3 Three

Seo Yeon felt like her head was going to explode.

Images ran across her head like a fast-moving movie. The last thing she remembered were the numerous hands pushing drinks to her direction. If it wasn't for her having to learn all types of alcohol by the age of 16, she was sure she would've ended up with alcohol poisoning.

The blue dress clung to her like a second skin and she felt suffocated by it with every passing second. After taking a minute to get accustomed to the room she seemed to be in, her eyes finally fell on the clothes folded by her side. It was a sun-dress that seemed to be in her size with a pair of black sandals. Without a second to hesitate she pulled off her dress and put on the light colored cotton dress.


The door was opened by an aged old woman who immediately starting speaking in a foreign language that Seo Yeon, to her surprise, couldn't understand.

"Aah! Na sakoeko na?" (1) the older woman smiled before walking to the other side of the room to open the windows where the morning light spilled inside the room.

Seo Yeon stood to her ground, confused and tired.

Where was she?

The old lady picked up her rumbled dress and seemed to tsked. "Ahentsü aser yi tang menemer, ni shitoker bener arutsüdi." (2)

She put the dress in the basket she carried and looked at Seo Yeon one last time.

"Chi yanglua lir nu. Na kera tsüjuker arung ma nu." (3)

On seeing the confused look on the young woman's face, the old sighed before opening her mouth.

"You. Clean. Then eat. Okay?"

Seo Yeon jolted out of her thoughts and nodded. "Okay."

Once the old lady left the room Seo Yeon rushed towards the window and was awed at the sight she found.

The cool breeze brushed past her as she drank in the beautiful sight of the trees that surrounded this rather rural community. But on closer look she could make out satellites and tiny bakeries and shops across the small town. People walked about in groups, on bicycles, on foot or by tiny 2-person carriages driven by a man. The air felt fresh. and pure. with zero signs of factories or any fuel driven vehicles.

This looked like her kind of paradise.

A knock on the door snapped her out of her amazed stupor. Seo Yeon turned back to face a young girl wearing a light grey shirt and patterned pajamas, most likely 15 or 16 years of age, who stood by her door with a tray of food.

"May I come in?" the girl asked with fluent English.

"Oh! yes. please," Seo Yeon replied, offering her help to set the food on the table.

"Welcome to Riverside Hotel, I'm Ann. I'll be your guide today."

"Hello Ann. Can you tell me where I am?" Seo Yeon asked.

The young girl furrowed her eyebrows. "You don't know where you are?"

"I don't remember much actually."

"You're in Gwachung."


"Yes," the young girl nodded her head and pursed her lips. "Umm...how should I explain this... This is kind of like a secluded village slash paradise-like resort. People come here to get some peace of mind, you know?"

"I'm sorry Ann. But I don't remember how I got here," Seo Yeon explained her situation.

Once hearing her story, Ann stood with a calculating look on her face. Who would desert someone on an unknown place?

"I don't know who brought you in since it was late at night, but I guess I can ask Odi(4) Kyung. You're Korean, right?"

"Yes, and this Odi Kyung, he can help me?"

"I don't know. Maybe. But he's Korean too so he'll have an easier time understanding the situation. Why don't you eat first and I'll take you to him?"

"I'd rather meet him n" - her stomach growled loudly, cutting her off. The young girl bit back a laugh before smiling at her, "He's not going anywhere. So don't worry. Eat. There's bread, butter, peanut butter, or pork if you prefer something heavy and fatty, and some salad on the side. You can find a stool under the table. I'll be by the counter after you finish eating, okay?"

"Sure," Seo Yeon nodded reluctantly, the smell of the meat seemed to call her.

"I'm Seo Yeon by the way."

"Okay, Miss Seo Yeon," Ann smiled, "Like I said, I'll be by the counter. So enjoy. There's juice and water in the mini freezer if you need some, and the telephone's right there."

Seo Yeon waved at the girl with a tiny smile which fell the moment the door closed.

Though many things ran through her mind, there was one that seemed to resonate with blaring siren lights:

How the hell did she get here?

* * *

(1) Aah! Na sakoeko na?" - Oh! You woke up?

(2) Ahentsü aser yi tang menemer, ni shitoker bener arutsüdi - It smells like sweat and alcohol. I'll wash it then bring it.

(3) Chi yanglua lir nu. Na kera tsüjuker arung ma nu." - Rice is ready. You quickly take a bath then come okay?"

(4) Odi - endearment used for older male siblings; meaning 'big brother'
