
Chapter 8

*February 1st*

I quietly sighed as I looked outside the window, ignoring whatever the teacher was saying in favour of daydreaming. It has been a little more than a month since I received my letter and much has changed since. I have begun exchanging letters with Aurora Sinistra, astronomy professor at Hogwarts. Lovely woman, she is. Answered all of my questions patiently and even went out her duty to send me a book on the basics of the Wizarding World for muggleborn and Hogwarts: A history.

Really, I should do something nice for her once we go shopping for my class supplies.

My magical training was progressing nicely if slowly, I couldn't wait to get my wand and learn spells, my progress will surely skyrocket then.

Speaking of progress.

[Name: Ethan Shaw

Title: Traveler; Master of Self

Class: Apprentice Mage (9/10); Magician (5/5); Gambler (5/5); Thief (10/10); ...

MP: 375 - 450


Strength: 10

Agility: 30

Dexterity: 20

Perception: 25

Intelligence: 27 - 33

Wisdom: 26 -29

Charisma: 15

Mana control (Un) (15/40)

Mana sense (Un) (11/40)]

The last level, as always, is a pain in my arse.

I can't wait to complete this class; the class evolution promises to be exciting. However, I fear that I the next class tier would need a specific skill or inspiration to be unlocked. Which in a sense isn't bad. It would mean I earned it which would do well for my ego.

"Stupid Eric…" I mumbled, the bastard had taken to teasing me since my singing skill hadn't progressed in months, saying I was trying to make Rose angry with him or some bullshit.

I just didn't want everything in my life revolving around the system but since he dared to challenge me, I would respond in kind.

[Singing (C) (19/20)]

Heh, take that you overgrown child. 6 levels in less than a month, practically three weeks. I don't even have a class related to it, so my progress is slowed compared to say, my rogue type classes.

His surprise had been delectable to say the least.

Rose on the other hand had been delighted and had congratulated us for my progress, Eric immediately taking all credit with false humbleness like some kind of opportunistic, sleazy politician.

I, of course, took offense to that.

The look of betrayal on Eric's face when I told Rose exactly why I had been so determined to progress my singing skill was probably enough for me to make a Patronus.

The following horror slowly painting his face when Rose spoke his entire name, middle name included, was definitely Patronus worthy.

Every man feared their counterpart when their full name was mentioned. It's instinct at this point.

I even learned to play the violin.

[Violin (C) (4/20)]

At least somewhat competently for an eleven-year-old.

The bell rang signifying the end of prison time for today. My sigh of relief was palpable. Classes were a bit more stimulating than before but not by much. At least I know that I will be learning magic in a few months.

I waited until most of the class was out to get up, not wanting to get pushed in the rush. It wasn't until I was at the door that an annoying thing happened.


I turned to Mr. Turner, my history professor. I didn't really like him, not his seemingly pleasant behaviour, his smile, his neat shirt and tie and definitely not his eyes.

It was like he wasn't entirely here, or just not seeing us. Despite what his constant genial mood should inspire, I can't make myself trust him.

[Sense Intent © has levelled up! Sense intent © (18/20)]

It didn't help that Sense intent levelled up like crazy because of him.

"Yes professor?"

"I just finished correcting your test yesterday and I must say your results are exceptional as usual."

Of course, they were, if they weren't I would question myself. With my upgraded intelligence it was easier than ever to memorize my notes no matter how minimal they were. Coupled with the classes which are much lighter than university courses, well it was no wonder.

"Thank you, professor." I smiled, no need to be antagonistic towards a professor and he didn't bother anyone in fact. So long as it stayed that way everyone is happy and if it didn't…

Better for everyone it doesn't.

"No need to thank me, it was all your hard work. In fact, all of my colleagues who had the chance to teach tell me the same thing. You constantly score first by far and are polite to a fault so we were wondering if you would like to skip a grade again." His smile hadn't wavered at all, and I don't know why I was getting uncomfortable for no reason, as if a weight was pushing my shoulders down.

"Are you sure? I mean, I just skipped one a few months ago."

"There is a test of course, to make sure we don't make a mistake. I suspect, however, that you will pass with flying colours. I wasn't the only one to notice you aren't challenged."

I let an embarrassed expression cross my face, it took more effort than I like to admit, "Well… I am dreadfully bored, professor. No offense to you but classes are too slow for me."

[Acting has levelled up! Acting © (20/20)]

"No offense taken," he chuckled "It isn't unusual for gifted children to be advanced a few years ahead. The trick is to make sure they learn the content they will miss."

"Right… When should I expect the test to happen? And Does Ms. Cole need to sign anything?"

"We've already talked about it with your guardian, and she agreed to it." I don't doubt that but I'm sure she wasn't very nice about it. "As to the date… I believe at the end of the week should do."

[Sense Intent © has levelled up! Sense intent © (19/20)]

"So soon? Don't I have some catch up to do?"

"Perhaps a bit but nothing difficult, we have slowly given you exercises and homework for you to transition smoothly to the next grade."

"Ah, so that was why." I was wondering why they gave me so much work compared to the others but hadn't pondered much about it. "Sure, I'll do it." It wasn't like I was attached to anyone in my class and maybe the busywork will keep me occupied.

It won't matter next school year anyway.

"Great! I'll inform your other professors about it, go home now. Wouldn't want Ms. Cole to be worried, would we?"

Like she doesn't hope I disappear, the bitch. "Of course, thank you, sir." Somehow, I couldn't help but feel relief but what bugged me was the amount of it, I surely can't be that relieved to be out of here. Maybe I'm just tired, I have been sleeping a lot less recently to train my magical ability.

[Sense Intent © has levelled up! Sense intent © (20/20)]


The exam was a breeze.

Nothing surprising I guess but Rose was happy so that was something.

I was slowly shuffling to my next class, ignoring the looks my classmates were giving me. I may be tall for my age and puberty was just hitting me which was a drag, but the size difference was noticeable now. I was just eleven when they are thirteen, thankfully I am perfectly able to fight back should they try something. And if that doesn't work, being the local genius, the professors won't hesitate to side with me, perks of playing the kind, polite little boy.

Aside from that I was pondering on how I will upgrade my recently maxed skills.

[Sense intent © (20/20); Acting © (20/20)]

Those skills were very useful, being able to discern allies from enemies and to gauge their trustworthiness is invaluable. The question is if it is possible to merge those two skills to make something greater. A skill greater than the sum of its parts as is it.

I have no idea how to do it but maybe imagining what I want the skill to be and working to use the required skills in tandem may help me. If that doesn't work, it's back to the drawing board and if nothing works in a few months I'll just go for a straight upgrade.

I reached my seat and waited patiently for the class to start; Turner gave us a paper for today, a brief essay on the life of roman emperor Nero. Nothing exciting to note apart from him killing his mother for some disagreement and going insane after that. Oh, and the fire of Rome and the fact he committed suicide. The Senate had declared him a public enemy, so he decided to kill himself. Losing his nerve, he begged one of his companions to set an example by killing himself first. After that the coward still could not bring himself to take his own life, but instead forced his private secretary to perform the task. He died on 9 June 68, the anniversary of the death of his first wife, Claudia Octavia.

I don't really like his end although he was really dramatic, the quotes "Have I neither friend nor foe?" and "What an artist dies in me" really bring to home what kind of person he was. His final words were "Too late! This is fidelity!"

Romans I swear.

I brought myself out of my musing when the whispers intensified, the principal had come into the class while Turner still hasn't arrived. I could feel her dismay and sadness, it was practically radiating in waves.

"Settle down, settle down… If you're wondering where Mr. Turner is, you can stop now. My colleagues were not all in agreement with what I am about to tell you, but I believe you all are grown enough to hear the truth now." She paused, gathering herself before continuing, "Mr. Turner was found dead this morning. He, from what I am told, c-committed suicide. There is an investigation ongoing thus some policemen may ask you some questions. You will be able to go home after that, for those who need to contact their parents please come with me."

I ignored the sound of whispers and chairs scrapping against the floor. Turner committed suicide. I… didn't expect that.

But maybe the signs were there I just chose to not recognize them. I was the same before, wasn't I? or maybe I had just forgotten. Too busy enjoying the little slice of happiness I finally got.


I don't know how to react.

The following hour went in a haze, answering questions and pondering what I missed. The answer was obvious in retrospect. What made me uncomfortable was my sense intent skill. I was literally feeling Turner's despair. The weight of his feeling almost too much in the little time I was with him and the common rarity of the skill.

This skill, almost an afterthought, had such an effect on me just in the presence of someone else…

Granted that may be an exceptional case but for one of my skills to affect me negatively in the first place is dangerous. What would happen if my skill gets stronger than now? When I encounter Voldemort will I be driven to the ground just from the sheer hate he must be feeling? What about fear or anger?

My skill doesn't even use magic but what if it does? Right now, my skill uses just intent projected from body movements and what I suppose is my sixth sense because there is no way just sense intent did that to me.

"Bugger." I ignored the look the police officer gave me before he dismissed me. I directly went towards the Williams'. I need something to take my mind of this bullshit. Fuck I was too carefree, not considering every possibility my skills represented. The simple idea of skill synergy didn't even cross my mind until now. There is even a possibility that mana sense had a hand in this too.

I will have to be extremely careful in upgrading those two skills. A straight upgrade is out. No way I am doing that after last time. The fusion will have to rely on acting heavily if I want to avoid the same pitfalls. Acting may be even more insidious than sense intent but as long as I accomplish my goals, I can lose myself for all I care.

As long as I protect them and master Magic, I will be content.

I sighed explosively. "What a mess."

"What's a mess?" I looked at Eric who was looking at me confused. I didn't even notice I was already inside Eric's music room. "You're early."

No shit, Sherlock.

"Our history professor committed suicide; the police came in to ask us questions about Mr Turner."

His face grew alarmed before becoming sombre, "Are you alright?" He guided me to a chair.

I shrugged, "It's not like I knew him well apart from him being my teacher, but you know."

He nodded, "Yes, it can be shocking especially when you suspect nothing and suddenly you realize you will never see someone again." His face was sad for a moment before focusing back on me.

"Want to eat something?"


At least I have somebody to lean on.


Once again, I found myself in my… inner world? Let's go with inner world.

Nothing had changed since last time. Darkness everywhere and the ground still acted like water, reflecting only myself and the darkness. The only disturbance originating from my movements.

Actually, one thing changed, it was my feelings while here. Whereas before I could only feel dread, now there was only peace. Thus, making this place perfect for meditating or brainstorming some ideas.

Which was why I am here.

Back again, Ethan?

I looked to my reflection, seeing it smirking at me. That was another change. It seems like the voice had decided to accompany me whenever I came back here. I still didn't know who or what he was, my only guess being it is my subconscious. When I had asked him, his only response had been "How should I know?"

Not very useful but if he is my subconscious then he is me. End of story.

"Hmm, gonna try to make the new skill." I slowly sat, bringing right leg up against my chest and resting my head on it.

Stubborn, aren't you. He chuckled.

My head turned slightly to rest my temple against my knee so I could stare at him with half-lidded eyes.

"You already should know that."

That I do.

It has been over three weeks since Turner died, and I had been in a frenzy trying to create the new skill. I poured over plenty of books on acting, understanding others, their expressions and so on. So much so Rose and Eric commented on it, I deflected by saying I have a passing interest in acting which isn't a lie.

Just not the entire truth.

Still after all this I felt much closer to my goal. I failed plenty of times but now it should be enough. My new skill should help me act much more smoothly in front of others allowing complete control over my expressions while using sense intent as a guide to customize my reactions to the concerned person. To better convey expressions, emotions and will. It will also help me immensely to lie and gamble but that was just the icing on the cake.

I closed my eyes to visualize everything I learned until now.

Facial control, expressions, emotions, micro-manipulations, reading expressions, understanding, adapt, react. Let everything flow smoothly.

I opened my eyes to look at my reflection and started playing with my face, imagining a conversation with strangers, with acquaintances, familiar faces, my family.

At first it was slow, awkward and just plain painful to experience but I powered through. And little by little, it clicked, like gears put together the sub skills complementing each other and forming a machine that ran smoothly.

I opened my eyes seeing my reflection smile at me.


And suddenly I was back in my room.

[Skill merging activated! Congratulations! You learned One of Many Faces (R) (01/60)

One of Many Faces (Rare): Through trial and error you learned to simulate, appropriate and play with your expressions. You craft your visage like clay moulding into art, your acting makes you the envy of any actor, your face as convincing as the Devil's. And yet this only the start, the beginning of a machine that allows nothing but exact precision. You walk upon a path sanctioning only your authority for none may decide where you tread.]


"Sounds pretentious." I chuckled, but it suits me, doesn't it?

Back when I couldn't do nothing but lay in my bed in stupor as my prescription destroyed my ability to make any decision, like a good little puppet I continued to take those drugs believing a washed up doctor selling me this as an all-curing panacea. I wished for control, control to make my own decisions, my own choices.

My own Destiny.

Isn't that why I stopped taking it? When everything started making sense again? Just before I died, I was walking forward again, not chained down by my so called family. By obligations. I discarded those to make myself whole finally.

And I did it.

I laughed, falling back on my bed.

I remembered those words.

We are free

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