
60. Professor McGonagall’s Test, The Shock Of Multiple Transfiguration

Wayne had little interest in Dumbledore's painstaking plan to raise a savior. However, that didn't mean he wasn't interested in Voldemort. Specifically, Wayne wanted to know about Horcruxes and how to make them.

The production of Horcruxes involves extremely advanced black magic. It allows you to hide a part of your soul in objects, granting you immortality as long as that part of your soul exists.

The inventor of this magic is Herpo the Foul, the most famous dark wizard in history. From ancient Greece, Herpo existed hundreds of years after the invincible Andros. He was one of the earliest known Dark wizards and his work left a lasting impression in dark magic during the 20th century. Herpo sufficiently achieved notoriety, earning the epithet of "the Foul" by his fellow wizards. He even experimented with hatching basilisks and transforming magical animals to form an evil army.

Herpo is also the earliest known Parseltongue as if he was born with the seed of evil. Most of the black magic and curses that have been passed down are related to him.

The more advanced the black magic, the more evil the method of using it.

Making a Horcrux requires enduring the pain of having your soul torn apart and killing living people as sacrifices in an evil ritual.

While it has its shortcomings, it is a means of achieving immortality, even more advanced than the philosopher stone. It shares similarities with lich phylacteries but cannot regenerate. If you want to be reborn with the help of a Horcrux, you must use other methods.

Wayne did not start thinking about immortality at a young age; he simply wanted to study the mysteries of the soul.

In the wizarding world, the existence of the soul is known, and the legend of death has always intrigued wizards. Ghosts are seen as beings between life and death, adding to the allure of various secrets that tempt Wayne's curiosity.

As the end-of-class bell rang, the little wizards woke up from their daydreams and left the classroom, rubbing their sleepy eyes.

Walking to the cafeteria with Hermione, Wayne asked softly, "You have Herbology class this afternoon, right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Could you help me go to Hagrid's hut after class? I need him to assist in collecting some materials as much as possible."George and Fred were just beginners, and they wasted a lot of materials.

Wayne didn't mind asking Hagrid to traverse the forbidden forest a few times to gather everything they needed. As for what to exchange with Hagrid, he can prepare some growth potion and insect repellent potion, which will be used in Hagrid's vegetable garden.

Hermione readily agreed, and the two discussed what had happened earlier that morning.

"Are you going to find Snape for tutoring?" Hermione asked.

"That's right," Wayne replied. "Snape's skill level isn't apparent in class at all. It took a lot of effort for him to agree to give me lessons before Christmas."

"You have to pay him for it," Hermione pointed out. Wayne chuckled.

"Aren't you afraid that he will take advantage of the opportunity and deduct points from Hufflepuff?"

Wayne stared at Hermione with a deadpan expression. "When have you ever seen Hufflepuff care about scores?"

Hermione opened her mouth but couldn't find the words to refute.

The overall feeling of Hufflepuff is... too laid-back.

If they want to add points, they add points. If they want to deduct points, they deduct points. As long as they can pass their homework, they'll just relax if it's too late.

Even the professors have no control over this group of little badgers who have already entered retirement life ahead of schedule.

At least they are better than the noisy Gryffindor lions who not only keep themselves busy all day but also cause trouble for others.

Hermione suddenly felt regretful. Would it have been better if she had been assigned to Hufflepuff? She didn't have a good relationship with her other roommates in the dormitory. But she had to consider the fact that the Sorting Hat didn't even give her the option of Hufflepuff at that time.

Hermione could only regard it as a fantasy.

After the Transfiguration class ended in the afternoon, Wayne planned to go to the library to borrow another book but was stopped by Professor McGonagall.

Once all the other students had left and only the two of them remained, Professor McGonagall spoke up: "Lawrence, I know you have mastered all the content in class, but I want to ensure everyone is progressing."

Wayne was taken aback. He had been feeling anxious, thinking that Harry's purchased quill had been discovered.

But when he learned that wasn't the case, Wayne quickly shook his head and said, "Professor, please teach as you see fit. Don't worry about me."

Professor McGonagall nodded slightly, a smile appearing on her normally serious face."From the moment we first met, I knew you were not just an ordinary young wizard, and I didn't receive any letters from you during the summer break."

Wayne responded, "I didn't want to disturb your vacation. Besides, I haven't encountered any problems."

"In that case, would you mind showing me your true abilities?" McGonagall stated her reason for keeping Wayne.

McGonagall wanted to see how far Wayne, who had often seemed lackadaisical, had truly mastered the art of Transfiguration.

After all, this young student had succeeded at everything in the class from the very beginning, and not even she could find any faults.

To prevent Wayne from hiding his clumsiness, McGonagall also gave him a special reward.

"If you can surprise me, I will exempt you from Transfiguration homework this semester," McGonagall said.

Wayne's eyes lit up and he asked, "Are you serious?"

"Of course," replied Professor McGonagall, with a slight curl of her lips. "But my expectations are very high."

"I understand, Professor," Wayne said.

Wayne felt encouraged, as this was a transfiguration task.

Aside from Snape's potions homework, Professor McGonagall assigned the most homework, mostly in the form of papers.

Even with a know-it-all lady and a manuscript-cleaning quill, it was still a bit troublesome.

Wayne took out his wand and lightly tapped the podium, Transfigured it into an old pig, and making a grunting sound.

This was the same move that Professor McGonagall did during his first class."Professor, is this acceptable?"

McGonagall's expression remained unchanged, though slightly disappointed. "That's it?" she asked.

"The Transfiguration of dead things into living things, while excellent, doesn't surprise me," McGonagall responded.

"A lot of third graders can do it," McGonagall replied casually.

McGonagall had silently acknowledged to herself that she was very satisfied. She was just pretending not to care.

Wayne had been too relaxed earlier, so this level of difficulty didn't showcase his true abilities. That's why McGonagall suppressed her desire to praise him and wanted to see how far he could go. She still wasn't satisfied.

Wayne scratched his head, unaware that Professor McGonagall had tricked him. He waved his magic wand and Transfigured the old pig back into an ox.

Finally, McGonagall reacted slightly. "Multiple Transfiguration?" she questioned.

Transfiguration spells are divided into different levels of difficulty, ranging from transforming dead things into other dead things, living things into dead things, dead things into living things, and living things into living things. However, this is just the basic division. The mysteries of transfiguration at Hogwarts go far beyond that.

The multiple Transfiguration Wayne had just demonstrated were one of the more advanced research directions, which included controlling deformed creatures, deforming multiple items simultaneously, and extending the duration of the Transfiguration. Only true masters of Transfiguration could achieve remarkable feats in these areas, such as Professor McGonagall herself or Dumbledore.

Multiple Transfiguration involves transforming an already Transfigured item. With each additional Transfiguration, the difficulty increases exponentially. Wayne had performed a double Transfiguration, which even most upperclassmen couldn't do.

McGonagall withheld comment and tentatively asked, "Can we continue?"Wayne nodded and Transfigured the ox into a python, and then into a goshawk. Under McGonagall's increasingly numb eyes, the goshawk landed on the ground and turned into a lion, which then twisted and Transfigured into a honey badger.

"Professor, is this okay? This is the most I can do," Wayne said, appearing to struggle to maintain the Transfiguration. The honey badger's appearance was slightly distorted, with one big ear and one small ear, and its eyes squeezed together. It wasn't very successful.

He seemed to be at his limit, and in reality, he was.

If it hadn't been for the guidance from the blue card, which provided some Transfiguration experience, Wayne wouldn't have been able to achieve this level. However, with the help of those experiences, he could still undergo multiple Transfiguration.

"Lawrence..." Professor McGonagall sighed. "I must admit, you have truly surprised me. No, one could even say you have shocked me."

It is unprecedented for McGonagall to witness a first-year person achieve such remarkable accomplishments in the art of transfiguration, let alone teach a wizard of such a young age. Perhaps Dumbledore could have achieved something similar in his time.

Unfortunately, there is a several-decade age difference between them entering school, and McGonagall has never had the opportunity to witness Dumbledore's charm during his school days.

"So, what did you just promise me?" Wayne asked expectantly.

McGonagall glanced at him with a half-smile. "The final test is to transform all the tables and chairs in the classroom into different animals. If you succeed, I will consider you to have passed."

Upon hearing this, Wayne waved his magic wand continuously without saying a word, turning the entire classroom into a zoo filled with various birds and animals.

"Alright, you don't need to submit any homework for this semester."McGonagall was also in high spirits and granted Wayne the privileges she had promised.

Wayne burst into laughter immediately. If he were to tell Hermione about this, she would be incredibly jealous. However, that wouldn't be right, as the little witch adored doing homework. If she were not allowed to do homework, she would likely be unhappy.

"Lawrence," McGonagall suddenly said. "I would like to invite you to join my Transfiguration Club."

"Oh, maybe you don't know what it is?"McGonagall remembered that Wayne was a first-year student and proceeded to explain:

"This is a private club that I founded. Most of the students in it have a high level of transfiguration skills."

"We will choose one night a week or half a day on the weekend to communicate and share our experiences."

"Professor, is this necessary?" Wayne dryly laughed. "With my level... how can I possibly communicate with them?"Wayne already has too many tasks to complete each day, including developing new magical props, visiting the restricted section at night to expand his knowledge, tutoring Hermione, and spending time with Cho. As an unskilled time management expert, he is already overwhelmed.

You see, he has been enrolled for quite some time and has yet to visit the Forbidden Forest, a place he has always wanted to explore.

"I don't have the time to join any clubs."Professor McGonagall paused for half a minute to collect her thoughts before wearily waving her hand and dismissing their conversation.

"Just forget that I mentioned it, Lawrence."

"Honesty is a virtue... but I hope you won't be quite so outspoken in the future."Wayne smiled sweetly. "I'll be more mindful, professor."

Bowing slightly, he exited the classroom.

Professor McGonagall glanced around the chaotic classroom.

Waving his magic wand, he restored everything to its original state. He looked at the tables and chairs, muttering to himself."Six-fold Transfiguration, Transfiguring dozens of items at once. How could someone with such talent be in Hufflepuff?"

Unfortunately, throughout Hogwarts' history, some people were expelled, some were imprisoned in Azkaban, and some even died.

But no one transferred to another House.

McGonagall wanted to do something and remove Wayne from Hufflepuff.

After hesitating at the door for a moment, McGonagall walked towards Flitwick's office on the sixth floor.

She felt uncomfortable and needed to find someone to share her pain with.

The next morning, while the young wizards enjoyed breakfast, owls appeared on time, delivering their packages.

An owl struggled to land in front of Wayne, leaving a large package before giving him a sad look.

Wayne understood the owl's message, so he took out some special pet food and let the round-faced chicken enjoy breakfast.

Hermione had gone to see Hagrid the day before, and he would deliver the items today.

Indeed, this friend could be relied upon.

Then, a phoenix emerged from the flames.

It was Fox, carrying another package.

The appearance of the phoenix naturally caught the attention of everyone, and some even gasped in awe.

They were amazed. Even Dumbledore wouldn't use a phoenix as a postman, yet this young wizard was so fortunate.

Words couldn't express their astonishment."What did you buy this time?" Cedric asked curiously from two seats away."Just a few books," Wayne replied.

When he opened the package, there were only three books inside, just as he had said."Detailed Explanation of Ancient Runes"

"Ancient Runic Dictionary"

"How to Use a Dictionary"

"Runes?" a senior student exclaimed in surprise. "Wayne, you can't take that elective until the third year. It's too early for you to buy it now."Runes, also known as ancient magic patterns or symbols, are magical characters.

Before specific curses had established procedures, many wizards used runes for performing magic. Some Muggles even used rune information to deceive and perform fake magic tricks.

Students can choose electives after their third year at Hogwarts.

However, few students opt for ancient runes as an elective, usually giving it up after passing the OWLs exam in the fifth year.

It is a difficult subject with very limited practical use."I'm a little interested in this aspect," Wayne replied simply. "You can read about it in the history of magic class, so at least you don't have to sleep."There was a burst of laughter around, and the senior who had just asked the question said speechlessly, "There's something wrong with the Sorting Hat. You should be sorted into Ravenclaw."

"Nonsense!" Wayne responded. He was serious and pointed to the three large sandwiches on his plate. "No one is more qualified to be in Hufflepuff than me."The senior stopped talking and gave a thumbs up. "You are awesome!"

Um? After Wayne put the book away, he suddenly felt like someone had been watching him. He raised his head and saw his dean, Professor Sprout, and Professor Flitwick, and Quirrell all looking at him as the guest of honor.

Seeing that Wayne was aware of their presence, Quirrell quickly looked away and started eating breakfast, while the other two professors did not shy away from their gaze at all. They even smiled kindly at Wayne.

But Wayne felt confused in his heart. What happened to these two people? It wasn't until after the Charms class ended that Wayne was left alone by the professors again that he understood the source of the problem."Lawrence," Flitwick looked up at him kindly. "I heard from Minerva that you performed six Transfigurations yesterday. Today, I also want to test your abilities, but the conditions are the same. As long as you satisfy me, you won't have to complete the Charms homework for this school year."

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