
How To Cheat Your Way To The Top

Soooo, I died. Well, long story cut short, I wake up in this forest full of magical creatures, demons, angels, you name it, the forest's got it. Usually, I'd crap my pants off at the first sight of flying whales, or at the fact that there's more than one moon in the sky (How does that even work?), but I'm not. Why? Well, I got a pretty funny cheat to abuse until I can munchkin my way up to the top of this universe. Although, I really need to figure out what I should cook for dinner first. Or, what I should do to reach the top of this world? Oh, I could just ask a [Question] for that. Silly me. ____________________________________________________________________ Also posting on royalroadl.

Zeus_Machina · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

The Goddamn Were-Rabbit (2)

But how on earth could I fight that? I turned to the blood red wererabbit. The veins on the side of my head throbbed in pain. From how the rare WereRabbit was already crouching, I knew I had to come up with a plan in the next few seconds unless I wanted my head rolling around in those maws. How on earth did this world manage to fuck up adorable, little rabbits into man-eating monsters?! 

I knew things were going a little too well when I was hunting that slime. With my luck, the outer core should have exploded or at least disappeared before I was able to get my hands on the inner core. 

"Inner Core?" A light bulb appeared in my head. "That's it!" With every strength I could muster, I trembled, got up on my feet and held the core inside my hands out to the monster who immediately switched its attention from me to the core. Damn. Was I really that forgettable to a monster? 

"You want this?" I shook the core around. The monster snarled back at me, most likely demanding that I drop it and fuck off in monster language. Sometimes, I wished I knew how to speak monster tongue since there most likely is one, in this fucked up world of magic and beasts.

"You reallllly want it?" I shook the core even more. I could see the muscles in the were-rabbit's hind legs tensing, strengthening and preparing to jump me to get the core. I didn't know whether my plan would work but if it did, I'd be getting two cores to help me in my rank ascension today. If it didn't. . . .Well, I won't live to tell the tale. Eh, I've taken bigger gambles.

I played with the core in my hands, juggling it all around my body as if a clown trick. But, what the monster didn't know was that I had easily and deceptively switched the core with a similarly-sized used up core I had taken from my [Inventory]. Fun fact about these cores was that, even after devouring a core, they still had that sparkling glow, a fake one of course since I had already eaten all the energy inside, I'm sure. It was like the world itself was calling me a loser when I had yet to learn about that little fun fact and always got so excited, thinking I was lucky enough to find a shiny core along the grass - only for it to be a trickery of the gods.

Well, this time, someone else is going to be in for the humiliation. 

"If you want it then," I pulled my hand holding the fake core back in a throwing gesture and saw how wide and apprehensive the monster's eyes became, as if telling me 'Don't do it.' 

But I did it. "Go and get it!"

With a force unthinkable from someone of my stature, I threw the fake core like an olympic shot putter, throwing it right across the were-rabbit who had already turned its back to me, chasing quickly after the fake core. 

"Dumbass," I mocked quietly. Quickly taking out the best makeshift spear in my inventory, I felt the weight of the weapon, taking note of the powerful slime digestive acid laced on the tip before taking aim at the wererabbit who was still unaware of the danger it was under. Now, I didn't know how tough a seventh circle monster's hide was, not to mention a rare mutation, even if it was technically still a rabbit which was why I hoped this good spear of mine would be dependable. 

Because if it didn't, it wouldn't have a beautiful tanned, white-haired boy as its wielder anymore.

The WereRabbit seemed to have caught up with the fake core and was sniffing about it, probably wondering where all the energy it had sensed had gone. I saw its little whiskers twitch in realization but it was already too late.

I prepared my throw by giving myself a little run-up to build up rhythm and momentum. "This is for my mom!" Then, landing on my back foot with a long straight arm, poisonous spear in line with my right eye, I rotated my body while giving a huge push forward enough for me to even stumble and hop a little in recoil and watched as my spear shot through the air like a bullet, stomach rolling about as I hoped that would do the trick. 

If it didn't, I was in no position to move, much less run away from the fatigue.

The WereRabbit seemed to manage to turn it's body to me, but unfortunately, it was already too late. Of course, even then I could see why the Blood WereRabbit was a seventh circle monster since it was able to react enough for it to twist it's body, enough for it to dodge the strike to it's head and instead, my spear only managed to hit it's hind leg. There, I could see how strong the hide of a seventh circle monster was since I had thrown the spear hard enough to penetrate steel but all it did to the monster was pierce it a few simple inches deep when the spear should have impaled it and come out it's other hind leg.

The WereRabbit hissed loudly in pain and glared at me with blood red eyes so full of anger, I think I might have wet myself. It seemed to have ignored the pain of my spear's penetration and charged straight at me, which actually made me wet myself. 

I pumped my legs with every ounce of energy in my body but they wouldn't move, dead tired from all the running and strenuous movements. So, all I did was close my eyes and accept my fate. . .but stopped when I heard a distinct thud against the grass, along with something very hairy touching the edges of my legs.

I opened my eyes. An immediate smirk danced upon my lips. "Well, well, well." I looked down at the oh so strong monster that seemed to have been paralyzed, its red body twitching like it had been electrocuted. "All hail green slimes and their poison." An unbelievable need to gloat at it rose up my chest but I wanted to be the better man.

"Kek kek kek," I giggled before waving it off. "Bye bye, mister rabbit."

I stabbed it through its eye, felt its thick skull and something akin to an organic brain that froze at my spear's penetration. "Bitch." The WereRabbit squealed like a pig before its body turned into dust, leaving behind an even shinier and fist-sized reddish inner core that smelt extremely great. It might as well be begging for me to devour it as I could literally see the juicy amount of energy inside the core. 

I took the slime core out of my inventory and compared it to the Were-rabbit core in my other hands, and woah, was the difference great which only made me more anxious to ascend to the seventh circle. If I was similar to a once in a century olympic genius at the eight circle, how strong would I be in the seventh? I expect nothing less than superhuman levels and since this was a rare inner core, otherwise known as a mutated core, there was also a chance, albeit a low one that I would be able to awaken the other core skill lying dormant within my body, within this Adonis body that coincidentally had silver eyes and hair or maybe I'd just awaken another lesser skill or otherwise known as inner skill.

Until here.