
Chapter 184 : Teaching Wandless Magic 3

"Alright, now when we are done with that small distraction let us go back to teh topic. 

Wands, Spells, Intent and Magical Purity and to some extend the control it brings.

Those are the things that help us interact with Magic outside some other ancient ways. 

In this class, we will only focus on one of those elements. 

INTENT." Orion said and saw many hands raise up and even some professors were among them to raise there hands. But he didn't let anyone speak.

"I know what you all want to ask, you need more information about the origins of magic I just mentioned,about the magical purity and what not right...." Orion asked with a smile on his face.

And just like he said, many nodded following his comment.

"Well sorry to disappoint you but that has to remain a secret until my next book comes out, I have already said more than I should have so let's not indulge more in something which we ain't gonna discuss here," Orion said with a smile while everyone else including some professors gave an exaggerated expression of disappointment. 

Even someone like Dumbledore shows disappointment, that magic purity part was something he himself was interested in. But knowing how protective and tight lips Orion was towards his next book, multiply that with a thousand when money is involved, Dumb Dumb Dore knew that he wouldn't be getting anything out of that money-greedy kid, he too just like others had to wait for another year until Orion complete his next book.

"Anyway, we will only focus on intent and to some extent magical control here. As you already saw me using wandless magic without any spells. You might realize that almost everything I do is through intent. This is the beauty and simplicity of intent-based magic. 

Now let me give you all one more example before we truly start learning wandless magic. For this, I will need a little help from you all.

Hmm, let me guess, hmmm...

Professor Snape would you mind helping me," Orion said with a smile, but to Snape this felt like a devil asking him to visit him. He will never believe this kid anymore from now on. 

But seeing that everyone was looking at him, he begrudgingly just stood up and with a prideful snort walked towards Orion.

"Great, need one more person here though, a student.

Hmm, let's see. Neville come on buddy," Orion acted like he was confused before suddenly pointing at Neville, startling him. 

"Me !" Neville asked with exclamation.

"Of course, come on brother," Orion cheer up Neville.

With a nervous expression on his face, Neville slowly stood up and walked towards Orion.

Others were also watching with full intent, not wanting to miss anything. They really wanted to know what Orion wanted to show next.

"Good, now we can finally start. Now I want both of you to do the same as I do okay," Orion said as he turned towards the teacher's table and raised his hand. And with just a little gesture of his hand, Orion made the table float.

"Please do that same, you both can use whatever means you like, by all means, use the wands and spell its fine," Orion said and gave them space to do the same.

This made almost everyone confused, making things float is a first-year spell. A simple charm which Orion himself show a little while earlier in the class. They were confused now about what the boy was trying to show here.

Snape wanted to be done with it so he was the first one to take out his wand and point if towards the table. With a simple 'Wingardium Leviosa,' the table was floating.

"Great, now Neville your turn," Orion point out.

Neville was nervous as always acted a little timid before finally taking out his wand and doing the same. And masterfully the able float. 

Pretty much anyone would expect this level of mastery from a student in his 3rd year let alone a professor and neither of them was disappointed. 

"Great, good.

Now that we know that both of you are capable of using the Leviosa Spell, then let's start the real example, now do this." Orion said as he extended his hand towards all the students and professors sitting.

Others didn't understand what Orion was doing but soon they felt a feeling of weightlessness. Just before they looked around to find what really happening to them, they saw the chairs they were sitting on and the desks both started to float up including them. 

All were dumbfounded, the students, the professors and even Dumbledore were dumbfounded.

The entire class was floating up. After a ton of exclamation and shouting, everyone's attention was snapped back to Orion.

Orion's earlier easygoing attitude was not there anymore. He was focused and serious. Now it finally felt like he was having trouble doing magic and it wasn't just another wave of the hand.

After 1 minute of making them fly in the air, he finally lowered his hand and gently put down all of them.

Everyone was dazed at this, only last year they all were gushing at the fact that Orion could lift Rose with wandless magic. And now the boy lifted the entire class.

'Phew,' Only Orion right now knew that it wasn't that easy to do even for him.

[Hmm you didn't use Law or Natural Magic. Why ?] Merlin noticed that Orion was only using the simple intent to make them float. Until others, Merlin can even detect powerful intent besides magic and it's been a while since he felt this powerful intent from Orion.

'I have to show them what is possible right, so if I use natural magic or even Law. They will not understand where the natural limit of wandless magic lies. I have to use only Wandless magic to show them, not to mention that my ace, I go showing that to others. Have to keeps few things to myself' Orion replied but felt a little tired with only that much work. He put a lot of magic there, even more than he trying to fly.

But more than magic it was the sudden mental fatigue which irritated him. 

"Now you do that same," Orion said with a smile.

This stunned Neville, Snape and almost everyone present there.

"Do... do what," Neville asked with amazement still stunned. Even Snape was shocked at what Orion was able to do here.

And now he was asking them to float the entire class like how he did it. Both Snape and Neville were dumbfounded.

"What... come on, try it. It's fine if you can't," Orion said which irked Snape, for him, it was like Orion was saying this, especially to him.

But he knew that he couldn't. There is no way that he can lift everyone in the class. But maybe to save himself from the humiliation, he still took out of his wand and only points at half of the class. 

"Wingardium Leviosa," Snape shouted the spell and sure enough only half of the class slowly lifted up, the problem here was that it was not at all stable like when Orion's spell was. 

Snape's own hand was shaky and he didn't continue it for long, just after a few seconds he let it go.

No one pointed out the obviously bad performance of Snape compared to Orion, part of the reason becuase he is Snape and another part becuase here they are talking about Orion of all people, since when does common sense apply to him anyway?

"Good, now your turn Neville," Orion himself didn't care how Snape performed he already knew what will be the outcome. 

Currently, the amount of magic he has is very similar to Snape. Plus his own magic is very pure thanks to his technique and powerful intent. Meaning when he casts the magic he can draw much more power than Snape. 

And just now even he had a problem making the class levitate for more than 1 minute. There is no way Snape can match that. 

And when it comes to Neville, there was nothing at all. The poor boy just wanted to go back now. 

Orion just sighed after seeing this. But he still wanted Neville at least give it a try. So with that said, Orion just pushes Neville to at least try. 


The boy was able to lift a person at best. 

"Alright, now we know where the limits of our candidates lies, so let's start the real test here," Orion said with a mysterial smile on his face and took out a potion vile from his pocket.

"Professor Snape, may I bother you to check this potion and tell what this is to others," Orion said and handed the potion to Snape. 

Snape seeing the potion was surprised, suddenly a thought of this potion being the reason why Orion could do wandless magic came to his mind. But that thought was immediately thrown out of the window when Snape opened the potion and smelled it.

"It's a concentration potion," Snape said with a little disappointment. 

"Yes, thank you for verifying," Orion said and took the potion from Snape's hand. Handing it over to Neville.

"Drink it, Neville," Orion said with confidence. 

Others didn't understand what Orion was trying to do here but it was a nice show, so they kept there quiet. 

Neville was not sure whether he should do that or not but seeing that everyone was looking at him right now, he just gulped down the bottle's contents.

"Good, good now here wear this ring and try the same as you did earlier," Orion said and handed over a pretty-looking ring to Neville. 

Dumbledore on the side suddenly got interested in the ring which Orion gave to Neville. He could sense a powerful magic in that ring. 

Neville didn't understand what was going on but he did as Orion said and ...


Everyone was surprised right now. An entire section of the class slowly lifted, it was still not as good as Snape but miles ahead of what Neville was able to do just before that.

"That... what the hell," 

Now everyone exclaims at this, none of them can stand still anymore. There was an unrest in their hearts.

Orion just promotes a third-year student whose magic is only at the level one wizard to a level 2 wizard in a matter of seconds. 

What the hell did he do? 

"Hahahahaha surprise right...

Well let me explain what's going on here," Orion said and due to curiosity everyone shut up.

"This is a personal research and secret of mine so listen to it carefully. 

The intent is not only useful to make magic do what you want to but also its make one magic powerful and even purify it," 

These words drop like a bomb for others. 

Intent can make them stronger. 

Even Dumbledore got hitch at the part of purifying magic. 

"The reason why Neville was able to do that is because I helped him improve his concentration and intent with that potion and the ring I gave him. 

That ring especially is a product of mine which I am planning on bringing to the market soon. Its enhance once intent to higher level. Making once magic stronger."


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