

yes i made this lol

akaashi and bokuto finally ended school and decided to walk home together. usually by now they are supposed to be training but because of the coach being absent,it was postponed to nect week where they decided they would have 2 sessions,Wednesday and Friday.

"hey akaashi,my parents are coming home late today and i still have alot of leftover food.you wanna stay over?we can do our homeworks together"[bokuto]

"um sure,since you probably wont give your homework again tmr,so i need to look after you like a baby and supervise you whether you did you homework or not-" [akaashi]

just then,it started to rain

"uwahh!hurry!i dont want to be drenched and get a cold"bokuto exclaimed.they bkth ran as fast as they can to an 7-eleven shop.although they were fast,they both were still wet,especially akaashi,since his bag was smaller than bokutos and thinking baout not getting wet would disturb him,therefore he decided to take the easier side.

"come on akaashi,lets buy each of us a umbrella so we wont forget next time,and we need you to take off your coat,its so wet the floor is gonna fill up soon!"bokuto*

" no thank you,i can endure it for awhile,just buy me an umbrella"akaashi*

although akaashi was fine with it,bokuto wasnt.he didnt want his best friend to get sick so he decided to get home as fast as he can with akaashi and get him new clothes to wear so he wont feel cold.he grabbed akaashi's hand tightly and ran back home.

When both of them have reached home,akaashi was short in breathe and was giving bokuto the stink eye.

"you didn't have to drag me"akaashi*

"hais,dont think about thta anymore,hurry and go shower,i will bring you extra clothes,you're all wet dont stand here and wait for it to evaporate or something"bokuto*

" kay"akaashi*

akaashi hopped in the shower and bokuto ran upstairs to take a oversized peach sweater and some shorts

(these clothes arent worn by bokuto anymore but he got laxy to throw it away)

when akaashi came out of the shower,he found himself too small in the sweater,so small that his hands are too short,that the sweater reaches till above the knee and one of the sleeve are dropping.he didnt think much of it and just went to the living room to sit down and play some games.

Bokuto was in the kitchen when he heard some noises in the living room and just thought it was akaashi,he was frying cheesesticks for both of them.

When the cheesesticks were cooked,he placed it on a plate and brought it to the living room.

there,he saw akaashi immersed in the game that he was playing overnight and was trying to beat his high score.

just then,he blushed slightly when he saw one of his sleeve falling and showing his shoulder.he quickly sat beside akaashi and placed the food down

"oh you cooked something?"akaashi*

"yea...um i have something to tell you"bokuto*

" what is it"akaashi*

"i mean i want to tell you but like you need to give me your-"

"hold up wait im beating your high score"

"its important.."bokuto*

"well im listening so just say it"akaashi*

"i like-"bokuto*

he looked at akaashi and noticed he isnt listening

bokuto have liked akaashi since 2 months ago when he came stayed over at his house and when they went out to hang out.he wanted to confess to akaashi today but akaashi wasnt listening.

bokuto started getting frustrated.he grab the controller and pinned akaashi down

"what are you doing-?!"akaashi*

just then he saw bokuto in frustration and calmed down abit.

" okay okay im listening"

"i like you"bokuto*

akaashi stared at bokuto surprised,he didn't expect someone to like him and couldn't believe it

"dont lie haha"

"im not"

"stop playing- you can get off me now"

"i dont want to"

"if you have a recorder to shame me in school thats not happening okay- wheres the recorder where did you hide it?"

Akaashi turned his head aroumd avoiding eye contact with bokuto.he was gettiing red and didn't have the strength to look at bokuto.

at that moment,bokuto grabbed akaashi's chin and kissed him.

akaashi stared in shock and started trying to push bokuto away.bokuto wasnt stopping and got faster which made akaashi hopeless,he hold onto bokuto shirt tightly and closed his eyes.

"w-wait bok-"akaashi*

bokuto switch from his mouth to akaashi's neck.he started biting on it without giving akaashi a break

"w-wait dont do that!"akaashi*

he tried to pull bokuto's head above but to no avail

in the end,he ran out of breathe and just allowed bokuto to do what he wants

after 10 minutes,bokuto looked at akaashi and noticed how he was in sweat while bushing hard,not only that akaashi was also out of breathe and didn't have the energy to open his eyes.bokuto smirked and said

"so are you gonna say that im lying now?"


bokuto carried akaashi upstairs and placed him on the bed so he could rest,then he went downstairs to get some water for akaashi

when he reached his room with the glass of water,akaashi was sitting in bed and still was as red as ever.

bokuto felt guilty and quickly placed the water on the shelf and was about to go out when akaashi holf onto his shirt

"um..do you want to...lay d-down with me?"akaashi asked

bokuto smiled and quickly hugged akaashi while they laid on the bed hugging each other.

"i like you too..."akaashi mumbled

although bokuto heard it clearly,he wanted to tease bokuto abit

" huh what did you say?"

" i like y-you"akaashi said abit louder

"huhh?coudnt hear you say it again please!"bokuto*

"tsk i know you heard it well!"akaashi*

" heehee"

bokuto pecked on akaashi's forehead rest his chin on top of akaashi

when bokuto woke up,he found akaashi closed to his face that their nose were touching,however,akaashi was still sound asleep and haven't woken up.bokuto blushed and went in for a kiss.

akaashi woke up and saw bokuto kissing him but he was too sleepy to even notice.then,bokuto's tongue woke him up and he pushed bokuto slightly.bokuto stopped and saw akaashi flushed in embarrassment and hugged him.

akaashi grabbed his phone and noticed it was 11pm.

he quickly got up and was about to grab his bag to leave when bokuto hugged from behind which made both of them fall to the ground.

"just stay here tonight how about that~" bokuto*

"no thanks,i want to go home and feed my cat"akaashi*

" then can i stay at your house?"bokuto*

" um..sure"

i kinda lost ideas on what to write at the end but if you like it i cant make another chapter of it :') hope you all enjoy and give some feedback for improvement

stealavocadoescreators' thoughts