
Chapter 155: A Trip to the Amusement Park

"What! Hagrid is going to be a professor?"

Hermione exclaimed and immediately became happy.

Hermione had a good relationship with Hagrid, and their friendship started in their first year.

Seeing her good friend become a professor, Hermione genuinely felt happy for Hagrid.

After Hermione's moment of happiness, Arthur continued speaking.

"Study of Ancient Runes, you must choose it. Astoria and Luna too."

"The Ancient Runes is the key to becoming a powerful wizard, so you must not only take it, but also study it seriously."

When everyone heard Arthur's serious tone, they quickly nodded to show that they understood it.

Arthur took a sip of juice. "As for Muggle Studies and Alchemy, you can choose them based on your interests. But from what I know, the professors of these two classes won't teach you anything useful."

The last sentence was directed at Hermione. Hermione understood what Arthur meant, but she decided to resist a little.

"But I want to understand how wizards view Muggles."

Since Alchemy was only offered in sixth grade, Hermione didn't argue with Arthur, but she was genuinely interested in Muggle Studies.

"Well, then go and take a look. After all, elective classes can be canceled within two weeks."

Arthur said casually and then picked up a piece of cake for Luna sitting next to him.

She really liked the matcha cake made by the house elves, and she continued to eat it bit by bit, like a little hamster.

When Astoria saw this, she pouted her lips. Arthur looked at her with joy and also picked up a piece of cake for her.

The young witch immediately smiled happily and started eating the cake with delight.

Hermione nodded, accepting Arthur's idea, and then changed the topic to ask Arthur about the afternoon's plans.

"Don't worry, I've prepared everything. After lunch, I'll take you all to the amusement park."

Arthur had already made arrangements.

Except for Hermione, the other three were witches born into wizarding families, so they were probably unfamiliar with Muggle amusement parks.

Today, he would let them have a good experience.

"Is it the one with a big wheel that keeps spinning?"

Cho's eyes lit up as she curiously looked at Arthur.

"Yes, that's called a Ferris wheel. Cho, if you like it, I'll ride it with you."

Cho happily agreed. There was an amusement park near her home, and she had been curious about it since she was little, but she never had the chance to go.

After lunch, the group rested for a while, and then Arthur and Furry apparated them back to London.

Arthur had already rented out the entire amusement park for the afternoon, so they could enjoy playing there.

At first, Cho and the others were a little nervous and unfamiliar with the rides in the amusement park.

But after Arthur took them around and played with each of them, they quickly got the hang of it.

Bumper cars, carousels, and roller coasters.

The girls from the wizarding families felt like they had entered a new world and had a blast.

Especially Astoria, coming from a strict pure-blood family, she had never had the chance to let go like this before.

The young witch was almost going crazy with joy.

According to the agreement, Arthur also rode the Ferris wheel with Cho.

When they reached the top, the young witch's eyes sparkled, seemingly gaining an understanding of something...

Seeing how happy Cho was when she got off the Ferris wheel, the others asked Arthur to ride the Ferris wheel with them too, even Luna was looking at him with anticipation.

Helpless, Arthur had no choice but to ride the Ferris wheel with each of the young witches one by one.

Until late at night, Arthur reluctantly left the amusement park with everyone.

"Alright, Astoria, don't look back. If you want to come again, I'll go with you next summer," Arthur comforted.

Astoria nodded happily but then worriedly said, "I sneaked out today. I don't know if my mom will let me play."


Arthur was puzzled because when he picked up Astoria in the morning, didn't she say that she had already talked to her family?

Sticking out her tongue, the young witch finally confessed the truth.

Astoria then revealed that she had left a letter for her family and came out with Arthur while her mom was at work in the Ministry of Magic.

After hearing this, the others couldn't help but cry and laugh. Astoria was quite clever. Cho patted her head affectionately.

Arthur sighed helplessly. Did this count as kidnapping a minor?

But since it had already happened, he couldn't blame Astoria.

He would just have to explain the situation to her parents later.

After that, Arthur sent everyone else home one by one and made plans with Cho and Hermione to go to Diagon Alley together the next day to buy supplies for the new semester.

Luna couldn't join because she was going to visit relatives with her father.

Finally, Arthur took Astoria back to her house.

When Arthur and a scared-looking Astoria entered the living room of her house, a middle-aged woman with a face that resembled Astoria's was already sitting there, looking very serious.

Daphne Greengrass, sitting next to her, gave Astoria a look that wished her good luck, and didn't dare to make any other movements.


Astoria weakly called out and hid behind Arthur.

Arthur was speechless.

This is your own house, why are you hiding behind me?

But he slightly shifted his position to completely shield the young witch and greet her mother.

"Good evening, Mrs. Greengrass, I'm Arthur Gaunt. I'm sorry for taking Astoria out today without informing you."

When hearing Arthur's words, Mrs. Greengrass's expression softened a bit.

"Mr. Gaunt, Astoria often mentions you at home. Thanks to your care today," Mrs. Greengrass said.

With Arthur's current status and reputation, even a pure-blood family like the Greengrasses, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, had to show respect.

Not to mention that Arthur saved her daughter's life last year. Naturally, her tone was very polite.



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