
7 - A New Plan Of Action !!


"I know I won't," said Flavio so sure of his decision. I was both ecstatic and proud that I convinced a genius like him to join me in this mysterious and unexpected road of mine.

I guess he liked 'magic' and the supernatural too or maybe he had finally found something he can do proudly, either way, he looked too content and pleased and he was smiling genuinely unlike earlier.

After l finished bouncing and jumping around childishly, I told my partner that this was my one and only spell. And that I only knew about the magic and the supernatural a few weeks ago.

I'm not sure but it seemed like he was kind of relieved when he knew that I just started. I guess he started considering me as his rival and didn't want me to have surpassed him too much.

After talking about how I learned about this spell, without telling him I killed my father, I remembered the idea I got when I was on my way home yesterday.

"Can you understand the meaning of this symbol? " I showed him a symbol in my hand. It was needed to be written on any part of the body to use and cast the emotion-sharing spell.

He took a look at it, he seemed uninterested at first but then confused, and then he looked closely as to inspect it, then his face looked as excited as that of a child catching his first insect in his life.

After a few moments, he said in an active enthusiastic manner "I can only understand the first layer !!", he was so happy and satisfied when he said that.

I was confused, why was he happy? Isn't this a bad thing?

As I was questioning his sanity and his mental health, he said "There are four or more layers in this symbol! The first one is in 'Frentiyana' (an old language used by an African tribe called 'Frentiya' a long time ago), but the other three are in other ancient languages !!"

As he was explaining the layers of the hieroglyph, I was content and pleased to see him that curious, it was a weird feeling but it just helped me to think that I wasn't wrong by introducing him to this mysterious world.

After a few moments, I asked "So, what does the first layer mean ?", He looked at me grinning and said in a calm manner, "Well, it means ' Absorb the energy ', I think it means magic by saying 'energy' ".

When he explained the meaning of it, I started thinking about what did the old tribe mean by that? Did they write it because the magic particles (energy) were in the air? And how was their language capable of ordering their body to do things?

As I was thinking about the numerous possibilities, I asked Flavio "What if we wrote it twice? "

"Write it twice? What do you mean by that ?", replied Flavio confounded, "I mean write the first layer two times to make it more efficient.", I answered him with a straight face.

His face turned from that of confusion to that of fright and panic, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!", I understood why was he scared, but I still needed to take risks to learn how to use magic.

"I know how dangerous it is, but I really need to-" as I was trying to explain the urgency of the situation, Flavio interrupted me while screaming "NO, you don't know 'How dangerous it is ', you didn't even know the meaning of the layer before I told you !!" He said angrily.

"What if you exploded? What if the energy was much more than the needed amount and you died because of it? What if adding another layer meant creating a whole new spell that basically destroyed the city? We don't know a single thing about magic "

I was shocked that Flavio, who seemed so calm could become this agitated, I guess appearances can't be trusted, huh.

After he calmed down, I said "It is necessary to take risks to get what you want.", he wasn't convinced, so he sat down and started thinking deeply for a few seconds.

And then he stood up and told me "What if we searched for other manuscripts and learned more spells, and then as we find a lot of other weird symbols, I can try to decipher it, and learn the language of the other layers as time passes since I would have a lot of materials then! "

His plan was good, but that would mean that I would have to focus on learning the spells and mastering them, more than finding the needed resources for the ritual which would mean that I have to delay my plan to contact the 'Jennis'.

I was immersed in my thoughts since this was a really hard decision to make, I mean I basically have to choose between my dream: to talk to a 'Jenni', and my passion: to learn how to properly use magic.

As time went by, and as Flavio was waiting on his nerves to hear my answer, I made up my mind and said "Alright, we'll do your plan, but right after learning the meaning of the other three layers, we'll try to alter them! And then, we'll focus on getting the needed objects to summon the magical race 'the Jennis' !"

His face became so much brighter after hearing my response, and then he said happily "Sure !! But only after 'properly' learning magic !!"

He was genuinely worried about me and happy that I'm not endangering myself anymore, even though, I just met him just yesterday really what a kind-hearted guy.


What the hell is this kid thinking about ?!! He is literally a mad man to even think about altering a 'magic spell' without knowing even knowing a single thing about it !!

'Risks'? A risk isn't a risk until you have a chance of succeeding, and this is IMPOSSIBLE!!

I don't want my first friend to die in vain! Wait 'friend'? No, I didn't mean friend...

Anyway, the point is this guy is seriously dangerous, but well at least he listens to the sound of logic, otherwise, I would've had to watch my frien-, no I mean my partner die.

Flavio isn't a tsundere but he is afraid of losing someone again, that's why he doesn't want to admit that Achraf is his friend.

MHK_creators' thoughts