AU/Semi self-insert/ wish fulfillment/Prewett bashing/Decent Dumbledore This has been a kind fantasy/ wish I've had for a while. Harry and his twin growing up diffently, and with different outcomes. May or my not include some elements of my favorite fanfics but when I do I will do my best to hunt to the references. ‐------------ Darker back story for both Harry and MC leading into a smarter and less naive outcome. --------------- MC/Daphne Greengrass HP/Gabrielle Delacour -NO RON/Hermione- Always hated the jealous prick known as Ron Darker beginning/Gifts from ROB ------------------------------------ I will do my best to upload 1 chapter a day. If I fail to deliver, I sincerely apologize and try to upload as soon as possible. -------------------------‐-------- anyways enjoy
~???~ (A/N: something I want to be a surprise)
Hadrian James Potter-Black 5 years after the fall of Voldemort, didn't know how things would end up like this.
Broken. Poor. Dying...
(Before Harry's death/ 3rd person)
Discovers on a routine auror health check from St Mungos, he's dying from magical core collapse. After 17 years of being a horcrux and having his magical core still bound from Albus too-many-names Dumbledore as a child, his magic was collapsing. In the Wizarding world if you lose your magic, like the punishment of an unbreakable vow, you become a squib. However if one's magic begins to collapse, so does their life. This was happening to Harry and soon found out that his life, what little he had left, was looking hopeless.
St Mungos did have a restoration ritual for this exact affliction, but found he couldn't afford the required ingredients, let alone the cost of performing the ritual. Now Harry had always been wealthy, so he never really worried about money, but he didn't realize the true nature of his family.
The one he married...
Ginny Potter ne Weasley had been taking all of the Potter and Black fortune and wealth. It wasn't that she was greedy, she was just doing as she was raised to do. Her mother Molly had been a snake in lions clothing. Molly was manipulating, envious, and patient. As a former potions mistress, because at the time she was not what boys were atteacted too, she had been dosing Arthur Weasley with love potions since their school days and had "acquired" what left in the Weasley fortune and moved it all the the Prewett vault in Gringotts. Because she was ecstatic to find she could get away with line theft in this way, she began her malicious and greedy plan. She kept having children to marry into other families, but only two of her children followed "mummy dearest" plans. Ginevra and Ronald. They followed their mothers plan with love potions to acquire others wealth.
But Harry didn't know until it was too late.
Ronald had been dosing Hermione and Harry since their 6th year at Hogwarts to fall into their scheme. Hermione Granger was, by muggle means, wealthy due to her parents being dentists and because of her intellect she started receiving royalties for the charms she invented and her muggle business investment skills. She would never find out until after she eventually died several years in the distant future. Harry also would never discover this.
Ginny had stolen all of Harry's wealth but was finally discovered after her inside connection at St Mungos retired. Harry had learned from his new mediwitch all of his afflictions. Years of potion dosing and his magic failing.
Harry was in complete despair.
Harry had no idea that Ginny was pregnant at the time with twins to carry on Molly's line theft tradition when he received the news. Worse, was the fact he would never find out, because she had left the country to visit Bill and Fleur. Harry's emotional state was so chaotic that it had caused a bout of accidental magic further causing his to completely collapse...
Harry's consciousness quickly faded into nothingness as he slipped away from the mortal plain.
Harry had died....again.(Officially this time)
(Limbo/ 3rd person)
Expecting the same pure white version of Kings Cross station where he got rid of the horcrux in his scar, but didn't expect company like last time.
Harry was standing before Death.
As still as a statue, Harry was gaping his mouth like a fish out of water, speechless.
~"You arrived sooner than expected."~
Death had spoken in a deep whisper.
"Umm, uh, wha? When?" Harry rambled trying to be articulate while still shell shocked from everything he discovered at St Mungos. "When was I expected?", confused by Death's statement.
~"Hmm, you weren't expected to pass on until after your twins left for Hogwarts."~ he replied. ~"Fate must have done something. Again."~ Death deeply sighed.
"Twins!? What? Wait, Fate??"
Harry was completely confused, he didn't have any kids before he died. 'What is going on?'
~"Wait here for a moment, I have an idea."~ Death said with a borderline scary smile.
"Wha-" Harry was about to speak when Death was covered a flash of light and vanished as quick a millisecond.
Harry didn't know how long had passed as kept staring at where death had stood with his mouth still open. It was perplexing what just happened.
"What just happened?"
Another brilliant flash of light and appeared Death. Only this time he wasn't statue-still... he was keeled over bellowing with laughter.
~"Ahahaha!! Suck it Fate!"~ He loudly exclaimed stand back up. ~"Ah, I have an offer for you young Perevell."~ Death spoke gleefully and for an oversized dementor shaped entity, it was terrifying to Harry.
"P- Perevell??" Harry asked shakily.
~"Hmm? You didn't know?"~ Death asked . ~"Of course, your family goes by Potter now. Your family line came from Ignotus Perevell who I had given my cloak."~
Harry was speechless. The cloak. The cloak that belonged to his father. His cloak. He had been using Death's cloak.
~"Anyways, I have an offer for you young Perevell. Would like to live again?"~ Death spoke, further shocking Harry. ~"Would you like to change what Fate had designed?"~
"I, I can do that? How? Wait, before that why? Why me?" Harry kept stammering out. 'What does he mean? I can go back? Fate's design? How much can I change?'
"I have received permission to change the course of events in you life, because Fate had purposely kept messing up your world. You were never supposed to be bound magically, die so young, become poor and destitute. Fate had been using your reality to have fun and kept rewriting the flow of time so much that it has become doomed. But because you were the last of my avatars you came here. And please stop asking questions in you head, I can hear it all. Like a broken record, you are."
'Shit' Harry realized. He quickly calmed himself to listen clearly." Sorry."
Death sighed, with figurative eyeroll. "Anyways, I can send you back to your infancy, to live a different outcome, but their is a catch." Death spoke mysteriously at the end. "I will send someone with you and no, you will not get to chose who."
'Who can I c-' Harry's thought/question was answered before it could get out.
"There is a young unfortunate soul who was rejected from his own reality because of Fate messing with yours." Death continued. "He was originally from your reality but Fate had apparently been messing with your own existence that his soul couldn't be born. She foolishly sent that soul to another reality and started her mischief."
'Poor guy. Harry thought.
"Yes, poor guy indeed. He was supposed to be your twin brother." Death said. "He was supposed to be your support while growing up and be with you every step of the way."
"WHAT!?! I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE A BROTHER!?" Harry didn't know when this informational and emotional day would conclude, but this left him with more questions. 'Wait, he was supposed to be my twin. Then was I even supposed to be the fucking boy-who-lives?'
"No, it was supposed to be your brother." Death explained." He was supposed to be it. You both were supposed to live together and experience life together and defeat Voldemort together."
Harry began reeling this his memories of his torturous childhood. Reliving all the bruises, burns, pushiments. Being called freak. Starving. Not trying academically to not be punished for being better than Dudley.
"Ca-Can I ask if we were even supposed to be at the dursleys?"
"For only one day, yes. If you choose to live again, on the correct design without interference from Fate, I give anything else away." Death spoke with finality. "However, he has been here in Limbo for a short while, he was given the same offer, but he said he would like to meet you first."
'I can meet him??' Harry thought hopefully.
With a nod from Death, another flash happened a few feet away and there he stood. Harry's brother.
"Umm, hi. I'm Raphael."