
chapter 2

my gps showed that i was almost there i did a little victory dance. when i looked back at the road i see a figure of a person. i try to stop but i cant so i swerve as to not hit them. but i swerve into a tree.

my ears ring and my head hurts like a bitch. i try to open my eyes but it feels like cement is holding them down. i groan in pain when i try to move. i think that i may have broken something. but i am pretty numb at the moment. i can faintly hear someone pounding on my car or its the rain.

i try to calm down but i am shaking like a leaf. i calm my breathing trying not to have a panic attack. i control my breathing but the ringing in my ears hasn't stopped and my head still hurts. i feel around for my seatbelt button thingy. after a few minutes i. find it and i unhook myself from the restraint of the seatbelt. i fall forward hitting my head on the steering wheel. i groan in pain but i don't move off of the wheel. i use my left hand to search for the car handle. i finally find it letting out a sigh of relief i pull it. but i don't have enough strength to push the door open. i give up on trying slumping against the steering wheel. i suddenly feel like throwing up. i feel this strength surge through me so i take advantage of it and push the door open. i hurl myself out of the car on the cold wet ground and throw up. i will say that throwing myself out of the car wasn't a good idea because now my body hurts worse.

i try to push myself off of the ground and onto my feet after i calm down. but i just cant seem to do it.

"shit" i whisper out trying not to move every move i make it hurts my body more. i start to panic a little thinking that this may be how i die.

i haven't even started my life yet. i wanted to make my parents proud i can feel tears spring to my eyes but i push them down. the ringing in my ears has gone away now but my head still hurts. i cant hear over the rain its as bad as the ringing thats in my ears. i close my eyes accepting my fate i have always wanted to join my parents i guess i will just be doing it very early. the rain drenches me washing away the sweat and if i was bleeding then the blood off my body.

i feel the cold rain hit my face but i don't feel anything im numb to the pain. knowing that i will probably die right here i move my hands around looking for something sharp. i find a sharp rock and weakly bring it over towards my other wrist. i push the rock into my skin and slice. the pain gives me slight relief but the rain hitting it hurts. but instead of cringing from the pain i accept it. i have wanted to die for so long now. i open my eyes staring at the sky above me. the stars are shining brightly in the sky. and then its dark wait what how the hell is it dark now. its like all the stars have disappeared.

"my love" i hear someone say its a manly voice. and it sends shivers up my spine pleasurable shivers to be exact. i look over to the side and i can see him due to the street lamps.

"go away" i whisper in a shaky voice he sighs and pulls me towards him. im to weak to protest and since it will be the day i die i don't really care what happens.

"look at me love" he says and his voice is so enchanting that i am compelled to look at him. when we make eye contact his face lights up and it felt like something clicked. i dont know how to explain it.

"dont move or struggle" he says looking into my eyes. i dont understand what he is doing so i just give him a confused look.

"its okay kitten" he says and his name calling makes me shiver. i dont know why but name calling always makes me happy.

he picks up the same rock that i had and brings it to his wrist. my eyes widen when i see what he is doing. he just smiles at me and laughs a little. i give him a look that screams your crazy.

"yeah kitten im crazy about you" he says and my face goes bright red with embarrassment. i don't know what to say so i just watch what he is doing.

he laughs and then i hear him hiss in pain when he cuts his wrist. i cringe my heart in pain because of what he is doing.