

"I..." Andrew started but I cut him off

"Don't worry Andrew, just take them to my office after the search" I said before cutting the mindlink

Guy is on the edge and I know it's because he hated the fact that Patrick is here, and also he's the reason why we had to suffer ourselves once again.

I remember my first encounter with Patrick, I was 13. He had an issue regarding land authority with my dad as they both conquered a pack together but then he wanted the larger authority and share which isn't a fair deal.

He was very brutal to us, he waged war against us and threatened our peace for years and it was all during the time the moon goddess was against us and because of that, we lost so many warriors, elders, and pack members.

He and some other Alpha's in his region mocked and threatened our pack and our authority but then before things got too worse, we got the moon goddess's approval once again and got our glory back, but then, things weren't the same. I lost my parents and I had to be Alpha at a very young age, the pack was very scanty and was full of ruins gotten from war and because I was still young, people always belittled me and my pack.

There is one thing he's always wanted though, authority over this pack, and that is something I swore never to let him or anybody have.

"Damien," Layla said as she entered the closet clad in a towel and looking like a seductress

"Lay I have to go now, I should be back before dinner," I said as I rushed out of the closet with her chasing right behind me

"But Damien" she started but halted when I faced her with pleading eyes

I could feel that she wanted me here, with her; I could tell me not giving her what she wants is hurting her just as much as it's hurting me, if not more, but then duty calls. I can't neglect my responsibilities like that; I have to do the things needed of me, especially when it has something to do with the safety of everyone especially her.

"I know, and I'm sorry. Some urgent matters need my attention and I promise I'll be back soon, even before you know it" I said hugging her tightly, hoping she would feel what I want her to feel, my love.

Things would have been easier if she were a werewolf, at least that way she would also know what's going on and it won't be like she's in the dark all the time and it would be easier for her to understand the things I do and how I feel most times.

'Alpha Patrick and his men are fighting us!' Andrew said making me go rigid almost immediately

I knew that motherfucker has no good thing to do here!

"Damien!" Claire said as she barged into the room and in her eyes, I could see the panic and horror there making me know the rest of the things I had to know

"Keep Layla safe at all cost!" I barked before hugging Layla once again and barging out of the room

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I’m so sorry I’ve not uploaded a chapter in a while, I’ve been very busy and out of strength most times I feel like writing, and also I lacked motivation, but now I promise to do better and upload more frequently.

Thanks for reading and thanks for supporting

Love y’all very dearly

*Winks in V’s style and disappears*

Anony_Mous_1902creators' thoughts
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