
Recuperating and Retribution

Upon entering the cave above Hogsmeade, the persistent stinging of my wounds reignited the anger simmering within me toward the centaurs. 

Sitting on the cold, rough stones of the cave floor with a scowl on my face, the weight of my ethereal form bore down on me. The anger from the recent battle still burned in me something fierce. The shadows in the cave reflected the darkness that clouded my thoughts, serving as a vivid reminder of the fury now gnawing at my spirit.

I turned inward, drawing upon the five petty soul echoes I had acquired from those Imps; their energy enveloped me as I sought to mend my injuries. Concentrating their essence on my wounds, I felt the spectral energy weaving around me.

Wisps of spectral energy swirled as I channeled the ethereal powers. I felt the power enveloping me, stitching together the torn fabrics of my essence. My shoulder and knee wounds began to fade, leaving behind faint traces of their presence.

[After using a new application to heal yourself, the last remnants of the echoes have been infused into your being. You are now slightly stronger than before.]

The strength I felt was negligible, but I knew it was a start. I could sense that my magical reserves had grown by about five percent, and that was just the beginning. Dismissing the notification, I began to focus on my next move.

With my wounds tended to and my spirits slightly lifted, I gazed out of the cave towards the hills of Hogsmeade below. Vengeful thoughts against the centaurs still lingered, but I knew that I needed to exercise caution. I must bide my time, gather strength, and devise a more strategic approach.

As the moon illuminated the landscape of Hogsmeade, I contemplated my future. I resolved to train harder, master my abilities, and strike when the time is right. They would regret not destroying me when they had the opportunity.

With steely determination in my flaming eyes, I vowed to rise from the ashes, stronger and wiser than before. The air whispered secrets of change and possibilities; the journey had only just begun and was far from over.

Opening my skill window, I decided to check how much proficiency I gained from overusing [Telekinesis].

[Telekinesis (Apprentice) (Active): You are a Magical Ghost. Even though you are dead, you can influence the world of the living with some effort]

'I used so much in that fight that it went from Novice to Apprentice...' Mentally commanding a few small rocks to start floating, I noticed that It had gotten easier to control things.

There was also a new notice.

[Congratulations, you survived your encounter with the centaurs and gained a new skill!]

[Physical skill]

[Spectral Step (Novice) (Active): The ability to teleport short distances, phasing in and out of existence]

My first physical skill and it's my own version of the Flash Step. Hell yeah, this will be very useful, and training it will also be at the top of my list next to [Telekinesis].

Standing from where I was resting against the wall, I surveyed the area to test the limits of my new skill.

Taking a forward step toward the entrance, there was a shift around me as everything blurred, and I found myself right out of the mouth of the cave.

I was aiming further than this. It seems like the farthest I can go is 5 meters.

I began doing small teleports below the 5-meter range to get accustomed to the feeling of instantly being in another area without getting disoriented.

As I used the ability more, I deduced that I could accurately be anywhere I wanted in the allocated 5-meter range, including underground, since I am intangible for now.

This is a good skill and will be the focal point of my fighting style. I will train it extensively, but for now, I think I have earned a bit of resting time.


Calling this sleep is an insult to actual sleep essentially, it was like temporarily shutting down everything while floating.

It was just a mechanism to pass the time without acknowledging the passing of it. It is helpful but not comforting if this will always remain so.

'I think I'll go insane before I even consider this any form of comfort,' I mentally thought, my annoyance growing with each passing moment. 'Why does everything have to be so complicated?'

Sighing, I pull up my status.

[Name: Aurelius][Race: HP ghost]

[Soul echoes required for Race Advancement – 5]*

[Soul echoes: 5 (4 lesser, 1 common)]

Taking a deep breath reflexively out of habit and mentally click on Race advancement

[Quest Added: First Evolution]

[Absorb five lesser soul echoes or higher - completed.]

[Take the heart of an enemy you detest. - Incomplete.]

Hmm...so there are evolution quests, and not just getting new evolutions instantly. Meeting the required echoes triggers the quest I see.

"An enemy I detest, huh?" I started cackling at the quest window's insinuation. So you want me to kill those centaurs, too? Well, I am not one to disappoint.

It's time for the hunter to realize that he, too, may become prey to a larger predator, and I'll finally be able to let loose my rage.

A wide grin spread upon my face. "Oh yes, this will be fun. You won't know what hit you; just wait, my dear horsy!" Cackling into the darkness of the cave...

The hunt is ON!


(Dumbledore's POV)

As I sat in my plush armchair, savoring the delightful taste of a lemon drop, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. "Muggle candy truly is a marvel," I mused aloud, appreciating the simple yet exquisite flavor that danced on my tongue. Compared to the overly sweet confections of wizarding candy, there was a certain elegance to these treats that never failed to please my palate.

Lost in my musings on the intricacies of Muggle confectionery, I was abruptly pulled back to reality by the sudden flare of my alert ward on the gargoyle outside. With a knowing smile, I set aside the half-eaten lemon drop and straightened in my chair, anticipation humming in my veins.

The familiar knock on the door confirmed my suspicions, and I called out, "Enter, Hagrid," my voice carrying a warmth that matched the crackling fire in the hearth. As the door swung open, revealing the towering figure of my dear friend Hagrid, a smile spread across my face.

"Ah, Hagrid, it's always a pleasure to see you." I greeted him warmly, gesturing for him to come closer.

"Come, have a seat, Hagrid," I said, my tone shifting to one of concern as I welcomed him into my office. As he settled into a chair, a troubled expression on his face, I inquired, "How can I assist you today, my friend?"

Hagrid's deep voice rumbled as he recounted the troubling news from the Forbidden Forest. "There's trouble, Professor," he began, his words heavy with worry. "One of the centaurs reported an abomination lurkin' in the depths of the forest. It's been attackin' and killin' anythin' it comes across."

My brow furrowed at the news, the tranquility of the moment shattered by the gravity of the situation. "And what happened when the centaurs confronted this abomination?" I asked, already bracing myself for the answer.

Hagrid's voice grew graver as he continued, "The centaurs engaged in combat with the creature, but it was fierce. It managed to injure five of 'em before fleein' deeper into the forest."

"Curious indeed," I murmured to myself, my eyes glinting with a mixture of interest and concern. The prospect of an unknown threat in the Forbidden Forest piqued my curiosity, and I knew I had to delve deeper into this matter.

Turning to Hagrid, I continued, "I shall accompany you to speak with the centaurs myself. It is crucial that we understand the nature of this threat and work together to ensure the safety of the forest and its inhabitants."

With a resolute nod, I made up my mind to venture into the heart of the forest. The mysteries of the Forbidden Forest beckoned. It has been a long time since I have been on an adventure, and I was determined to uncover the truth behind this enigmatic "abomination."


(Aurelius's POV)

Venturing into the forest again wasn't difficult. I controlled and coiled the chill that my Deathly Presence trait emits tightly around me so it didn't give away my location. I saw a few creatures on my way but ignored them; there was no need to alert the centaurs to my presence. I moved with extreme caution in my flying path, for I had a plan for how and which centaur I would be killing.

That being the lead centaur, whom I blasted with a full-power telekinetic blast, I did a number on him. He should still be unconscious and weak, so I could sneak into their camp, and kill him, take his heart, and be none the wiser.

As I soared through the trees, I finally arrived near the centaur colony, sneaking up above the centaurs stationed near the edges of their territory. Once I went around them, I started looking around for what would look like a medical bay for centaurs.

My gaze fixated on finding the centaur's medical ward with a singular focus. Eventually, I located it by a small isolated lake, hidden away from the rest of the colony, likely so the injured could rest peacefully.

With a grin ever present on my spectral face, I slipped into the medical ward unnoticed. In my excitement about finally getting the retribution I needed, my presence intensified, sending a brief chill through the air.

There, before me, lay the lead centaur who had caused me so much pain and rage. Weak and defenseless, he was at my mercy. I pulled on my sole Cryomancy spell and fed it constant magic to alter it to my needs. What emerged in my hands was a Bastard Sword made of Ice, which I held tightly with both hands. 

In the stillness of the ward, I released my presence, the brief chill from before transforming into the chillness that reverberated in the room.

I floated right atop the centaur and raised the sword right atop its heart, ready to skewer out, and with my presence being so close to it, it began to wake up.

It stirred and groaned but finally opened its eyes to see my flaming blue eyes with a sword raised above it; before it could scream for help, I pierced the sword right into its heart, instantly silencing whatever it was going to say. It could only gasp and stare disbelievingly into my unblinking, gleeful eyes.

"Bet you didn't expect me again, did you?" I said while laughing. He tried to grasp my hand to pull the sword out, but its hands only phased through my own.

"Oh no, no, my horsy friend, you're not escaping from this. You're going to die today..." I said in a low tone before my face split into a smile from ear to ear, showing all my teeth. And I'll enjoy every last second of it!"

The centaur could only look in horror as the life faded from its eyes as its body slipped from the sword, leaving his heart stuck to my sword, and fell to the ground, spilling blood everywhere, my smile never leaving my face.

[A Black soul echo has been absorbed]

"That was cathartic..." I trailed off as I stared at the heart on my ice sword and the cooling corpse of the centaur.

As I was about to head out, an idea came to me...

{A few minutes later}

"There, that should be good enough."

It is time to head out. Mission accomplished.

Coiling back my Deathly Presence around me, I flew out of the medical ward and disappeared back into the treetops, leaving the colony behind and heading back to my cave. 


(Dumbledore's POV)

Hagrid and I approached the centaur colony, and the urgency in the air was unmistakable. The distant sounds of hooves grew louder, signaling the arrival of the centaurs, their voices raised in distress. The news of an attack spread like wildfire through the forest, guiding us towards the heart of the tragedy.

As we entered the solemn confines of the medical ward, a heavy silence enveloped us. My gaze fell upon the fallen centaur, a sense of sorrow washing over me at the sight of the lifeless form before us. "How horrible," I whispered, my voice tinged with sadness and disbelief.

But it was the chilling message written in the centaur's blood that truly pierced through the silence. "Would you like to see a magic trick?" The words hung in the air like a sinister riddle, casting a shadow of fear over the room. "So this is the abomination's work, I take it," I mused, a steely resolve settling in my heart.

Beside me, Hagrid stood, his eyes brimming with tears, his rugged features etched with grief. I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, a gesture of solace in the face of tragedy. "I know, Hagrid," I said softly, my voice a beacon of empathy in the darkness. "We will get to the bottom of this. Justice will be served."


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