
Reviews of How to Rewrite History


How to Rewrite History


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



This book i marvelous i just love how it is progressing!!!!😍👍 Also author u have a great sense of humour and i really enjoy reading your work 😊😄😄😄. I will try my best to support your story!!!!(ㆁωㆁ)(*´ω`*)

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There are only 5 chapters out at the moment but from what I've read, I love it. The plot is original and I really like the MC's internal dialogue so far. I'll be following this :) I really look forward to reading the rest of it. Best of luck writing!!


I can't say a lot yet since I'm writing this review at three chapters. But the few things I really, really want to say is plot is amazing. It's fantastic and so creative. I won't lie, I was caught into the novel at first because I liked the cover. But when I read the synopsis, I was amazed. And when I really read the novel the writing quality is what I would give an absolute five. This novel has a lot of potential, good luck and great job, author! :)


The story's strong point would be its unique writing style and world building. The humour is good for sm light chuckles too. The plot is different in the sense that it doesn't focus on the protags of the original novel like many others. The descriptions are vivid and paint a clear picture. The characters are quite well developed and unique mostly feel 3d but at sm instances they felt 1d altho tht was very rare so it's not a big deal. The flow of the story did seem a but slow at times but tht make it feel bulky cuz it flowed nicely despite tht fact. Overall a good read that is quite inspiring. Author has done a good job tackling the vast world building.


This could have been better, but the story focuses on so many things. There were so many characters that were introduced past chapter 10. It got boring when more characters came in. A lot of unnecessary descriptions of scenery also made reading experience tiresome. The story lack big emotional events for the mc. But still, I rated this high.


A charming story about princesses and princes. The author is quite adept at crafting a believable world and describing it profoundly. The characters are all lovable and you'll want to know how their stories progress. The biggest flaw lies in the author being a lazy cu... Ehmm, I mean busy with their work, and thus taking a while to update. Seriously author-sensei, get back to writing. As the novel is free, I feel rightfully entitled to not have to wait this long for a new chapter!