
(Introduction )

Who among us has not heard the story of the brave knight who killed the dragon , the stories of the heroism of the Greek gods in protecting humans from monsters, Or about the

prophecies of ancient peoples about the hero who will get rid of their troubles .

There is a common denominator between all of these stories .

In the distant past, the only human race we know was just a weak minority among a group of different human breeds that lived together .

The powerful breeds united to protect the breeds that were powerless to defend themselves with time, the number of strong breeds began to decrease and decrease until they became completely extinct

As for the weak ones, most of them became extinct in the wars and bloody conflicts that took place between them .

ironically, the only race that survived was the weakest among the weakest..

Among those strong breeds that fascinated, there was the virfortis breed that was most similar to humans in terms of outward appearance, with some special features that distinguished them such as extreme beauty, mighty physical strength and longevity for centuries , the virfortis was the only breed that did not become completely extinct, and there are small numbers of them living among people in secret Including the Cluds, who pledged to harness their

power in order to protect the weak and deter evil generation after generation .

And here our story begins ......

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