
How to Think

Understand Things:- Before starting any work/speaking/doing any type of activity, the first step for a positive outcome is to understand about the situation and the thing carefully. It helps in getting good outcomes most of the time. As it is rightly said that "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished", it means that if you perform a task by calmness and peacefully there are very less chances of a failure in it as our mother nature gives as a very beautiful example of a tree that, a tree takes years and years to grow fully and provide everyone with fruits, shades, etc. So, before taking any decision we should first understand the situation properly and then act toward it accordingly.

There are various approaches in which one can think few of them are as follows:-

Analytical: - This approach mostly occurs when there is a comparison between more than one thing, for example: - there are 4 type of mobile with varies pros and cons, now how will you choose the best one for you?? The answer is very simple "BY ANALYSING YOUR REQURIMENTS". The same scenario occurs every time everywhere in our day to day live from choosing best plans for mobile phone to best soap to us and from best leader to choose to buy a new car.

Emotional Approach: - This approach mostly comes when a person of your favor commits some mistake and you as a leader want to settle down the situation but at the same time you do not want to be harsh with the person you love, what will you do???? OK the answer is "TAKE SOME DECISION THAT THE COLPRUT FEEL GUILTY BUT AT THE SAME TIME UNDERSTAND YOU FOR TAKING THAT STEP".

The above points were some of the approaches for THINKING through UNDERSTANDING CAPABILITIES.

CHARACTER TOWARDS EVERYONE:- The most important thing that helps one to be a good person and a good thinker is their own character that they show to others. The key to achieve this goal is to "NEVER EXPECT ANYTHING IN RETURN" , it means that do not do anything to impress someone or to expect something in return from anyone in any form. As expecting something will make us mean rather than making us a wise and a good person.



This approach is the best approach to live with happiness and peace, if each of us start following this approach there would be no fights, no wars, and no separations or conflicts between anybody.

SPECIAL TIP:- These approaches also help in becoming a good and people's leadrer.