
Meeting Sona

It was later afternoon and Masaru was currently undergoing his noble classes which Calfa was overseeing and today he was playing the piano, the reason for this was as a noble he needed to at least be able to play one instrument and he naturally chose the piano to play the piano because he had a memory of a piano piece he once played in his previous life.

The melody was soft yet carried a trace of sadness, deep sadness almost as if someone was pleading their loved one not to say goodbye.

Calfa was shocked out of her teacher mindset when she heard this playset before Masaru was only learning each key and playing level 1 and 2 music sheets but now he was playing a music sheet comparable to a level 5 music sheet.

'But what is with this sadness' she thought,

Masaru did not know why he listened to this piece attentively in his previous life nor did he have any sadness in this life either but this music simply held some sort of meaning to him. When he finished playing he looked at Calfa who had faint traces of tears, he was not sure how to deal with the situation but Calfa came over and hugged him.

"It was a wonderful piece, but why did you play it with such sadness?"

Masaru who heard this immediately waved his hands

"It's only a piano piece I once listened while father brought over some CD's for me to listen to"

Calfa felt even more shock but did not reveal it to Masaru,

'He can recreate music he listened to and without a music score? fufufu I can share some more stories with my friends today'

Masaru was oblivious to what he just did actually did but started to play the level 1 music score that was in front of him.

"Madam Belial"

a Maid entered the room calling out for Calfa,


"Lord Belial requests Madam's and young master's presence"

Calfa nodded, Masaru stopped playing and went together with his grandmother to see the reason his grandfather was looking for them. When they entered the office of Lord Belial, they saw a wide grin on his face.

"Calfa my dear and Masaru I have some good news!"

"What is it dear?"

Calfa smiled knowing the times her husband has such smiles usually indicated that there was something good in the store,

"I managed to finalize the license and documentation to construct Restaurants around England so I have to travel, so would the two of you like to have a vacation?"

Masaru nodded thinking that he could now let Akeno and Shirone rest after a long time of training, thinking of going to the beach is certainly a good idea.

'It's not because I want to see them in bikini's!' He thought.

After Akeno and Shirone heard about the Vacation they went together with Calfa and Shuri to buy their swimwear since they wish to visit a specific countryside with a beach to simply relax, Masaru, however, was now outside training his space element magic using his spellbook.

Out of all the elements, space and time were the most difficult to cast not to mention control is even harder, even with the sacred gear Masaru only managed to warp 30 centimetres ahead. It was not his lack of Demonic energy but instead, his natural affinity to the element was lower compared to the rest of the elements so he had to work harder than normal.

"If only I could say that guy's name without suffering from a headache with a Damn to it, I would feel better"

The man Masaru was referring to was naturally God, he felt frustrated that the teleportation spell he was constructing using a magic circle keep collapsing the moment he pours demonic mana into it.


After the tenth's collapse, Masaru's anger flipped and he forcibly poured in even more mana into it.

"Wait! hold on Masaru! That is too much mana!!!"

Circe who just arrived with drinks saw Masaru was injecting too much mana into the formation, just as she suspected the formation went berserk and before she could stop it from rampaging Masaru disappeared from her sight.

Without wasting time she immediately contacted Diana and Julia who was the most proficient in a magic sense in a large scale search similar to her explained the situation to them, they scolded her for her neglect but understood that the fault naturally rested on Masaru's Shoulders.


"Why!? Why did I have to run away?"

a young bespectacled girl with black bob hair was currently running through the woods being chased by a demonic rabbit which had a large horn stuck on its forehead, the girl felt fear crept into her heart feeling the killing intent of the Rabbit who assumed her to be its prey.

"No don't come any closer!"

The girl who did not pay attention to her front stumbled over the root of a tree falling into the ground. The distance between the beast and the prey grew shorter as the girl turned to face the demonic rabbit while crawling backwards.

But what the girl feared was not the rabbit but the panther beast that was silently lurking behind it without it realizing it was a prey similar to her, the girl wanted to scream but the fierce eyes of the panther were enough to cause her voice to refuse to come out.

The pressure the panther suddenly exuded caused both the rabbit and girl to flinch, the girl was gasping for breathe feeling suffocated from the pressure. The rabbit tried to escape but it almost immediately met it's blocked by the claws of the panther, it was delighted at the fear the girl was displaying towards it.

Like a cat playing with its food, it played around with the rabbit causing the girl to shiver.

Out of the blue, a loud scream could be heard from the cloud, from the sound the girl reasoned that it was a boy who was currently falling.

'Who is it? From the sounds, it is a boy my age... Is he crazy?'

Were the thoughts of the girl as she could finally make out the boy's figure whose scream suddenly turned into a burst of laughter like a madman, the girl totally forgot about her predicament and only thought

'Did he lost his mind?'

The boy who was falling was Masaru who messed up his teleportation spell, the sudden feeling of falling from a height was scary at first but soon it became a thrill ride. While he was falling he noticed a little girl and not far from her was a dangerous Demonic Panther,

'Where are the adults? Did she run away?'

Masaru did not know who this little girl was but thought perhaps it was a fate he was sent here to save her.

"Wind walk"

Masaru called out his sacred gear and immediately materialized two magic formations beneath his feet which created platforms beneath his feet allowing him to walk in the air with boosted speed, using the element of their surprise for not expecting his entrance he immediately flew towards the Panther.

The Panther felt that it was targeted by the boy and felt a dangerous fear crept up into its heart, but its pride got in the way causing it to become enraged for fearing a child so it immediately pounces towards Masaru.

"Shadow Bind!"

A large number of shadows within the forest began to wriggle as if it became alive before shooting out binding the panther in its place, the panther roared while desperately biting the shadows to free itself but each time it tore a binding off another one replaced it.

"Wind blade"

Masaru waved his hand casting a sharp wind to fly towards the panther separating its head from its body.

"Phew!, if I did not have this baby with me I would have to go up personal against this beast which would be a hassle"

Masaru was preciously caressing his sacred gear feeling blessed he had it with him.

The girl who witnessed it all was shocked, there was a sense of fear she held for the boy who killed the panther but she scolded herself for fearing her benefactor. Masaru came over and extended his hand towards the girl, she accepted his offer and took his hand to stand up.

"Are you okay?"

The girl nodded while blushing lightly since it was her first time interacting with a handsome young boy her age,

"That's good, but why are you alone in the forest? Where are your family?"

"That--- That...."

Seeing the girl was struggling to talk

"Want to talk about it?"

He guessed the best he could do was listen to her story, the girl however at first was troubled but thought that maybe talking with someone might help her.

So she began to talk about her circumstances and how the family wanted to engage her to someone she did not acknowledge, yet her older sister was never mentioned as if they gave up pushing her for marriage because of her status and power they fear.

At first she thought of training hard to gain power like her sister maybe they will leave her alone she thought, but even after training a few years she was still pushed forward with the engagement which led to her running away.

Masaru who heard this could only think it was a bit childish of her to think that a few years could make you super strong unless you had a super cheat, but he could only feel pity for her so he did not have any tips he could really give her.

"So I thought if I become strong I can simply beat up the boy and send him home packing"

The girl spoke,

"But I am not as strong as my elder sister"

Masaru thought for a moment,

"I can't give you a tip in politics or marriage proposals but if fighting the boy could gain your freedom then you don't need to be as powerful as your sister"

The girl who heard this listened seriously to the boy as he continued

"I once read something in a book I always keep in my heart. It says Know thyself and thy enemy, and thou not need to fear a hundred battles. It means as long as you know yourself and your enemy, there is almost no chance of losing unless he is a Super Devil Class Ultimate Devil like Lord Sirzech"

"Know thyself and thy enemy, and thou not need to fear a hundred battles... Thank you for your advice"

The girl felt as if the clouds cleared up in her heart but an earth-shattering scream could be heard as if it came from miles away


When the girl heard this her mood immediately plummeted,

"Oh so your rescuers are here so I can go"

Masaru stood up dusting off his clothes but before he could leave the girl grasp the edge of his shirt, he stops and looked at the girl.

"What is your name?"

"Oh, my name is Masaru Belial. If Fate wills it, let us meet again in the future"

When she heard his name she let go of his shirt allowing him to disappear in the distance, but shortly afterwards an older girl wearing Magical Girl Outfit crash-landed near the girl while crying

"So-tan!!! I found you"

She immediately hugged the little girl while crying, but the little girl felt a bit irritated but did not hate this side of her sister it was just embarrassing.

"Why did you run away?"

The girl who arrived was one of the Devil Kings together with Sirzech Lucifer, her name was Serafall Leviathan and the little girl in front of her was her little sister Sona Sitri. Naturally, Masaru did not know this because if he did he would immediately vanish after saving the girl in incognito naturally, Sona began to tell her sister what happened including the fact Masaru saved her without knowing who she was.

Serafall felt happy that her sister was saved but felt a prick in her heart

'Should I go beat up the boy who wants to marry my So-Tan or the one who saved her?'

She was quite in a dilemma, especially her extreme siscon side made and her status as a Devil King made it hard for her to make movements. Sona naturally understood what her sister was thinking

"Don't worry big sister, I will handle this with my own strength"

Serafall who heard this felt her sister grew up a little and even went "Kyaa Kyaa" while hugging her but she still kept in her mind

'Masaru Belial huh? I will investigate this kid'


Masaru would never have known his action has attracted the attention of a big shot marking him, whether it was good or bad for him it will only unveil in the future but right now he was surrounded by even more dangerous enemies.

"Masaru, how are you going to compensate us for the troubles you caused?"

Diana smiled but it was definitely not a smile,

"I'm so tired from overspending my mana...."

Julia faked her exhaustion and Masaru knew this lady was just as scheming as Akeno is,

"You will have to massage my stiff shoulders and service me with tea for an entire day while I work"

"Ah! I also worked hard! So Masaru also have to be my assistant for a day!"

Circe interrupted Julia who was busy naming her compensation she seeks, Diana simply smiled

"Be ready to work hard Masaru"

Masaru could only remain his silent,

'This is not about being a yes man, I am simply powerless against these overpowered women'

Masaru wanted to cry about the powerlessness he was feeling, he could only accept his punishment but suddenly he felt a shiver run down his spine, it was the same moment Serafall thought of investigating him.

'Did I catch a cold?'

He felt a bit confused and shook his head while he followed the ladies who teleported back to the Belial Manor.


"Big Brother"

Masaru noticed Akeno and Shirone was jumping towards him, he softly muttered a [Breeze] spell decelerating their fall towards him allowing him to catch the both of them without hurting them,

"We thought something happened to you"

Akeno already knew her big sisters and mother-in-law (Circe, Diana & Julia) already planning to schedule their day with Masaru alone did not let go of the chance to have a day as well, naturally, Shirone was definitely not going to let go of the chance to have her big brother pamper her.

"There there... Sorry I worried you all"

Masaru gently caresses their hair while trying to soothe them, Diehauser and Lord Belial were not that much worried compared to the others since it was only about 20 minutes since Masaru disappeared but the tracker they had on him still showed signs that he was in the devil world.

Calfa and Shuri could only smile at the scheming daughters but when they heard Diana and the rest's plans, they too thought of having Masaru helping them since he was their grandson/son-in-law.


It has been a week since the disappearance issue, Masaru only recently finished his compensation (Forced) by spending a day with Diana who had him help her with work at the Military but in honesty, she was teaching him.

Circe, however, had Masaru make her tea while he was cleaning her library since she was still studying magic books she collected in her free time, as for Julia she dragged him to carry her shopping bags.

It was needless to say that the days he had with Akeno and Shirone was a date, while spending time with his Grandmother he was taught how to bake sweets and how to sew clothes by Shuri.

Despite it being sort of training for him, he still enjoyed the time he spent with each of them since they were essentially his family. In a world that he knew a survival of the fittest is law despite politics, he feels he should cherish the time he had with his family.

Right now Masaru was sitting on a bench looking at the beach south-east of the UK, instead of sands, there was small stones making it hard to walk barefoot if one is not used to it.

Because of this, the ladies were a bit depressed so in order to make up for the loss, Masaru was naturally made to massage them. It was fine with Shuri and his grandmother Calfa, but under the instigation of Shuri, Akeno was making lewd moans on occasions to tease him and Shirone only unconsciously "nyaa" on places she really was sensitive.

'Although I am happy with them... But the teasing'

He was now alone on the bench in order to cool down his embarrassment he accumulated because of the girls, the two girls knew that Masaru was knowledgeable in the subject between man and woman which made teasing much easier for him.

"This area sure is peaceful"

Currently, it was a school term so there were not many people walking on the pathways, so it was nice and quiet time to relax.

"Masaru can you go buy some ice creams"

Hearing his grandmother's request he raised his hand to indicate he heard her as he stood up and went towards the town.

There was no specific shop specializing in sweets so he had no choice but to enter the nearest fast food restaurant to order, it took only 10 minutes for the sales assistant to complete his order handing it over for him placed on carton that could hold four ice cream on each.

Masaru thank the girl walking out when he heard a girl screaming, but there was no calling for help but only a painful scream. Being the busy body he always is he enter the alleyway while warping the ice cream towards Akeno after he contacted her via the communication magic circle.

"Don't tell anyone, I am only going to take a look"

Akeno naturally was sceptical to her master's habit of helping girls regardless could only sigh

"Very well, but please take care of yourself. I will be waiting... Don't forget you owe me a date"

"Very well"

Masaru naturally agreed to cause Akeno to feel happy, he cancelled the magic circle while increasing his speed of moving till he found a large open area that was a loading shop for a shopping market.

Surrounding a girl who was being attacked by men wearing formal knight clothes with swords attached to their hips, from the family crest he noticed on the uniform belonged to the Pendragon family meaning they were knights who also worked in the supernatural world.

So he did not immediately make his move as he did not want to provoke this family unnecessarily, so he hid his presence with shadow magic while leaning against the building wall covered in shadows.

When he took a closer look he could see this girl had potential to become a voluptuous lady with large breast in the future, she had blonde hair as long till her hips with Heterochromia eyes one was blue while the other was amber.

"To think we would find a Devil hybrid! What lucky find!"

One of the swordsmen who appear to be the leader was quite excited, ever since he lost the battle against Arthur Pendragon who was known as being the reincarnation of Arthur himself, he could only silently curse the man who destroyed his fame he accumulated to be surrounded by girls. One of his underlings were a bit more timid

"B-Boss, I think we should not take this too far... The Pendragon family can't afford to anger the Devils while they are being suppressed by the Church"

The leader looked at his underling and snorted

"Why should I care!? I lost everything because of Pendragon's little Hope! Besides killing one unknown Devil will not bring any disaster!"

The Underling kept his silence, the rest of the guys laughed while one of them suggested

"Even if it's a devil, I am sure she should be at least useful as a doll"

When the leader heard this, hidden within his heard a strong desire to vent his frustration while enjoying himself came to his mind, a lustful smirk appeared on his face as he looked at the man who suggested it

"Yes, since we are going to use her I will have the first round. After I am done you guys can naturally do what you wish"


The girl who just regained her consciousness heard what they planned for her could only fear her current situation, if she could use her signature magic which allows her to use light element magic despite being a half-devil she might have been able to get out of this predicament but because she already used this magic once she could not immediately use it again because of its high expenditure.


When the leader and his goons heard Masaru's voice they swiftly turned around looking at the silver hair, grey-eyed boy standing alone as if to confront them.

"Who are you!?"

The Leader took a step forward while unsheathing his sword to intimidate this boy, he thought it was only a brat who wants to play hero and save this girl. But Masaru did not even flinch at the sight of the sword, only a smirk forming on his face.

"I wonder what the Pendragon family would do to you if they found out what you were about to do..."

When the Leader heard this his facial expression became filled with anger, the timid underling was shaking because what he feared is happening.

"You know of the Pendragon?"

The leader thought to continue the discussion to determine who this boy was in front of them, Masaru naturally did not bother to hide it

"Of Course, anyone in the Underworld would know of them... Since I am a Devil as well..."

Hearing that he was a Devil the Leader moved backwards while shouting orders

"Surround him and kill him!"

The underlings did not want to do it but feared their leader and killing some unknown devil will be better than to face the wrath of the Pendragon not to mention their leader.

Being surrounded by several Swordsman who was old enough to be his uncle, Masaru could only laugh mockingly at these amateurs who had not even completed their swordsmanship training daring to face him.

Without any warning, he immediately materialized his Sacred Gear, The Singing Spellbook and started to chant in Northern Germanic Language which was the old Norse tongue casting a sword summoning spell.

Soon a silver sword appeared in his hand, unlike the times he summoned a heroic god sword which expends a massive amount of mana, this sword was only a sword materialized using mana so it could last longer.

"He's a Mage!"

One of them shouted while the other was angry

"You dare challenge us with a sword!! Are you looking down on us!?"

The first angry swordsman struck his sword down while Masaru stepped forward receiving the blow while redirecting the force to his left side allowing the timid swordsman whose mindset was not focused to be impaled by his own comrade in the leg.


The timid swordsman released his own sword while collapsing on the ground grasping his leg,

"You bastard!"

The one who impaled his friend picked up the dropped sword while letting go of the sword that was stuck in his friend's leg.

Soon others began striking their swords while Masaru was peacefully receiving the blows while masterfully redirecting the blows towards their own comrades which further infuriated them.

If it was against anyone from his Father's peerage there was no way Masaru could pull off this stunt, but these were apprentice swordsman and human on top of it. They were simply too weak but Masaru instead used them to gauge his control over his strength, his current state was fighting them while handicapping his strength to the point he would not deal fatal blows

Without any of them realizing, someone was standing on the building watching over the sword fight between Masaru and these young men who called themselves swordsmen.

"Such disappointment"

The elderly man who looked at the devil fighting against swordsman using a sword while even holding back was simply toying with them, when he looked further seeing the girl's state his face became stern

'I will have to give this lad a gift to keep him quiet about this incident, we can't deal with the Devils while having our focus on the church'

After half an hour Masaru finally knocked all of the surrounding swordsmen down while the Leader stood holding the girl tightly with a sword against her neck,

"Don't come any closer or I will cut her neck!"

Before Masaru could make his move he noticed a shadow from the corner of his eye flash to the back of the leader and knocked the man down, Masaru who saw the newcomer raised his vigilance to the max feeling a strong dread that if he faced this man he is certain to die.

The elderly man held the girl from falling while not caring how the young man collapses on the ground when he noticed the boy in front of him having a serious expression but a stance that was meant for defence and no offence meant the boy knew that he was no match which earned the elderly man's praise.

"Not bad, your swordsmanship is near the advanced level but still far from reaching Master Rank"

Masaru who heard what the elderly man said confirmed his suspicions that this elder was of the Pendragon family since the devils did not require more enemies he lowered his weapon while still maintain his guard for in case.

"I thank Elder for your compliment"

The Elderly man began to stroke his short beard while laughing heartily

"You deserve it, for your age, it is truly a wonderful talent you have in swordsmanship... Also as an Elder of the Pendragon family, I would like to formally apologize to you for what these stupid disciples have caused today"

"It's no problem, I apologize for being rough on them"

Masaru naturally knew when to proceed and when to back off and right now was the time to back off, The elderly man walked forward while supporting the girl till she reached Masaru. Masaru did not pay attention temporarily to the old man as he focused on casting healing magic on the girl when the elderly man saw the magic book he could not help but be shocked.

Such an amazing book allowed the boy to cast healing magic which did not injure devils was truly something highly sought for,

"Who are yo--"

The girl who recovered her consciousness one last time was surprised to find herself in the arms of Masaru before she fell asleep when she saw the leader was already dealt with.

'This boy is truly a natural talent in both Magic and Swordsman despite being a half-devil'

The Elderly did not realize that Masaru was a pure-blood devil because of his history being experimented on and his aura did not give off the pureblooded like those pureblooded devils did, after considering that it would not hurt to grant the sword to the boy since he felt it was somehow fate.

"Boy take this sword as a gift for our first fated meeting"

Masaru naturally understood the elderly man and took the sword,

"If you wish to make this sword yours then you need to unsheathe it and you will face a trial where the sword will decide if your worthy of it or not"

'Although it is a treasure, there is no younger generation who can handle the demonic power of this sword... It will be best for this sword to be out there under a worthy master'

Masaru bowed slightly to show his respect

"I thank Elder for this gift, I will cherish it"


After the elderly left with the knocked out swordsmen Masaru was currently carrying the girl he saved on his back while walking to the hotel they booked near the beach, when he entered the room he saw his grandmother Calfa, Shuri, Akeno and Shirone was looking at him with stern eyes.

Feeling the pressure Masaru could only fake his cough

"Ahem... I saved this girl while making a connection with the Pendragon Family"

When Calfa heard this she felt worried

"Did you fight them?"

Masaru could only smile wryly while explaining the situation to everyone, Calfa could only sigh

"It's so like you to jump at the moment you have an excuse to fight without worries... As well as saving another girl"

"I honestly don't know who she is, from the looks of it she is a half-devil half-human"

Masaru inspected her body once more to ensure if she was fine, but what he discovered shocked him. He was not certain what kind but she had a sacred gear within her, this will make the situation complicated depending on her circumstance.

'I will keep quiet about it till I can ask her questions'

"Well she is fine, only exhausted from overusing her mana"

"Well, that's good since you brought the girl. She is your responsibility to look after"

Calfa said before she took Shuri with her as they booked a spa session at the shop next door leaving Masaru alone with the girl, Akeno and Shirone.

"Are you going to make her a peerage member?"

Akeno looked at Masaru, there was still a painful feeling that this girl might join their peerage as she was beautiful after all.

"It depends on her circumstances, if she has family nearby I will take her back or if she has family in the Underworld---"

While Masaru was explaining the girl woken up while interrupting him,

"I'm an illegitimate child of a noble devil, because of my existence they are sending assassin's after me till this day and even my mother died to let me continue to live"

Masaru looked at the girl who had a trace of vengeance lurking behind the light of her eyes, he was certain that if he is to take this girl he will have to aid her in her revenge. But the problem was the fact the target was noble.

"I take it you heard our conversation"

The girl nodded

"Yes, I have and if you would have me I would like to join... However, I have one condition..."

"Depending on the condition I will take you in"

The girl naturally knew that Masaru was being careful which displayed he took her request seriously,

"I don't want to kill the entire family but I want the head of my mother's brother who sent the assassin which killed my mother. Only that"

Masaru who heard this had a serious expression as he was considering the pros and cons,

"Do you really have to take revenge?"

Akeno stepped forward, the girl had a stern look while answering

"It's something I can't compromise on"

"But is killing really the only way to get revenge?"

The girl who heard this question widens her eyes not understanding what Akeno was trying to tell her,

"If you kill your brother you are simply giving him the easy way out, how are you going to make up for the long time you suffer to end it in an instant? NO!"

When Akeno raised her voice the girl flinched while taking a step back unconsciously

"You can live happily in the open, let him see how you're living happily while he can't do a thing to you. If you join Masaru-sama's peerage and he attacks you, won't it be more entertaining to watch him lose everything as you have?"

Masaru who heard this realized just how scary women can get, he was grateful he was here so he knew to never piss off Akeno although he knew he won't but the thought of her revenge is scary. The girl who heard it smiled broadly

'This kind of revenge is the kind my mother will not feel unhappy about! Why have I not thought about it before?' the girl thought

"I appreciate your advice and acknowledge you as my elder sister, I will do as you said and live a happy life. But can you guarantee such a life for me?"

The little girl said towards Akeno, Masaru who heard this shook his head

"The world is not a place for roses and moons, it's cruel out there where any moment you can lose your life. The path I intend to take is dangerous but also safe depending on our situation, what I can guarantee you is a Welcoming home filled with Family who will have your back"

"My name is Stephani Adramelech, please allow me to join your peerage"

'I am not sure if I can trust him, so I will stick close to Big sis Akeno whom he cherishes till I can trust him, besides I always wanted an older sister who spoils me' She thought,

Masaru who heard this could not help but widen his eyes

'Dear Satan, I better spoil Akeno with a big gift, she actually spared me and my family's life from being crushed... That Extra Noble Family has enough wealth to compete against the Phenex family! It's not something the Belial can contend against yet'

"My name is Akeno Himejima, daughter of Barakiel. I'm a hybrid, Fallen Angel. I am his Bishop"

Akeno curtsied, Shirone came closer while entering her Neko-mode

"Shirone Belial, Nekomata and I'm a Rook"

Masaru stepped in front of the two girls

"And I'm Masaru Belial. Look forward to working together with you"

Stephani smiled

"Same to you"

"So what sacred gear do you have?"

Stephani who heard this tilted her head

"Uhm... It's Restoration Reversal, its a Healing type sacred gear"

Masaru who heard this remembered a the silhouette of a nun who had a healing sacred gear, although he felt this sacred gear was more than just healing.

'I did not expect to pick someone up with a sacred gear I have no knowledge of, but then again I never read about someone with the name fo Stephani in the first place'

Masaru nodded while taking out his mutated Bishop, unlike Akeno whom he felt could cause the normal Bishop in her body to Mutate which was why he used a normal piece. His senses told him this girl's bloodline and sacred gear held great potential

"I will then make you my last Bishop, make sure to get along with Akeno and Shirone"

Stephani stepped forward and allowed the Bishop piece to enter her body.

"Fufu, I look forward to working with you my Junior Bishop"

Akeno hugged Stephani lightly while Stephani's eyes turned strange

"Yeah! Big sis!"


Author Note:

The chapter has been edited, please drop a paragraph comment if there is a mistake I missed... Will fix it

26/07/2020 - updated chapter

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts
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