
6 The Meeting

My training continued as normal except my dad would take me on his hunting trips. While hunting I had narrowed down that one of my nature blessings must have come from a God of the sky seeing as I can talk to mainly birds and serpents. When I spoke to serpents my father said "Son why are you growling at the snake?" To which I was confused asking him "How did I sound?" He answered that it was like a series of low growls. from what I had known of Parcel Tongue was that it was hissing like snakes. Leaving me only to wonder if I was speaking Draconic.

While hunting we had come across tracks that looked like large wolves but they only had one set of footprints. When I told my dad about werewolves he asked me how I knew of such things. This caused me to lie saying "I have a special ability called foresight. It allows me to see glimpses of possible futures and I have seen a half human and half wolf when I saw the footprints." This led my father to ask me a ton of questions about the future. To which I had to tell him "I can't force the sight, It only happens randomly." I hated to lie to the man but it would be kinda hard to say that I had read it in a book and built a game about the universe we find ourselves in.

My dad had decided to return back to base to have a talk with the chief of our village. As we walked back we didn't follow the path we had walked out since we had took an arched path. We instead took a straight pack back but that was are mistake. As we were walking back we cam across a series of caves at the bottom of the mountain. When we passed the cave, we could see smoke near the entrance and as we got closer we could hear sounds of people talking and laughing. My father told me "We need to be quiet and scout who is in the mountain. Hopefully they don't anger the the mountain spirit." To which I asked what was the mountain spirit. He told me "The mountain spirit is a large creature who has been asleep since before my father. It is said to be made out of gold and large enough to eat a human whole."

When we were close enough we saw a group of men and women all approximately 20 to 30. When a gust of wind came from behind us the 9 people all looked in our direction. My father seeing this grabbed my shoulder pulling me further into the woods. The men in the group started to walk closer to us. Since we weren't paying attention we ran opposite of where they were only to be stopped by the women from the group. The girls stopped us asking "Who are you and why are you so jumpy?" My father answered "We are from a village to the south of here and we're just attacked by a raiding party and don't want to deal with those who stay at the spirits mountain.

The people looked at each other confusingly asking "What spirit are you talking about we have been in the cave roughly a month and a half with no problem from a spirit." My dad answered "There is a spirit that slumbers under this mountain and it hasn't awakened in 2 generations." The people laughed saying we "Don't smell any creature. Why were you prowling and then running from us." To which I spoke up "Are you guys werewolves?" This caused the group to get a little jumpy asking "How do you know that?" I used my hand to cut a tree in half then said "That's because I have magic and can tell you are cursed."

The group stayed silent as the largest male nodded saying "Yes we are afflicted. Are you going to kill us." I simply laughed saying "As long as none of my village is infected I don't see a reason to hunt you." This caused the group to smile asking "You said curse? Are you sure that it's a curse." I responded saying "Yes it is a curse. It is passed through a bite if I'm not mistaken." The leader followed up with a nod saying "Yes we used to live further east but one night our village was attacked by werewolves. They were being hunted which led them to our village causing us all to be bit. Luckily we were the only ones bit. We turned on the next full moon. When we turned our wolf form luckily ran to the woods stopping us from harming our fellow villagers. When we woke up the best day we decided to leave to protect our families. We didn't know what we had become. Thank you for telling us." I said to the man "There is no cure but if you use acconite it can neuter the wolves need to hunt. If you mix it with water and drink it the morning of the full moon it should make your wolf sleep. Accinite is also known as wolfsbane so if you take to much it could be deadly. I would suggest taking a small amount, if you see wolf tracks then increase it until you don't see tracks meaning the wolves just slept through thee full moon." The wolves looked happy knowing they could semi control their shifts.

The alpha asked what does acconite look like?" To which I told him "acconite is purple with a cluster of flowers at the end. It has furry bulbs in the middle of each flower that is what you should boil in water and drink." The smallest man laughed saying "follow me." We walked back toward the mountain, once near the cave we walked south finding a field full of wolfsbane. I walked over to the field pulling a flower off the plant. Smelling it I said "Yes this is wolfsbane." I took the flower back to their camp.

This whole time my father has been gripping his axe tightly. I near the entrance pulling a large rock from the ground using telekinesis. I grabbed a smaller rock the size of my hand. Using the large stone and my axe I cut the plant into four. Then I used the small rock to muddle a quarter of the plant. Once the plant was crushed. I then asked for a cup to which they provided. I walked over to their campfire. Using transfiguration I made a stone into the shape of a couldren. I then said "This rock will remain as a couldren since I didn't change what it's made out of. Use it to boil water, once it is boiling pull it off the fire and add the plant. Wait until the water Is cooled then drink.

One of the girls attempted to hug me only for my father to pull his axe and push her away. I patted my dad's shoulder saying "They can't turn me unless they are wolves and I would cut them in half long before that could happen." My father lowered his axe saying "Fine but you all need to make peace with my village because we were attacked and it might have been the same hunters thinking we were werewolves." The alpha spoke up asking "were their weapons made of silver?" To which my dad nodded. The group looked scared asking if we had killed them all. My dad nodded saying "yes." The wolves looked happy but then said "We don't know who the hunters are but they will send more. We will come to the village tomorrow. Thank you for the potion little one."

We left on good terms, on the way back I caught a deer with another pin point shot. We bled the deer and I carried it back. The next day the wolves came to the village. They apologized for bringing us trouble. The chief laughed it off saying "we may not raid but we are still warriors. If someone attacks us then it's on them." We became allies and started trading, they would trade what they hunted for tools and other essentials.

Time skip 6 Years*

My training in magic and body have come along way. I have mastered most of the runes that Floki had. My body is toned with a 6 pack and my arms are large, like a young Chris Hemsworth. I have helped with some rituals, the only one Floki knew for summer was the purification rituals that helped the farms and people. The other rituals were mainly to gods like when Floki offered a sheep to Odin for Yule. The Purification Ritual only required some magical wood and some animal blood to draw a circle. The circle channeled magic through the items and into the world rejuvenating the soil and air. The runes I had learned were for Fire, light, Water, Protection, Space, Wind, Door, Home and and Physical Strengthening. My mana has grown and double multiple times. I can use lightning from my hands causing me to repeate "ultimate power" as the lightning wraps my fingers.

The runes are quite helpful since the space rune allows for spacial expanses. The door rune, I still don't fully understand what it does but what I do know is it should be called a security rune instead. The rune allows for barrier on doorways to block access into the area. I believe it could be used in the future for warding a home. The rest of the runes are pretty simple fire produces fire and the rest does similarly.

My mother has taken care of the twin ravens. They play with me, and I can communicate with them in both bird and norse. The birds aren't too complicated. They have grown into adults 3 years ago. Branoc was an all black raven with white lightning streaks on his wings. Coronos was the opposite all white, with a black flame pattern on her wings. Bran could cause thunder storms and has some sensing ability. Coro was the opposite she could control flames. It's almost like they are a Phoenix and Thunderbird only transfigured into Ravens. They are both quite chatty, except when my mom tells them to be quiet.

Tomorrow is the beginning of spring. We will have a purification ritual as always. From what I know from the twenty-first century is that norse would sacrifice slaves for rituals. Luckily my family is from a small Finland village. We are mostly farmers who own no slaves. My home isn't as blood thirsty as the Danes. They have been warring with our neighbors. We are not viking in anyway but the merchants who buy our excess crops are viking. I had once asked dad "Why don't the vikings raid our country?" Only for a laughing response "It's to cold and rainy here. Not to mention vikings love to raid from the water and most of our nation is too inland." My father was right of course its cold here even in the summer it's only warm enough to grow hardy crops and cattle.

We are still friendly with the wolves and they have been quiet helpful with manual labor. Since they still changed on full moons they have remained in the mountain. I have visited multiple times even using magic to cut out small rooms in the mountain giving them little houses. They started helping with the farming. We live near a mountain and on the other side was a large marshland which causes us to have limited farm land.

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