
13: Uh, school.

[09/09/1982] - Brazilian Magical Pre-school: Girassol (Sunflower)

Derek hated school.

He loved learning, sure, but he fucking hated school. Learning is very important, seeing as knowledge maketh men, but school destroys men! 'Or rather, I'll destroy these little shits.' Spending his time learning how to develop a better multitasking ability and even developing a magical skill to split his mind in various other minds, Derek finally achieved something many only dreamed of - the ability to master his own mind. He spent 5 years of his life developing this and various other skills. When he was 10 years old, he finally managed to control his own wrathful mind, being able to join a magical pre-school when he was 11. After passing the test, his father put him through to test his limits, of course.

The very first thing he went through was have every single bone in his body broken at the same time. It didn't really affect him more than just give him an opportunity to push himself and heal his entire body in five seconds with his magic! Next, he was put through the spell that triggered an emotional intensification, more specifically, increased his rage and anger to almost unbelievable reaches - He did not attack anyone, instead choosing to stay quiet and on his own. And, for the final test, he had to be under the influence of the spell and have Goliad do his best to annoy the fuck out of him. He did not react. In fact, he didn't even react when Goliad started to use his Fey Púca magic to annoy him. He ignored it!

So he passed the tests.

(We ignore the fact that after his dad told him he had passed the tests, Goliad had been thrown through the wall)

"Derek~ Espera!" (Derek~ Wait!) Here comes the bane of his existence... The lanky giantess grinned as she brandished her long spear. The Girassol Magical Pre-school was a pre-school for halves, so Derek could see many halves around. From Half-Centaurs to Half-Fey to even a few weird fish people that walked on land due to their Half-Siren heritage. "Se você tentar me tocar, eu vou quebrar todos os seus dedos." (If you try to touch me, I'll break every single one of your finges.) Meet Amel, daughter of a giantess who was honestly obsessed with his father. Derek met her a few times, and although his dad refused to make contact with the woman (he was a married man, thank you very much), she would still act like they were flirting.

Of course, she never did it in the presence of his mother- Last time she tried to do that, she lost one eye.

"Awn~" Amela grinned softly, although her mother insisted on her to try and get close to Derek (seriously, the woman wanted them to date... ew) she was pretty chill, just acting like she was in love with him whenever her mother was close. "Você é tão cruel..." (You're so cruel...) She grinned teasingly before sighing, pulling out this bag before throwing it at him: "Ai está sua parte." (There's your part) Derek sighed before looking inside the bag - there were several small coins of gold, he just grinned. "Bom, eles perderam pra crianças..." (Well, they lost to children). What was he talking about? Well, the ultimate evil of the world: Gambling.

At school, the very first day Derek joined, he made a gambling ring that involved a lot of the older kids and some of the adults. It involved a lot of poker and games of dice, of course Derek scammed the fuck out of these people! He grinned, just because his family had money, it didn't mean he couldn't get more money, now did it? "Mas, sério, nossa fraude é do caralho." (But, seriously, our scam is the shit) Amela grinned as she jiggled her own bag of money. Because Derek is a fucking genius, he got the help from a girl who is obsessed with money and finances like Amela. Seriously, she managed to make his little project into something that spread out even to other schools and created this society of gambling kids in their school, with ages between 11 and 15.

As they walked down the hall, Derek placed the bag of money on his own backpack, alongside his books. Because now that the wizarding world had a larger curriculum, children had to learn the basics from the very beginning, which was why they had to bring so many books about so many things... Derek, stading at 6'8 feet tall, was one of the tallest boys there, considering that there weren't many Half-Giants or Giants in there. He has been going through this school without much thought or effort. Everything was very easy, considering that everything they learn is theoretical knowledge instead of much practical knowledge.

I mean, they did have practical classes, but they were few and far in between. For those that wanted, there was Combat Class to learn the basics of how to defend oneself from danger, which mainly taught self-defense and dodging techniques and true combat techniques, so Derek had no interest in that. There was the Sports Class, much like Physical Education, they would move and play sports! Mostly Quidditch, for some reason, but at least Derek got to have some fun absolutely destroying these kids by doing crazy tricks to dodge the balls that were thrown at him, or he'd just grab the ball mid-air with his bare hands. He enjoyed letting his frustration out by winning, which kinda made him somewhat popular? It's not like he cares, but people seem tk enjoy watching him play, even though it's the dumbest thing ever.

Like, he just fucking rides the broom like he's surfing, only instead he was wearing a shirt. "Hey, Você não disse que iria fazer outra tatuagem?" (Hey, didn't you say you were getting another tattoo?) Suddenly, from the side, a new voice appeared. Derek didn't even flinch as J'nir appeared. As a Half-Caipora, he would just pop out from anywhere he wanted because that was one of the abilities Caoiporas had. Like many Fey beings, the Caipora are mischievous. They are protectors of the woods and wildlife, protecting them from hunters and many other dangers. "J'nir." Greeting the boy, Derek simply raised his hand for a second, and the boy glowed a bright purple coloration before floating away from Derek, as if being shoved: "Proxima vez que você tentar me assustar, eu vou quebrar seu crânio." (Next time you try to scare me, I'll break your skull). Derek grinned as the boy lifted his thin arms, his dark skin also had these small marks all over them, reminiscent of tribal tattoos.

"Diz, oque você acha de vir visitar? Ad'ormi sente sua falta." (Say, what do you think about visiting? Ad'ormi misses you.) Said the short boy, like a Caipora his hair was bright red and his skin had a rather greenish tint to it, but due to him beig a Half-Caipora, he had a higher affinity to Nature based magic such as Herbology, which earned him and all his fellow nature oriented friends a pass by the school to create their own little club or herbology. Derek himself, under the guidance and influence of his parents, has started to smoke some herbs that are supposed to help him stay calm. I mean, it doesn't work most of the time due to his Half-Giant constitution, and one of his "dealers" (or rather, providers) is J'nir's family! "Ah, mãe disse que ela tem mais um pouco da Cannis Avernis pra você." (Ah, mother says that she has a little bit more of the Cannis Avernis for you). Cannis Avernis is the name of the natural calming herb he smokes.

Not to be confused with Cannabis, the Cannis Avernis is a magical herb that is used in the Calming Drought potion, its magical properties, when used in potent quantities, can calm down even the angriest of dragons! But, due to the potion's addictive properties, Derek has only been allowed to smoke the herb because smoke does absolutely nothing to his lungs, thanks to both his constitution and his self developed magic.

Let's take a look at his status?


[Name: Dë-rek Örthun Nevênno Afonso Correia Biọhrĝn G'halyth Oriundo]

[Age: 11 Years]

[Gender: Male]

[Species: Half-Giant]

[Nationality: Brazilian/Scottish]

[Magic: Natural/Instinctive]

[Condition: Cursed (Soul) - Cruciatus, <Anger>]


[Half-Giant (Variant) Constitution (S)]

Description: You are born a half-giant half-human, although you lose most of your physical capabilities you receive the gift of naturally being born with magic, however, a part of your father's strength resides within your body.

+ Medium Magic Resistant

+ High Endurance and Stamina

+ Disease Immunity

+ High Senses (Sight, Smell, Hearing)

+ High Bone Density

+ High Muscle Density, Strength, and Mass

+ High Metabolism

+ High Poison Resistance

+ Extreme Cold Resistance and Affinity

+ High Size of Limbs]


[High Magic Affinity: Mental Magic (S)]

Description: Limited only by imagination and energy, magic is the force of this and many other universes that make the impossible possible! This ability grants you a higher Affinity for mind magic.

+ Natural Mind Reading

+ Natural Mind Shield

+ Natural Immunity to Mental Damage

+ 100% Learning speed for [Illusory]/[Mental]/[Psionic] spells.]

[Mind Spell - Link (A)

Description: You link your mind to someone else's, being able to share anything from memories, emotions, sensations, thoughts, and others as you wish. Can be used both to heal and harm.

+ Mind Attack Spell

+ Mind Mending Spell]

[Mind Spell - Multi-Minds (S)

Description: You can split and copy your mind, creating various minds that are copies of your own mind. Each mind is you and obeys all your orders. They have all thinking capabilities your original mind has! Under constant effort, you can potentially have thousands of minds.

Minds: 8]


[Magic Affinity: Self Magic (A)]

Description: Limited only by the body's strength and energy, you can channel magic through yourself to strengthen your body beyond its strength! Of course, it's not only that! Your magic affects you easier- It is a double-edged knife seeing as it not only helps you with some forms of magic, it also hurts you with other forms of magic.

+ Natural Medium Resistance to Transfiguration Magic (Not used by yourself on yourself)

+ Natural Medium Resistance to Healing Magic (Not used by yourself on yourself)

+ Natural Medium Resistance to Jinxes, Hexes, and Curses (Not used by yourself on yourself)

+ 50% Learning speed for [Transfiguration], [Healing], and [Dark Arts].

[Self Healing (A)

Description: Under the training of your mother, you've learned how to induce your body to magically heal. You can heal any type of damage, as long as you have enough magic.

+ Passive Regeneration

+ Poison Immunity

+ Body Reconstruction]

[Bodily Manipulation (S)

Description: You can magically manipulate your body's functions and form, being able to shift your bones, skin, muscles, and many parts of your body. Like a Metamorphamagus, you can now freely control your body's structure, and using it for combat is easily done.

+ Shapeshifting

+ Enchantment Magic

+ Self Manipulation]


[Spirit Familiar - Manta Ray <Raymond> (A)]

Description: Given to you through a ritual, Raymond manifests itself upon your skin as a chalk-white tattoo that is alive and moving within your skin. Raymond was a healing and protective spirit. He underwent a serious upgrading process that changed his entire existence into more than just a healing and protective spirit, Raymond is now THE protector! Raymond also prevents your curse from spreading further beyond your soul!

[Higher Heal (S): Constantly absorbs energy from magic and heals damages dealt to your soul or any other soul you command Raymond to heal. Can also heal physical injuries, up to 10 people at the same time.]

[Protect (A): Upon your command, Raymond can extend a protective sphere of energy that can absorb damages. Can even protect against spells and physical damage by creating this barrier that surrounds the target of the shield. Up to 10 people are fully protected.]

[Calm Emotions (A): Upon your command or upon detecting a dangerous amount of destructive emotions within you, Raymond will forcefully use his magic to calm those emotions. He can also do the same to up to 10 people!]

[Soul Sting (C): After his upgrade, Raymond received a sting that he can use to hit any target directly in the soul, the damage is minimal but the sting is covered in an esoteric 'venom' that can paralyze someone's soul, making those stung by Raymond unable to think, speak, move, or do anything for 10 seconds, entering a "stasis" state.]


[Cursed Anger (A)]

Description: Your curse has spread and attached itself to your emotions. It particularly likes your anger, feeding it with pain to make it grow beyond proportion. It makes it harder for you to control yourself in a state of anger, but do try, for control is essential.


+ Suppresses Positive Emotions by 50%

+ Increases Negative Emotions by 25% (Anger by 50%)


+ Anger Overload: Increases all physical aspects by 50% while decreasing your control over your actions and thoughts by 50%.]


[Ice Giant's Combat Arts (SS)]

Description: Believed to be a martial art passed down by a Titan to its offspring, this martial art used to be much deadlier and more dangerous than its diluted and weakened counterpart which is the Ice Giant's Combat Arts. Consisting of 9 stances, each stance can be considered a whole different martial art in itself!

1: Ice Breaker Fist (Brute Force Combat Technique) [Proficiency: SS]

2: Snow Steps (Soundless Movement Technique) [Proficiency: SS]

3: Hail Gheist (Dodging Technique) [Proficiency: SS]

4: Mountain Hold (Defensive Technique, Immobile) [Proficiency: SS]

5: Avalanche (Aggressive Movement Technique) [Proficiency: SS]

6: Snowflake (Soft and Deceiving, Dexterous Offensive Technique) [Proficiency: SS]

7: Snowstorm Strikes (Offensive Technique, Quick Attacks) [Proficiency: SS]

8: Snowball (Defensive Technique, Mobile, Unstoppable Charge) [Proficiency: SS]

9: Blizzard (Magical Offensive Technique, Explosive Impact) [Proficiency: SS]


As you can see, Derek developed three magics - [Multi-Minds], [Self Healing], and [Body Manipulation]. With the first magic, he can keep various consciousness up at the same time. They help him manage his anger and other things, making every so much easier on him... Giant Puberty is really rough, the amount of times he has woken up with his bed either covered in sweat or broken was really bad. His Half-Giant Constitution made him really warm, he was so fucking hot in the summer that he got used to sleeping naked now.

[Self Healing] was essential for him because he could constantly keep an eye out for his own health because he could not feel any pain from serious damage, so every hour or so, he did a complete body diagnosis to know if there was anything wrong with him.

[Body Manipulation] was a magic he developed because he was fucking annoyed. He wanted to do what his sisters could do - because the oldest, Alexandra, learned how to be an Animagus, and was annoying the fuck out of her family by doing pranks and running away in her little squirrel form. Derek also wanted to try and turn into an animal, but when he learned the process, he knew it would be difficult for him to do the easy way - the potion way - so he had to go the hard way.

That was how he slowly developed [Body Manipulation], which allowed him to turn into other things, but to become an animal, he had to find out his own. It will require a lot of soul searching. He tried turning into a manta ray, but it did not work. It was like his magic refused to transform! He tried many animals, but none seemed to work and he would not transform.

He would not give up.

Next chapter