
How to survive in the World of Naruto with Fragmented Memories

After living long enough in the world of DBZ, Yozu aka Masaru Belial decides it was time to take the second phase of the trials, to survive in a new world. During the reincarnation spell his soul touches the boundaries of where Hagomo's soul rests and incidentally get influenced before returning to the cycle of rebirth as he went to the World of Naruto. Masaru Belial now called Yuuma (Otsutsuki / Kurama) Terumi, born in the land of fire escaped with his father and mother only to be left in an orphanage near the Village Hidden in the mist. Later had himself adopted by Terumi Family. Plotted to have him killed or sold off by many, Yuuma has to walk the path ahead to become the sole existence at the top. To make them acknowledge him, and to protect what he wants to. Many years later Yuuma came in touch with a peculiar girl that gave him a sense of familiarity and bit by bit fragmented memories of his past life as Masaru Belial and Yozu Brief came back to him. -------- Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, and the picture I got from Google which was by luck it fitted my MC's looks! Trying my hand on making a naruto fanfiction

CompleteNoob · Anime & Comics
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Training continues

Soon a month pass since the promise Eiji and Yuuma, during this time Yuuma was getting used to using two katanas instead of one since he could multi-task easier compared to others so he thought of giving it a try only to find that controlling two swords were much more smoother than one sword for him.

The chakra control he trained he was already perfected as he could now make the leaf ball roll all over his body without making it slip off the ground, the next good thing he realized was when he learnt how to control his chakra he managed to come across how to activate his eyes.

But the strange thing was he could only see much clearer than normal and he could see chakra channels and acupoints with his eyes, perhaps it was because he did not come across other ninjas or perhaps beast as he could not determine what his eyes actually do.

Thanks to his stubborn training to get stronger he was able to fulfil the promise with Eiji, or so he thought, "Walk over this pool" Eiji pointed at a still water pool, he channelled his chakra beneath his feet and took the first step splashing into the pool "Bwhaahahaha, you are still far away from reaching the requirement" Eiji spoke while moving to help another student.

Fuuma who climbed out could not scream nor vent his anger since he felt tricked by Eiji but he still felt grateful as he turned to face the pool, his eyes were gazing into the waters trying to visualize how he is meant to control his chakra.

It was then he remembered that palm strike he did against that brat which made used of repellent force to knock him back, so he started to manipulate his chakra once more but this time he began to emit it with a constant stream of chakra that made him feel like he was walking in the air although he was on the ground.

Once again he challenged the waters by placing the first step on the waters, he made sure a few times before raising his leg that was on the ground, "Phew" Yuuma blew out a breath while maintaining his concentration as he took the next step, step by step he focused till he felt like he has gotten used to it and began to jog back and fro on the pool.

Eiji who saw this smirked as he secretly snuck a scroll into Yuuma's bag before leaving the training room. Since students are allowed to stay late till before midnight to train at the academy, Yuuma continued to train above the water with his hand seals as well as moulding his chakra to allow the ball to roll over his body.

He could not count the number of times he collapsed into the pool but before ti was time to head home he managed to multitask his hand seals while rolling the ball over his body as well as standing on the water for half an hour.

When he went to get changed and take his bag to head home, he realized a scroll was sticking out at the end of the bag as if it was purposely left like that. He did not immediately take out the scroll but instead took out the note {You deserve it - Eiji} Yuuma smiled when he read the note holding his back over his shoulder as he heads back home.

"Yuuma, you heading home?" Daichi the weapon store owner called out to Yuuma who was walking past his store, "Uncle Daichi! Yes, I just finished training so I will be heading home" The old man came over to take a look at Yuuma with a warm smile, "You take care of yourself, you're still young and have a long life ahead of you. Okay?" Yuuma nodded with a smile before saying his farewell to Daichi as he head on home, there are few people who would approach Yuuma because of his odd eyes that made people perceive him as a Kekkei Gekkai user. But because he did not display the prowess of his eyesight most of the higherups did not take it seriously and ignored him.

Yuuma pushed open the door leading to his now furnished home, he threw the bag onto the couch while holding the scroll he already pulled out before throwing his bag. He rolled it open but the first sentence he read was the fact one needed to have Jonin level chakra, however, Yuuma had no way of understanding how he could measure his chakra so he kept reading the scroll where it gave instructions on what to do when something feels wrong. "Whoever made this scroll is really a genius, but, why does it feel like this was stolen?" Yuuma spoke to himself while tilting his head.

Following the instruction carefully, Yuuma place his hands together with his middle and index fingers up straight with hands firmly against each other (Tiger Seal), he circulates his chakra within his body according to the method but he does not activate the technique as he was testing the waters to see if he does have enough chakra, he felt nothing was wrong at the moment so he decided to activate the Jutsu. "Shadow Clone no Jutsu!" Puff! a White smoke exploded next to him before dispersing, what he was looking at was an identical clone of himself, BANG! He watches how the clone collapses on the ground before turning into smoke.

He took a deep breath as he could feel that his chakra reserves were emptied by three quarters leaving him only a quarter left, "I should first train the clone next time" Yuuma muttered with a wry smile as he heads to the kitchen to make himself some dinner before going to bed.


The next morning Yuuma woke up a bit later than usual since it was weekend and one of the days off so he could use it to continue his training in peace at home, he already made plans to visit Kisame's home tomorrow so he had to make sure he gets in train for today and tomorrow both. After enjoying a light breakfast Yuuma went to the lounge where a prepared a small area for him to try his clone technique for the first time, He moved his hands to form the seals in order Tiger, Boar, Ox and finally Dog "Clone no Jutsu!"

Suddenly white smoke erupt around Yuuma before dispersing revealing a complete copy of himself standing right next to him which was quite the sight to behold, Yuuma walk around the clone checking it out from top to bottom, front to back only to nod "I see, no wonder I made a mistake with the Shadow Clone" Yuuma muttered.

This time he retries the shadow clone and this time it came out successful with an identical clone of himself, "Hey Me" "Yes Me" Yuuma went around his clone before he nodded, "How do you feel me?" "It feels great Me" Yuuma had a stern face "How can you prove that your me?" "Because Me, You love being hugged in Mei Terumi's breasts" Yuuma nodded but suddenly froze, "What the hell is up with the last part!?"

"Oh, sorry that was meant to be a secret" The clone apologized so flawlessly that Yuuma felt stumped being the one to receive such a sincere bow, "Fine Fine, let's start by training Me" "Yes Me" And thus Yuuma with his clone started to train in earnest the basic level jutsus he could get his hands on, so he spent time with himself training.


"Yo Yuuma! You really came!" Kisame who was currently sweating while holding a practice katana with a dull blade, "You training?" Kisame nodded while he dragged Yuuma through the gates leading in into the garden that was filled with flowers, in front of them was a massive Manor which is the main house, but the two of them never went in the direction of the manor but instead, Kisame dragged Yuuma around the main house to the training ground at the back where a middle-aged man stood while tapping the back end of the katana against his shoulder.

"Good Day Uncle, my name is Yuuma Terumi" Kisame's father size Yuuma up before giving Kisame an approving nod, "Nice to meet you Yuuma, I'm Hachiro Hireo" Yuuma bow politely, "Honour to meet you Uncle Hireo" Hachiro nodded feeling satisfied with this boy's respectful attitude, from the looks of it this boy will get far 'He can hide his emotions quite skillfully too' Hachiro thought while looking at the stoic face of Yuuma.

Kisame felt relieved as he went to collect a practice katana and handed it over to Yuuma, "huh?" "You will be training together aren't you?" Kisame smiled cheekily as he felt quite happy he tricked his friend into sharing the torture of training together with him Yuuma was flabbergasted at his so-called friend but could only swallow his complaints when he noticed Hachiro became stern giving off the feeling of General ready to give out orders.

Yuuma trained together with Kisame who would usually complain to his father's harsh training methods but Yuuma could see that Kisame was serious in learning Kenjutsu, he once remembered that Kisame told him he wanted to go out and bring back one of the seven swords back to Kirigakure and gain a title as one of the seven sword wielders.

The method Hachiro trained the two of them was only the stances for today, by the time they were finished both Kisame and Yuuma ran off to play some games together till it was time for dinner, Yuuma enjoyed his time with Kisame and Hachiro who treated him well that he became quite close to this father and son duo.

Later that night when Yuuma just arrived in front of his room he was tackled from the front the moment the door opened, he fell on the floor bashing his head against the hard floor, he almost lost consciousness but the familiar soft feeling against his face kept him from falling into the darkness.

"Yuu-chan! I missed you!!!" Mei held Yuuma tightly while she wiggled showing off her happiness to see Yuuma, it was only when she sees Yuuma that she can forget the blood and brutality of the world, it even made her consider to keep Yuuma safe somewhere where the brutality would not reach him but.

He was a boy, and he too had dreams and aspirations in life which she had no right to block him, so instead, she chose to become stronger as fast as possible so she could protect this little treasure with her heart. "Big Sis Mei, welcome home" Yuuma muttered with a warm voice as he returned her hug despite still being on the floor when Mei realized their current position was ambiguous she stood up while helping Yuuma up on his feet.

"How is school?" Yuuma smiled, "It's good, I learnt quite a lot of Jutsus in my free time and mostly focus on Genjutsu, Kenjutsu and Taijutsu for now" Yuuma answered 'But then again Instructor Eiji told me I can create a Shadow clone to train jutsus and I will retain the training it did so it will be two times training instead of one' He thought.

"That's good, so you should enjoy your time in school and don't graduate too early" Yuuma looked at his sister with surprise, "What? You're not thinking of graduating early are you?" Mei looked at Yuuma who had a face that became to shocked that she realized she nailed it on the head, "Yuuma! Are you serious about graduating early?" Yuuma nodded towards Mei's question causing Mei to sigh.

"Why?" Yuuma went overtaking her hand "So I can protect Big sis sooner" Mei's heart skipped a beat while she blushed, unable to handle the heat she was feeling Mei entered the house to cook dinner while Yuuma smiled teasingly without her realizing it, 'Sorry Big Sis, I need to get access to higher-level jutsus earlier so my training will not be halted, to survive in this world I need to gather as much strength as possible'