6 Hana Han Vs Kai Liu

I walk down the street on my way to Jenny's, music blasting in my ears, but I'm not listening, my mind is overflowing with thoughts of yesterday, I could barely sleep, I thought about writing about it, but I was so much in awe of what happened that my brain couldn't compute it, I just lay in my bed staring at my starry ceiling.

Yesterday was something out of The Twilight Zone, (old TV show that gives you some of the most bizarre and other worldly stories, google it) a multiverse kind of thing, or who knows maybe aliens really do exist and they replaced all the peeps at school including the teachers, it's the only way I can explain what happened yesterday, well either this or Candid Camera (I love Dom Deluise).

I still can't believe that all my hard work went down the drain just like that, (I face palm myself for the hundredth time) how could I let Kai bait me like that?? I thought I was doing a great job of keeping a low profile, ignoring and just generally avoiding him. I should have listened to Mark, but no, I had to let my hormones play me, really what the hell did I think would happen?? I took naive to an unprecedented level.

(Oh sorry guys! Y'all must be wondering what the hell happened! I'll stop commiserating and get down to it.)

I get to Jenny's and I have no time to even knock on the door as she yanks it open, grabs me by the arm and pulls me in, making me almost fall on my face.

"Holy sh**! Jenny!" I yell at her, picking up my bag that fell and my headphones.

"Hana! I'm sorry! I'm sooo sorry!" Jenny's face is all bloated, looks like she had too much Ramyeon, which is a killer for her fair complexion.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry? The one that should be sorry is Kai, but I haven't got any hope of that ever happening!" I look at my gorgeous friend who looks a bit worse for the wear today, but now that I'm really looking it's really just her face, because the rest of her is fabulous as always, go figure.

"It was me, I gave him access to my computer, I didn't know he would take those videos and pictures and make them public! I swear!" Jenny was so frantic, I felt sorry for her, she was just a victim in this game Kai and I were playing.

"It's OK, I don't mind, it's not like those videos and pics have anything wrong, they're just friends having fun, and besides the videos and pics are not what made me angry, the reason I exploded was because he tried to get me to respond to him in front of the whole school, he knew my only weakness and he used it, really well I might add." I sit down in Jenny's foyer stairs, putting my elbows on my knees and just letting my head hang.

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