
Water World

As the light Fades away from the wand, while I can't stop giggling, my dad looks at me bewildered and so excited im worried for his heart. "You have magic Arthur, Magic! I have never even heard of a baby doing accidental magic!" My dad laughs and shouts and spins about. "Wait 'til Atlanna hears about this, that will show her who you take after most! Hahaha no more he has my eyes... Well, he has my magic! What do you think my little genius wizard?"

I get that the question is rhetorical, but I had no idea that they were fighting over my description so much. I give my dad a confused look and try to reach for the wand again. 'Gods, I want to do that again, it felt so wild and free.'

"Better to not risk my luck little man." My dad says disappearing his wand into his right hand sleeve.

'he must have a holster on his forearm there.' I think getting some plans going in my head.

"Shit, your mom is going to kill me if she finds out you got your hands on my wand. And I was just bragging about how dangerous I am with it! Saying I could take out a whole squad of death eaters before they know what hit them." my dad face palms hard.

'Oof pops, our little secret then yeah?' I mentally respond. 'Man 9 months of waiting to show I understand simple language will be rough. I already miss conversing.'

Dad and I hung out for about an hour longer when mom came home. "How was my little angel?" She asked walking in and taking me from my dads arms.

My dad played it cool and didn't mention my magic use or the few minutes he was zonked out. I was fed, changed and got to do my favorite activity. It was bath time! Feeling the water around me and closing my eyes as my mom gently washed me I felt myself entering a trance like state. It was different then with the wand, I felt more control, I felt connected with the water.

With much less effort of will than using the lumos spell, I gave the water a little push. The water of the tub pulsed out in a circle around me. When it hit the edge of the tub and came rushing back I was jostled. My mom shouted "Tom get in here!"

With a pop of apparition and with his wand out my father appeared in the bathroom. "Whats wrong Anna?" He said assessing the situation.

"I have no idea what Artie just did, there was a wave in the water." Oblivious to the situation outside of my focus on the water I sent another pulse this time stronger.

When the wave hit the wall of the tub this time, the pressure overwhelmed the porcelain. My father put his outstanding reflexes to work and transfigured the floor around the tub into a small wall, to protect Atlanna from the shards.

Opening my eyes I looked at the accidental damage I just caused. With guilt racing through me for the danger I just put my mother through, I pulled the water that was draining off into the house.

"His eyes Tom!" My mother said as she stared into my now glowing amber colored orbs, much different than the sea blue that matched hers.

Seeing the water was now holding in the shape of the tub around me, my father chanted "Reparo!" The tub seamlessly put itself back together and I released my hold on the water within. Slowly my eyes reverted to a tranquil ocean blue.

"WHAT WAS THAT!" My mother yelled snatching me from the tub I'm grabbing my father by his dress shirt.

"Magic?" My dad says grinning. "Guess we know who he takes after more hahaha."

"Why are you laughing! He could have been hurt!" Mom practically screeches at him.

Dad sobers quickly, losing his manic grin. "I guess bath time will have to be a whole family deal. I'll see what I can do to enhance the durability of the tub," scratching the back of his head and nodding at his own words.

Atlanna asks, "Did your parents have similar issues raising you?" Clearly worried for the future of her magical baby.

"Māmā never said anything like that to me, I'll call her in a few hours - it will be morning there." Tom replies.

Feeling worn out but not ready to quit using my hydrokinesis, I reach for the water again but can't quite make a connection without touching the water. 'Damn this is going to take a fair bit of practice. Mom and dad probably will have issues letting me out of their sight now.' I think trying to plan some low key training for myself.

A few hours later, the family is sitting in the living room and I'm staring at the fish tank against the wall with 2 goldfish in it. My dad reaches for the phone and says, "Okay im going to call Māmā, hopefully I won't get an earful for only calling twice since little Artie has been born." I start watching him punch in buttons and easily memorize the number.

"Aloha Māmā." my enhanced hearing can pick up both sides of the conversation and I hear my grandma ask about me. "Yeah Artie is fine aʻohe hopohopo."

"No worries huh, thats what you say after I don't hear from you for 2 weeks." Tom has a sheepish look on his face as he looks at Atlanna.

"Hey Māmā, I got a question." My dad says rolling right past the reprimand. "When was my first accidental magic?"

"You don't remember Keikikāne? You were about 5 years old and you wanted to go surfing with your big brother. We said you were to young for the nalu nui. You threw a fit and blew up everyone's boards." I hear grandma reminisce.

My dad nods and says "That is what I thought, I was just wondering because little Arthur just had his first Magic in the bath. He exploded the tub. Don't worry everyone is fine. How is big bro D.D.?"

"Wow, so young! Of course my grandson is a special boy he probably takes after me hehe." Grandma laughs. "Dwayne is fine honey, still working in that glorified Chop Shop but he is loving it. You know what I say - whatever makes my boys happy."

'She sounds nice. I can hear the waves of a beach in the background of their conversation.' Dad talks for a bit longer before he says has to go.

nalu nui = big wave

aʻohe hopohopo = no worries

Keikikāne = son

VatOfRedundancycreators' thoughts
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