1 HP: Towards The Peak

Chapter 1: The beginning

Ray was a Seventeen Year Old kid on his way home, his mother asked him to go to the store to get diapers for his brother, who was just a toddler. Ray only lived with his mom and his brother; they were what kept him sane. Ray's father left at an early age. Ray was not really bothered by it much ,but it did affect his mother a lot and he noticed that she started to get stressed throughout the years. Ray tried to help his mother out as much as possible, mostly just little things like keeping the house clean, and helping with her taxes. He wasn't talented at anything so he just kept his head down and went along with his life.

Ray was always interested in science. He just didn't have a knack for it ,but he was still able to get a scholarship for hard work. His letter was supposed to come in today to see what colleges would accept him. So, he was rushing back to his house and didn't pay attention to the street he was crossing. Ray started to hear sirens ,but didn't expect it had anything to do with him, he was wondering why they were getting louder. He starts to look around, and sees a black Toyota barreling at him, wide eyed in fear, he freezes. He feels pain, and hears screams ,he can't tell if it is himself or the driver. He smells the blood ,and feels the darkness consume him.

Ray wakes up wondering where he is ,but he feels peaceful in the darkness. Like it comforts him and takes away his worries ,but the darkness starts to change and go rampant, violent. Then quavers like someone else is here ,he sees an outline of a person in the distance and calls out "Hey" wondering who it is. Ray hears a voice that makes him quake and want to bow "Boy do you want a second chance, A chance to prove yourself, A chance to explore, And uncover the marvels of this world". Ray can hardly think he tries to say "yes" but his ears are still ringing from the noise.

Ray feels his soul glide to the outline and hears a whisper "Have fun" and loses consciousness, feeling his memories slip away.

Ray tries to adjust his eyes but he is having trouble, he hears cries and can tell it's a baby ,and a woman. He starts to say " Where am I ?! Am I dead !? Why is it so bright!? What the hell ?." He hears someone say in a raggedy but feminine voice "Look at him, he is beautiful ,Sebastian'' while the man beside her goes " Of course he is Miranda he is our son." A younger girl beside the bed says in a quiet voice " Daddy is that baby Ray" the man says "Yes Ava ,he is your brother do you want to hold him." At this point Ray is still trying to wrap his head around what's going on. The last thing he remembers is heading his way home, then loud sirens. He can't understand what's going on, or where he is, and feels like he is going insane and wants to scream.

He tries to calm down and look around, he is in a large bedroom with four other people, the oldest one is a woman with dark hair, round green eyes, and a scrunched up friendly face. She is wearing a pointy hat, with a bright purple robe. The woman who I think to be my mother is an adult that looks in her mid thirties, with silky black hair, and blue eyes. A younger girl beside the bed looks to be around 5 years old ,that looks to be an exact copy of my mother except green eyes, wearing a bright pink robe. There is a man with short curly brown hair, tall, the same age as my mother, green eyes, and good looking.

I assume the younger girl Ava, is my sister, the man Sebastian my father, and the woman Miranda my mother. I feel their gazes on me, full of love and joy. I feel a warmth I only ever felt with my mother, and holding on to my baby brother. I hear Mom and Dad thanking the older lady ,then they talk for a bit, and say goodbye. But the older lady does the strangest thing, she grabs something out of a bowl, walks right up to the fireplace, throws it in, I see a flash of green and hear her shout Diagon Alley and she walks in the firepit and disappears. 'OOOH SHIIIT."
