
Chapter Two

My eyes honed in on a young red haired woman sitting alone at the bar. She spun one finger inside her drink then slowly licked the liquid from her skin. My stomach tightened at the sight. This was going to be too easy. As long as I could get away from Pete and Wertz, it would be a two in one kind of night. I would have to get a new room, of course. My regular room was already full.

Noticing me watching her, the woman's lips curled upwards slightly. Her tongue moved suggestively around the small straw before she took a long drink.


"If you guys got this," I swallowed thickly, "I have something else waiting for me."

Pete stood up at the same time I did. "Can I speak with you for a moment before you go?" he hissed.

He didn't listen to any of my sputtering, instead grabbing me by my elbow and leading me away from the table. Behind the bar was a door marked "employees only". Pete pulled me inside and shut the door behind us.

"What do you want?" I demanded, glaring up at him. I had always hated that he was taller than me. Growing up, I was proud of my six-foot build - he had no business making me feel small.

"What do you think I want?" he growled.

"I already told you I'm not gay."

"Shut up."

I tried to cover my laugh with a closed fist but some still escaped. "Come on man," I punched lightly on his shoulder, "you got this thing tied up already. You don't need me."

"I do need you."

"Wertz likes you better."


"You know I don't like that guy."

"You think I do?"


His shoulders dropped "What do you have to do?"


Pete rolled his eyes. "Which one?"

"The pretty little red head at the bar. Did you see her?"

"Fuck," he shook his head, a frown pulling his lips downward.

"She's undressing me with her eyes." I wriggled my eyebrows dramatically. "I can't ignore her - it would be rude."

"One of these days, your dick is going to fall off."

Despite his words, I knew he wasn't that mad. He could deal with Wertz; not a problem. "I owe you one," I slapped his back.

"Don't be bringing anyone back to the apartment," he warned, pointing a finger into my face.

"Never." Pete and I had shared an apartment for three years now, ever since we took over the hotel, and I hadn't brought a woman back yet. I didn't plan on changing that.

He glanced briefly at the fully stocked shelves in the small storeroom we were standing in. "Good luck", he muttered before leaving first.

Luck? I scoffed after him. This didn't require any luck.

Confidence brimming over into my walk, I sauntered out to the bar where the red head was still sitting. "Mind if I sit here?" I asked her with a wide grin, pointing at the empty stool next to her.

"Not at all," she practically purred back.

Too easy.

"Do you come here often?' I held up one finger in Maddie's direction so she would know to get me another drink. "I haven't seen you here before."

"First time," she confided with a small smile. "I came here with my cousin."

"I see." I made sure to angle my body towards her. "Where is your cousin now?"

"She hooked up with some sleaze earlier and now she's too ashamed to come down here," she giggled.

"Aww," I pulled my lips down into a mock frown. "There's no need to be embarrassed. I can introduce her to someone nice if she wants."

"Not necessary." She placed her hand firmly on my knee and moved it up several inches before stopping to look at me. "Do you want to come up to my room?"

"Yeah," I nodded without hesitation. I liked a girl who knew what she came here for; the flirting and chasing was alright but this woman was more my style. "Lead the way."


My senses were reeling; every part of me felt like it was on fire. The woman's red hair snaked around my vision, only further solidifying the feeling of fire. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, probing and searching, while her fingers played along the waist of my pants.

As soon as we got to her room, the door was shut and the make out session began. There wasn't even time for introductions.

"So fucking hot," I mumbled against her face when she finally stopped long enough for me to take a breath. "What's your name?"

"Does it matter?" she panted.

"Well," half my lip flipped up into a smirk of sorts, "it's always nice to have something to call out."

"It's Vanessa." With the announcement, she cupped my still covered dick into her palm and roughly massaged it. The blood pumped towards her fingers, immediately making me hard.

"Shit," I growled. "That feels so good."

"Would you like to meet my cousin?" she unexpectedly murmured against my ear.

"Umm…" I had never had a threesome before but was willing to try it. "Sure, if that's what you're into."

"We actually already met," a new voice entered the room. "Hello, Nick."

My chest tightened; it seemed to realize something was wrong before other parts of my body were willing to admit it. The cute blonde from earlier stood against the closed door, her arms crossed over that ample chest of hers. I had left her in the room upstairs before my meeting; she had been naked then.

"Oh." My eyebrows lowered awkwardly. "You're…cousins?"

"Yep." Vanessa moved to stand next to her.

Hell, if they were willing, I was willing. The blonde had nice tits and she was fun in bed. Names weren't that important. "I'm still on board for that threesome."

"I was thinking," Vanessa walked back over to me and ran one finger across my chin and down to my neck, "we could have some different kind of fun."

"Different?" Oh fuck, were they into whips and chains? "Guess tonight is going to be a night of many firsts for me."

"You are so cute when you get nervous," the blonde sang out, taking slow steps towards me. She gently rubbed my rapidly deflating erection. "Aww," she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, "is he nervous too?"

"A little stage fright." I meant to laugh it off but the sound got stuck on the way out. Things were going pretty quickly from kind of hot to kind of awkward. "I think I should go."

"Go?" Vanessa tilted her head to one side. "Why would you want to leave? We're just getting started."

"I…uh…you know. I have this thing to do downstairs."

"Oh." Her eyebrows puckered on her forehead. "He has things to do, Emily," she said to her cousin. "Should we let him off the hook this time?"

"Not a chance." Her fingers tightened unexpectedly on my lower half, making me jump.

"Easy now," I swallowed hard. "You don't want to break it."

"What if I do want to break it?"

I knew enough to get the hell out when things went south. These girls were hot and all but if I stayed here, I really was going to lose my dick. I couldn't let that happen; I was quite attached to the little fucker.

"I'm leaving," I declared as firmly as possible. "You ladies are just too much fun for me."

"Fun," Emily snorted unattractively. "Like we were having fun earlier?"

Just as I was making a bee line to the door, a strange light illuminated the entire room. My steps faltered then stopped completely; it wasn't because I wanted to stay – it was because I couldn't physically move. It was like some invisible force was holding me in place.

"What the…? What's happening to me?" I choked. "What did you do to me?"

"It's just a tiny little spell I picked up," Vanessa chuckled.

"A spell? Did you get it from Hogwarts?" My throat was getting tighter. Soon, I wouldn't be able to breathe at all.

"It's an old family recipe."

My eyes darted to Emily. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I just had…" I couldn't keep talking, it was taking up too much energy. What I needed to do was call 911. Clearly – I had been poisoned.

"No need to apologize now," Emily simpered.

"It's called magic," Vanessa laughed. "I suggest that next time you take a girl upstairs to use and then discard as you please, you should find out if her cousin is a witch first."

Fuck. She was insane. All the hot ones were a little unstable. "A witch, huh?"

"Yes." Her eyes glowed triumphantly.

"Where's your big pointy hat and ugly nose?"

The same force that wasn't allowing me to walk tightened around my chest. What was happening? Was I having a panic attack? A heart attack? Had she really poisoned me?

"Keep running your mouth and see what happens." Her lips pressed together angrily.

"You're right," I held up my hands in mock surrender, "I'm sure not all witches are ugly."

"You're lucky that my coven has strict rules against murder," she commented dryly.

"Lucky me." One eyebrow arched high on my forehead.

"I know just what to do with you, Nick," she grinned. "Something that will teach you a lesson." Before I knew what was happening, Vanessa was caressing my face and chanting some weird words at me.

"What are you doing?" I struggled where I was standing but I still couldn't move. "Did you poison me?"

"Not quite." When she stepped back, the invisible force that had held me in place disappeared.

"Crazy bitch," I sputtered, stumbling the rest of the way to the door. They were hot, but not this hot.

"You're going to want to find me tomorrow," she said, still holding that damn grin on her face. "I'll wait for you in this room."

"Why the fuck would I want to find you again?" I shot out. "I can find a slut like you any time I want to."

"See you later," she promised right before I ran out into the hallway.

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