
Xifeng Chen

Xinfeng Chen is the only daughter of Huian Chen and Fan Chen. She was undeniably spoiled by her parents who over compensated with material objects because of their lack of time that they spent with her. Her family's high position in the business world meant that while her parents spoiled her, she was still given the best education and care money could buy. This meant that she was entered to the best private schools and was given the best tutors while growing up. Her manners were instilled in her since she was young and was given rules to follow. Nevertheless, this also meant that while she grew up independent, she felt that she still lacked affection and love from someone. Thus, when she met Qin Zheng, the bond that she lacked and yearned for was finally met.

Xinfeng woke up in a stupor when her personal maid, Lili, had suddenly woken her up

"Good morning mistress, lets get you ready for breakfast, your father and mother are waiting for you at the dining room"

"En, I think I overslept a bit" Xinfeng stated while rubbing her eyes

Xinfeng merrily made her way to the dinning room to see her parents. It wasn't that often that they were off work and she was able to leisurely spend time with them.

"Good morning mommy and daddy" Xinfeng had said cheerily

"Hello princess, did you sleep well?" Mrs. Chen had spoken while kissing her daughter's cheeks

"En, I dreamt that I was a princess being rescued by daddy" said the eight year old

Mr Chen being ever dotting then added "Of course honey, daddy will always rescue you from monsters"

The family of three had a happy breakfast when in the end, Mrs Chen had stated that the Zheng's were finally coming back to Yin City after six years abroad and were visiting their home for lunch

The Chen and Zheng clan had been business partners for decades, owning a conglomerate of businesses together from restaurants to malls. These investments have not only made the two families big names in the business world but it had also created an unbreakable familial relationship with each of the families members.

"You'll get to have a new playmate, the Zheng's has a young son and daughter as well " Mrs Chen said "You met them when you were only two so you probably won't remember, how old are Qin Fen and Meimei now hunny?" she asked her husband

"I think Qin Fen will be about ten years old and Meimei should be our daughters age, they have grown quite remarkably from what I heard from their father" Mr Chen said while getting up

Lunch came and the Zheng's had arrived

"Hui you old fox, you haven't aged a day!" Mr Chen exclaimed while hugging his long time friend

"I see you haven't lost your sense of humour" Mr Zheng had replied back

While the two families exchanged greetings with each other, it was time for Qin Zheng and Xifeng to meet each other

"Hello little Feng, you probably don't remember uncle Chen, but I met you when you were still a toddler" Mr Zheng had introduced himself to Xinfeng "This is my son Qin Fen and my daughter Meimei, you are near in age so I hope you'll get along" The children smiled at each other at their parents introduction

"You must be hungry, let's make our way to the dinning room! I've asked the chef to prepare your favourites" Mrs Chen interjected

The lunch went smoothly, with the family heads discussing a range of topics from business to how their lives were abroad

"Qin Fen has surely grown up to be a handsome kid!" Mr Chen had said "Think he'll even surpass your looks old Zheng" He then cheerily joked

"I agree, Qin Fen has become a looker even at his young age, I'm afraid he'll be taking a bride soon if this continues" Mr Zheng had replied to his old friend "But I heard your daughter was more extraordinary, not only was she at the top of her class but had won accolades for her art pieces. At such a young age she has certainly made her parents proud!"

Xinfeng had gotten her artistic skills from her Mother who became famous for her art pieces which were displayed in art galleries that the Chen's owned

Mrs Chen looked at her daughter tenderly and said "She certainly have made us both proud, I just wish we had more time to spend with little Feng. But work always keeps us busy"

Xinfeng can't fault her parents for always working especially when they enjoyed what they were doing. If they were happy, she was also happy

"Now that Qin and Meimei are back, she can certainly play with them. I'll make sure they'll accompany her often" Mrs Zheng also said

The lunch ended and both families agreed to go in the garden for some tea and to allow the children to play

The children were left by their own by their parents when Xinfeng said "Let's get along Brother Qin Fen and sister Meimei!"

"En" Qin Fen had said rubbing her head. Having a younger sister meant that Qin Zheng knew how to treat Xinfeng and had then considered her as a new little sister

Xinfeng and Meimei had gotten along quite well with the two girls hid while Qin Zheng went to find them

The day flew by and it was time for the Zheng's to leave since it was getting dark. Both families said their goodbyes and Mrs Zheng had promised to come visit again soon for the children to come play with little Xinfeng

Night time came and it was time for Xinfeng to go to sleep

"Did you have fun today princess" Mrs Chen had said while tucking her daughter to bed

Xinfeng replied sluggishly "En"

Xinfeng finally closed her eyes and dreamt of both Meimei and Qin Zheng that night and couldn't wait to have new friends to play with

This is the first proper chapter to the story! Sorry if there is any grammatical/spelling errors as I'm not a pro by any means. This chapter is the introduction to the characters and a background to how the Xinfeng had met Qin Zheng :)

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