
How The Hero Turned Villain

An adolescent male starves to death and is reincarnated/summoned to a magical world- but the grandiose notion of being 'The Hero in a perfect good vs. evil story' quickly dissipates shortly thereafter, the fact that he was turned into a little girl salting the wound.

Aushin · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Overthinking After Death?

My life up until now has been anything but special- though that's because I actively avoided trying to impact the world or come out into the light with my advanced intelligence. I learned at a young age that I'd only ever be met with jealousy and envious gazes.

At some point I succeeded in being so far in the background that I was no longer even in the picture- An analogy to more lightly say that I was ultimately forgotten by anyone and everyone, including my own family. Which in itself is a good thing, i suppose. Won't have to hear being called a waste-of-space leech anymore.

'You see, just now, I starved to death. In my room (actually a small closet with just a sleeping bag). The opposite side of the hallway of my mother's, while they were eating dinner in the dining room like usual. I can't say with honesty that I'll miss this world.'

'Might wonder why I let it get this far, how I just let myself die so pitiably- why I didn't just go get help from somebody. It's not like I just immediately accepted this way of life in the beginning! I learned of the fault and naivete of that thought process when I was eight. I had confided in my teacher about my home life. He promptly called Protective Services, and I thought I was free. Wrong!'

'You see, sure, there are good samaritans such as this teacher I mentioned, but most people are not like that. Long story short, agents were corrupt for payoffs, and the teacher got sued for slander and quickly fired. After that, I tried a few more times throughout the years, but ultimately it was to no avail.'

'Ran away once, a homeless man helped me for a few days, but he ended up starving himself to provide for me without me noticing until the end. Obviously as a child with no real survival lessons, I wasn't going to manage on my own, so he did his best. Probably the best person I've ever met- and I was the reason he left the world so soon.'

'I went back home after that. Perhaps I felt like I deserved the poor circumstances of my life from then on… Anyways, none of that matters now, I suppose- I'm dead after all. Well, I should be anyways.'

'I'm still conscious, but I definitely don't feel anything physically, and I am staring into some sort of whirlpool of dark-orange, close to brown, fog.'

'I wonder what that is- it seems to be sucking whatever passes for my ghost-self in. Is it the way to hell? Damn, I didn't believe and I guess I have to suffer the consequences as a heathen. Kind of a stupid idea to give me free will and then punish me for thinking realistically, God! Well- no use fighting about that now... Onto hell I go.'

I get sucked into the whirlpool, dragging me into a long tunnel that seems to be launching my soul through rapidly.

'Ah, it sure is taking a bit to get there. Is it far away from where my soul was at or something? I thought it would be underground, based on the books...' As I am launching through the dark tunnel, a gravelly voice, sounding like a pre-recorded message, reverberates through my mind.

「Notice: Detected Incompatible Soul- Initiating Soul Transformation」

'Huh? My soul has to transform? That sounded like a game notification... Wait, is this one of those Isekai reincarnations I've read about? I'm not going to hell, but rather being transported to a new world-?'

「Notice: Soul Transformation Complete- Warning: Incompatible Skills Unallocated. Please Allocate Points To Compatible Skill Options.」

'This- this is definitely like a game menu! Wait, what? I had skills in my last life that aren't compatible with the world I'm going to-? Hmm… Well, I am getting bombarded with lots of curious things. Best not to get overwhelmed and focus on one thing at a time, so for now I'll just follow along with the notification prompts. If it's like any of those stories I read about, I just need to open my status page-'

Upon willing some sort of status page or player description to display, a thin wall of text flowed into my consciousness, like recalling a picture in my mind.

Hello new readers!

This is my first published story, so I can't promise it will be as good as others' stories, but I'm open to criticism and using it to grow into a better writer... So please feel free to provide me with feedback in the comments going forward! :)

Aushincreators' thoughts