
Coup D'état At The Pet Store

After they left Ollivanders' store Xenophilius left them to shop alone for a bit while he ran some errands and went to Gringotts to withdraw some money.

Luna wanted to buy a pet for herself.

"You already have a companion after all, Sol. It's only fair that we get me one too", she enthusiastically explained to Solus.

"Sure, I think I saw a pet store around here somewhere. Any idea what kind of pet you want?", he smiled at her and asked.

"Well, preferably I would like a crumple-horned snorkak but I have never actually seen one and I don't think they would have one there", his sister replied, seriously considering the possibility of acquiring a crumple-horned snorkak in an average pet store.

"Haha, I guess asking won't hurt right?", Solus couldn't help but chuckle at Lunas lack of common sense. Not that one could fault her for it, her interactions with the outside world until now were very limited after all.


*Cling~~* The chime of a bell could be heard throughout the entire pet store, signaling the owner that new customers had arrived.

"Hello~! Oh my, aren't you two cute." a brown haired, chubby woman dressed entirely in different shades of brown, greeted the sibling pair in a motherly voice. "How can I help you cuties~? If I had to guess you're about to enter Hogwarts and want to take a pet with you~?"

Solus cringed inwardly. He really didn't like to be treated like a small child, after all he had been almost thirty in his previous life. 

"Ahem. Yes correct, but we only need one for my sister. I already have a companion. So, if you'd be so kind to help her select her pet." 

"Hmm~ what a well-spoken little man~. Of course, I can do that. Do you already have something in mind little miss?"

"Yes, preferably I would like a crumple-horned snorkak. But if you don't have one... I guess a bird would also be okay", Luna declared her preference with a dead serious look, dumbfounding the store owner.

"... I'm sorry, a crumple-horned what?? Uhh I'm sorry, I don't think we have one of those here", the chubby woman seemed to look at her two customers in more detail and only now noticed their weird looking outfits and the necklaces with realistic looking baby feet dangling from them.

Solus couldn't help but smirk seeing the store owner's motherly facade drop for a second. But she regained her composure almost immediately. 

Looking a bit disappointed Luna let out a small sigh, "What a pity."

"But we do have some cute little owls and other birds here. I bet you'll be able to find one suiting your tastes little miss~"

"Okay then, let's see them", she nodded.

The store owner took them around the place and showed them all kinds of different birds. There obviously were Owls, but also pigeons, doves, eagles, and even some colorful parrots. But pretty much all of them were more on the cute and kind or silly looking side. Those were the kind of looks an average 11year-old girl would prefer after all.

But Solus knew better than anyone that his sister was not an average 11-year-old girl. As a Lovegood, she too possessed the gift of sight and had been seeing all kinds of weird creatures and abominations for all her life. On top of that she had witnessed her mother's graphic death in person when she was but a 9-year-old child. 

*Sigh* "No this one isn't it either", They had been touring the shop going from bird to bird for almost an hour now and Luna looked like she was ready to just give up and leave at any moment.

But then, she seemed to focus on a dark corner at the back of the shop and briskly walked over. There, a huge, pitch-black raven with intelligent red eyes was perched on a piece of wood, one of its claws chained to the wall to prevent it from fleeing. It looked very intimidating and gave off an aura of cold and death. 

"Wow", Luna whispered as she locked eyes with the raven, both seeming like in some kind of trance.

"What about this one? Is he for sale?", she asked after a few seconds, still not moving her eyes from the feathered being in front of her.

"Huh? This scary thing!?", the store owner exclaimed, taken aback by Lunas choice. "... I guess it technically is, but I think this one would be a bit too dangerous for a little girl like you."

Luna stretched out her hand and the huge bird gently bowed its head letting her pet its feathers. 

"I don't think so he seems very kind t-"

"All right it's decided then we'll buy this one. Please pack us up the necessary supplies too. And then let's go, or dad will scold us for being late", Solus cut her off. Actually, they weren't pressed for time at all, but Solus had noticed something a few seconds ago. Ib was gone. For a few minutes now he felt as if all the animals were watching them with a strangely intelligent watchful gaze. And with his theory of Ib being able to control animals all but confirmed, his partner going missing in a shop full of animals was not a good sign.


Somewhere in the store, concealed from the inquisitive looks of the ruling class, something was brewing. 

This realm had been reigned by a cruel monarch for years. Oppressing her subjects, depriving them of their rights, locking them in iron cages and binding their hands and feet with iron chains. 

The 'Woman In Brown' ruled with an iron fist devoid of mercy and compassion. Those who refused to bend to her will, opposing her mad dominion, were sold off as slaves. Never to be seen again by their loved ones.

But nothing lasts forever. In history there had been many mad kings and lords who treated their subjects like livestock. None of them died peacefully.

The people had long reached their breaking point, not willing bow their heads to injustice any longer. But they were still too afraid to act. Mentally scarred by years of abuse and confinement they feared the evil Witch's retaliation.

Mortimer thought about all this while he was scurrying from place to place. from iron prison to iron prison, spreading 'His' words and quietly undoing their iron chains freeing the people from their shackles.

He had been a beggar for all his life, the lowest of the low, only surviving on the crumbs left by the ruling class. Until he met 'Him', the man that would become the spark that ignites the powder keg this realm had become. 

Mortimer recalled the day he first saw 'Him'. 'He' had arrived here riding on one of the ruling classes' shoulders as if to loudly declare that 'He' would bend his knee to no one. 'His' flowing white hair a proof of 'His' pure nature. 'His' abyss like black eyes portraying 'His' stern and just character. 'He' was a revolutionary through and through. 

And this strange man talked to them. 'He' told them tales of foreign lands. 'He' told them tales of freedom and the possibility of living their lives as they wished. 'He' told them tales of union and comradery. And 'He' told them tales of pride and standing for one's own beliefs.

And the people heard him.

Everyone's hearts deeply resonated with those stories. Each one of them knew, if they want change, if they want control over their own lives, they had to take it themselves. 

The seed of the revolution was already there. In each mouse, each Owl, each frog, eagle, cat, dog, everyone. Deep inside them they had known for a long time. And now 'He' had caused this seed to bloom. The time had come. 

The revolution had come.


The moment Solus and Luna had paid for the raven and the necessary supplies and left the shop it happened.


A deafening roar sounded as every single animal in the store cried out at once. Like a war cry announcing the beginning of a grand battle. 

"Merlin's beard what is that!!", someone behind them who had noticed the commotion exclaimed in shock, drawing the attention of all surrounding witches and wizards.

'I knew he was up to something. I really have to tell him to tone it down a bit once we get to Hogwarts. Though must admit this is quite amusing', Solus thought and tried not to grin, while watching around 300 animals of all shapes and sizes break out of their cages and bee line it straight to the shops exit.

On their way the horde was wrecking and destroying everything they could. There were birds picking up glassware and dropping it to the ground, cats and dogs purposefully running into tables and cabins, and mice running around the store owners' feet and legs trying to get her to trip and fall. 

And in front of it all, leading the horde, there was a single normal mouse. Its name was Mortimer and on its back there sat a white furball with spindly black arms and legs wearing what looked like a 18th century workers uniform.

The store owner was too stunned to react at first. So, when she finally did a cheeky owl had already taken her wand leaving her utterly defenseless and forcing her to do nothing but watch as all her precious merchandise left on their own.


Solus had tried very hard, but he just couldn't hold back anymore. He bent over and started laughing harder than he ever remembered laughing, even in his past life.



Hey everyone, bit of a shorter chapter today (1.8k words) but I wanted to wrap the pre-Hogwarts stuff up in this chapter. And there wasn't much left to do. 

At first, I wanted to do a 'meeting harry potter or Draco Malfoy etc. at Diagon alley' scene, but pretty much all fanfics have one of those at the beginning and I couldn't think of a way to make that kind of scene unique and fun, so I did something different. 

I had so much fun writing Ibs coup d'etat, probably my favorite scene until now.

In the next chapter we will have the train ride to Hogwarts and the sorting ceremony. For the sorting ceremony in particular I have a very cool idea in mind, so look forward to it. 

Also, when we arrive at Hogwarts the story will finally focus a bit more on solus and his research of pure magical creatures.

One last thing. I think my weakest point in writing is my dialogue so if you have any suggestions to make it better, please let me know in the comments.


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