
Chapter 7 : A strange dream

- Why am I here every night... Adam complained as he realized he was back on the huge cliff.

With his wand ready in his right hand, he waited patiently for the return of the thunderbird, which should arrive any moment now, given the violence with which the sky was rumbling.

- Totalus Petrificus.

A beam of white light shot from his wand toward the sky, toward the shadow looming on the horizon.

A shrill cry rang out with such force that the spell was diverted from its trajectory and ended up in the sea without even touching the bird.

- Oh shit!

As he fled for his life, Adam heard a melody, so special, so beautiful, that it seared itself into his brain.

His wand came to life and his arm moved, animated by an unknown force. He traced, through no will of his own, a magical construction whose arithmetic and ancient rune knowledge surpassed him. 

When the construction was complete, Adam felt his magic being pumped out at an alarming rate, his arm holding his wand rose skyward in circular motions and the clouds followed his rhythm.

Like an orchestra conductor, he directed the enormous cloud spiral faster and faster, a tornado was beginning to form.

- Nebulae Maneo! he heard himself say in a low voice.

All of a sudden, everything accelerated and a huge tornado was unleashed. The whole scene, from the moment Adam had traced his magical construct to now, hadn't even lasted ten seconds, and yet, in a few moments, his reservoir of magic would run dry.

The thunderbird was struggling with all its might to resist a spell of this level, even Dumbledore would have struggled to cast one of this magnitude and without the complex magical construction Adam had drawn, it would have been more than impossible for him to create this phenomenon.

- Where did Ollivander GET THAT FUCKING WAND ?" roared Adam over the din of the whirlwind.

His magic ran out and Adam watched in horror as his vital energy was pumped back into the spell.

He tried with all his might to stop the spell, but to no avail, watching his own life being consumed.

He took one last look at the thunderbird, still struggling with the tornado, before collapsing on the rocky floor of the cliff.

- Even a spell like that didn't hurt him... he thought, and his vision went black.

Adam woke with a start in his bed, a terrible pain shooting through his body.

He stifled a scream and endured the torture in silence, teeth clenched, sweat pouring from every pore of his skin, gradually soaking his sheets.

- The cost of every one of these dreams is going to drive me crazy," he grumbled.

Once the pain had left his body, leaving him aching as if he'd had an intensive sports session, the sun was rising on the horizon, gradually illuminating Hogwarts with its light.

Adam didn't care about anything and immediately went outside after putting on a couple of clothes.

He looked down at his wand, from which came a little melody that only he could hear.

Adam smiled and raised it to the sky...

- Nebulae Maneo!" he shouted.

Crow cawing could be heard in the distance, like a mocking laugh at a pathetic attempt.

Adam's face darkened.

- Without this magical construction, everything is vain, it is the pillar of everything, even the incantation produced no melody... But no matter how hard I try to remember it, it's like she was running away from me. 

Sighing, he put his wand away and returned to the castle for a well-earned shower. His first class was with Professor McGonagall and the Gryffindors, and it wasn't going to be an easy one.

[Scene break]

Adam stormed into the classroom right on time, the cat on the desk looking at him so badly that if Adam didn't know he was Professor McGonagall, he would have challenged him to a duel.

Fortunately, he'd arrived before Harry and Ron, so the attention wouldn't be on him for very long. Adam sat down next to Theodort, who had saved a seat for him.

- Where were you?

- In the shower," answered Adam.

- You're lucky the teacher's not here," he said earnestly.

- She's already here, you moron!" whispered Adam.

Theodort fell silent instantly and searched his eyes for her. His gaze landed suspiciously on the cat on the desk.

This was the moment Ron and Harry chose to storm in.

The professor suddenly transformed from her animagus form into her human form, startling the two boys.

- Maybe I should transfigure you into a watch next time so you can get here on time.

The two boys, still in shock, finally came to their senses.

- But we're lost ma'am. exclaimed Ron.

- On the map, then, Mr Weasley.

They both swallowed and shook their heads, while Malfoy sniggered.

- In your place and quickly! she scolded them.

Harry spotted Adam and gave him a puppy dog look, which Adam simply ignored with a smile.

- Shape-shifting is one of the most dangerous and complex forms of magic you'll have to study, she resumed. Anyone who makes a disturbance during my lessons will be immediately expelled and forbidden to return. You've been warned!

She then turned her desk into a pig as the little wizards looked on in amazement, eager to get started.

She gave them all a small wooden match to transform into a needle.

- The formula is Mutatis Figuram! Repeat after me!

The class repeated in chorus before she let them practice.

Adam concentrated on his match, each object had its own melody so to change one object into another, Adam had to change the melody of the object itself and this was virtually impossible if magic didn't exist.

He repeated the formula word by word, and the spell allowed him to choose at will which note of the melody he wanted to change.

- My own perception of magic is simply too cheaty!

He tested it over and over again, changing the object's properties little by little, until finally he found the right combination.

He then inspected his needle, which gleamed with a beautiful silver glow. 

- Crap! I've changed the object permanently !!!! Only the Philosopher's Stone should be able to do that!

Adam panicked, and seeing Professor McGonagall coming towards him, he made the only decision he could think of...


He blew up his needle.

- Oops," he apologized sheepishly, while Theodort was still in shock, his face ashen black.

Hi reader ! You know the drill by now, new day, new chapter !

I just wanted to say thank you ! 200 collections coming soon !

Thank you to those who give me their power stones, it gives me enormous strength to continue writing.

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Happy reading !

Henry_Parquetcreators' thoughts
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