
HP: The Midnight King

#Plot based Fic, with some Wish-Fulfillment included# _Harry Potter Crossover with Wizards of Waverly Place, Twilight, Shadowhunters, Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children, and Game of Thrones._ Note: It is imperative that you read the, -Author POV-, Chapter before continuing, as it will allow you to decide whether or not this is the story for you. Also note that the Gore tag is not for laughs and giggles, at times it will get uncomfortably descriptive. This is unfortunately necessary to bring out the full scope of the Fic, so best believe if your uncomfortable, just think for a second what I'm feeling writing this ****. Synopsis: Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo. ____________________________________________________ There will be plot holes and other grammatical issues, as I'm not a Pro-Writer, but I will try my best to address and fix such issues as soon as I can. No promises, but my goal after a certain point is to be able to write at least 3 Chapters a week.

Pasttrash · TV
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17 Chs


#Time Skip: 1 Month#

#Mc POV#

It has been about one month since that day, since I lost everything. I've since then had the pleasure of experiencing homelessness.

It's really fun, digging in dumpsters, begging just to survive, it's a very.. superb experience.

It took me a week of no food to put my pride aside and eat, I just kept telling myself it was all for the sake of survival.

I was sitting down under a highway, unable to sleep, I figured I had a lot of time on my hands to think and plan.

For instance, I had finally come to terms with the fact their was more going on in this world than I originally expected.

I should have come to that conclusion sooner but in my defense, a lot has happened since the very moment I got here, I haven't really had a chance to collect myself.

As I sat there staring at nothing I couldn't help but come to the very likely conclusion that this world might be combined with another, given the fact that I saw grindelwald or at least I believed I saw, also contributed to the fact that I somehow by instinct used the Lumos spell, I would say that some harry potter elements might also be in some way in effect.

Though I'm not sure how that Valentine guy comes into play.. doesn't really matter all I know for sure is, one, I need to get stronger, fast, secondly, Valentine and anyone who's involved with him in any way, will without a doubt pay for what they have done.

I will make sure of that...



Later that day after doing my evening dumpster dive, I decided it's best I finally put some thought into what I currently know I have the potential to do. To pass the time, and further myself in this world.

I couldn't exercise, not with the limited amount of food and resources I have, let alone the quality of my meals, it would only do more harm then good. But their was something I could put into practice.

After searching around I found a decently hidden location downtown of New York.

As soon as I found a comfortable spot, I sat down and tried meditating to get focused...

After a couple of minutes I got up, put my left hand forward and uttered the word, 'Lumos', and as expected it didn't work.

But it didn't matter, no one succeeds on there first try, I knew that, so I kept at it for hours until night arrived, and made my way back to one of many locations I have deemed safe enough to sleep. Life continued on like that for a while, the same routine, eat, sleep, practice, good or bad, it is life...



#Time Skip: 2 Months#

I hadn't managed to succeed even with 2 months of practice, I very quickly came to the conclusion that.. I was going about this all wrong.

After some further thought, I reasoned I go over some possibilities of what makes magic, well.. magic, as well as what the Lumos spell actually does.

First let's say magic is the energy of the world, of the universe, the ability to go beyond the natural, to manipulate the laws that govern existence, and that Lumos by that logic is just magic energy taking the form of light. I delved further into this notion. Lumos in practice is only supposed to produce light, but I somehow managed to burn multiple people to death with it, which means magic is based all on intent. Well mostly anyway, there no way to be sure until I have more information, which probably won't be for a while.

Getting back on topic.. this all means that magic is of course up for interpretation. It's most likely different for everyone.

I considered what my intent was when I first used the spell.. survival, to make my enemies experience pain.

With these notions clouding my brain, I got up and attempted the spell again.

Thinking back on the moment I first used the spell.. the anger.. the.. fear.. the bloodlust, I had during my what could have potentially been my final moments.


The emotions.. they were all there like it was yesterday.. the pain.. the loss.




I opened my eyes, seeing a small twinkle on my finger tip seconds before It went out.

I smiled pleased with myself.

I succeed, finally.



#Time Skip: 1 Month#

I was in uptown New York, talking with the local homeless, trying to find a safe way to make some quick cash. Eating left over trash gets.. old after a while. I wanted something actually edible, all the more so given, if I calculated the time correctly, it will be Christmas relatively soon, and I really wanted a actual home cooked meal.

Leaving the last person I was talking to disappointed, I figured it was time to give up and go dumpster diving again.

As I was walking I came upon a hooded figure, probably a teenage drug dealer.

I attempted to walk past him, but he got in the way.

I hurriedly prepared for the worst.

Getting my hands up ready to defend myself the boy stepped back with his hands up. He spoke.

"I hear your looking for some work boy, I got some for you, if your interested".

I put my hands down and paused in thought.

"What would this work entail". I asked curiously?

He just turned around and walked away, I figured he wants me to follow him, so I did.


We walked for an hour straight, my patience quickly waning.

"We're here, wait outside until I come for you". He spoke walking inside an abandoned building, rust and broken glass everywhere.

I looked around and picked up a piece glass and hid it in my ripped jeans.

You don't really get much chance for cleanliness when your homeless.

As I stood there I couldn't help but notice.. crying coming from inside the building.


I realized this might be a bad idea and began to turn around, until I heard the entrance open and the man came out and waved his finger inviting me in...

As I entered the building I heard the crying clearer. I looked at him expecting an answer or response. He just continued walking only speaking two words.

"Ignore it".

I.. did exactly that. I will later realize this group of individuals, they are more dangerous than I could have imagined.. I should have known then.. to run away as fast as possible.


We soon came upon an opening.

As we walked in total silence, I noticed more people along the way, tattoos being prominent on many of those present.

The man I was walking with suddenly stopped and walked to the center whispering into the ear of some random thug.

After a moment he waved me over, as I walked I noticed everyone suddenly had there eyes on me, I didn't show it on my face but I realized that any second now something bad was gonna happen.

The person he talked to looked at me.. and put a gun to my forehead.. well shit...


Okay also a little rushed so I'm gonna edit this chapter as well as chapter 4 after we get to chapter 15. If you have any comments on ways to improve my writing or my current style, please let me know. If you have any questions, same thing, comment, it's kind of embarrassing being the only one commenting on your own work. Same thing if you see any errors. Thank you, Have a good day.

Ps, The Rise Of Tyranny, look it up.

Ps, trying to write a chapter everyday sucks😅.

(Word Count: 1202)


~ ' ' = Important Thoughts Maybe/ect

~ " " = Talking

~ * * = Sounds/Maybe

~ ° °, • • = Incantation/Spells

~ | | = Mc Incantation/Spells

~ # # = Pov Change/ect


I will Edit this chapter further at a later date.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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