
I'm Done

Clarabelle POV

Sitting in this bar with a glass of water in front of me I start to think. I think about everything. How I met my husband ten years ago. How we dated for 2 and a half years. My wedding day and how it was only 3 months after the death of my brother-in-law, Jonathon, all the rumors that surrounded us and our house for years because of it. And now this. I turn to my best friend Lilibeth who's working the bar.

"Lili, I think I'm done." I release with a breath. She walks over to me after handing a very drunk man in a disheveled suit his 5th drink. 

"Done with what? Your job? I told you I wouldn't mind paying you to be my bar's 'legal guardian'." She jokes with a questioning quirk in her eyes. 

As she gets in front of me I take a sip of my water bitterly, wishing it could be something stronger, and I look into her bright brown eyes. 

"I mean I think I'm done with everything." I say seriously with a wistful smile playing on my lips.

"Elaborate. What do you mean, Clare?" She gets serious and makes her way around the bar to sit beside me. "Spill." she demands grabbing two shot glasses and filling them with tequila. She offers one to me and I refuse it.

"I can't. Thanks." I say simply and she downs them both.

"Suit yourself." She grumbles out. "Now spill. You've been staring at space since you walked in 2 hours ago. It's getting weird."

"I'm just so tired, Lili. I can't keep living like this anymore I can't-" I pause when I start feeling overwhelmed by my emotions. Lilibeth rubs my knee trying to soothe me. 

"I can't keep making excuses for a man who can't, no it's not that he can't, who won't even try. I mean even I think I'm ridiculous. I don't even understand why I'm still here. Why do I still bother? Who the hell even is he?" I let out a dry laugh and take another sip of water. 

"Can I get some soda please, I can't work with this." I ask Lilibeth as I rub at my temples.

"Sure, of course." She says as she hurries back over to the counter to grab me a coke. 

"But, what brought this on? I mean, I get it, but you've never said anything before. Don't get me wrong I love that you've finally come to your senses but... how?" She finishes while sitting back beside me and handing me a glass and the soda can.

"Lili. I'm pregnant. I'm... pregnant." I say, barely audible over the music playing in the background. Lilibeth still heard me though and her eyes widen comically. She leans over and hugs me.

"Congrats Clare bear! Oh my gosh, why didn't you say that earlier. Oh wait, you're epiphany. What are you gonna do?" She says lifting off me to hold my hands. 

I take a deep breath. "I'm going to divorce him. I can't let my babies live in that house with that man. I know there will be a day when they get curious, and hopefully by then we've both grown and forgiven each other, but I don't want to be pregnant and vulnerable around him and his coldness. I don't want my kids to have to see their mom suffering at the hands of their father. I was able to endure because it was just me and I loved him. And I still do, but I can't trust him or depend on him." At this point I have tears streaming my face and I'm shaking from the overwhelming power of my emotions. 

"How long have you been pregnant? Do you know?" She asks, still holding my hands.

"3 weeks. I found out 2 weeks ago actually. I'm sorry for not saying anything until now. I was scared and didn't know what I should do or if... if I should keep them." I say remembering how I was contemplating and planning for almost a month now.

"Ok. Whatever you need I'm here. And Jas and Sam and your brothers. You're not alone, yeah?" Lilibeth hugs me again, rubbing my back reassuringly. I love and appreciate Lilibeth and our friendship so much. This is going to be ok

I'm going to be ok. My kids will be ok.

"Thank you, Lili. I don't know how I would still be here without you." I say sniffling away from her embrace. 

"Easy, you wouldn't!" She says jokingly and we laugh.

"So, what's your plan? How are you going to leave the formidable Darren Sylvester?" She asks me with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

"I already got the papers drawn out. I'm asking him tomorrow at lunch. He loves Italian food. I'll catch him in a good mood." I say with a tone of irony in my smile. 

"HA! I wish I could see his face as you serve him his just desserts." Lilibeth muses. 

"This'll be a game he simply won't get to win." I say with an air of determination surrounding me.

 NEXT DAY. Clarabelle POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone alarm and reach over to my night stand to shut it off and roll out of bed. This is it. Today is the day I finally end it all. I go to my en suite and freshen up then head to the closet my husband and I have shared for nearly 6 years now. I begin taking out all of my clothes. Some I had bought, some Darren had bought me as gifts over the years for birthdays and consolation for being a shit husband. I'm taking all of it. Why should I give it back since he wanted me to have it so much, besides I deserved it after all these years of his nonsense. I take out every shoe, shirt, pant, skirt, dress, necklace, earring, ring. Everything. Maybe I can sell some or donate it to charity. What if I have a daughter? She'd look so cute in these clothes. I dress in a simple pair of trousers and a gorgeous pair of Jimmy Choo's Darren got me for Christmas 2 years ago. I put on a shirt that showed my cleavage and did my makeup. Heading down the stairs I can hear the voices of Maxine and Pierre, the head maid and butler, and the smell of breakfast hits me. Mmm, blueberry waffles and hot chocolate. As I get in their eye shot I smile and greet them.

"Good morning Ms. Maxine, good morning Mr. Pierre. Breakfast smells lovely today." I say making my way to the table. 

"Good morning Mrs. Sylvester, you're in an awfully good mood today. Any good news?" Maxine asks me with a motherly smile and brings me a cup of the most heavenly smelling cocoa. She winks at me and puts a hand on my shoulder as she turns back to the kitchen to serve me a plate. "I made it just how you like it, dear. Melted marshmallows and cinnamon." I take a sip and hum with pleasure filling my senses. Bless Ms. Maxine and her magic touch. 

"It's heavenly, Ms. Maxine. Thank you. Mr. Pierre, could I ask you for a favor?" I say innocently, while sipping my hot chocolate. "Of course, anything for you Mrs. Sylvester." Pierre smoothly says grinning. I always wondered why he never married. He was a good looking man even in his mid fifties. He definitely doesn't lack money either. I started managing the salaries for the house the year I moved into the Sylvester manor, so I know what his situation looks like. So many mysteries. I smile at the sleuth playfulness in his tone and ask him, "Would you mind getting me a few large boxes? I'm clearing my closet this evening, I'm thinking charity." He blinks at me with a questioning smile. "Sure thing, Mrs. Sylvester. If you don't mind my asking, what brought this on?" I knew he'd see through it, I was prepared for this actually. "Nothing really. I was thinking about changing things up a bit recently. I want to do a bit of shopping but I feel horrible about all the things I already have so I decided it'd be best to just put some up for donation. I'll go myself. I really want to take a look around and maybe inquire about a partnership with the enterprises." I say seriously. "Well certainly, how many boxes were you thinking?" 

"I was thinking 10, but 15 might be better just in case a few break or I decide to get rid of a few other things along the way. Thinking about it I might need a truck won't I." I say acting like this is the first time I'm giving all this serious thought. "I reckon you will. How about this, I'll get the boxes today, and when you finish packing everything you let me know and I'll get a truck brought over and have the boxes loaded." I feel a little bad for using Pierre like this but I have no other choice. I need his help. "That sounds perfect. Thank you so much, Mr. Pierre. And can you both do me a favor and not tell my husband yet. I don't want him to feel bad or get concerned about me doing all this on my own. You know how he gets." I mention with a wry smile and Ms. Maxine answers this time with a wink and a nod. "Don't you worry about that old Oaf, dear. He won't know a thing. What a sweetheart, donating all those treasures just so you can go shopping. Really you shouldn't worry about such a thing." It sounds so snooty hearing it said back to me. I'm glad I would never actually be that materialistic. I really do feel bad about using Pierre and Maxine like this, but I can't let them know what's going on or they'll stop me.

I finish eating the breakfast Maxine made and head out to the Law firm. I've been working at the Silver Law practice since I interned in Law school. I didn't mind working my way up since it would help me form better connections with everyone who worked in the company and the firm without being seen as just "Mr. Sylvester's wife". Here I was the chief legal counsel and nobody questioned my abilities or qualifications. No one had been more dedicated to the work and literally no one was more familiar with the entire enterprise. It's a shame I'd be leaving it all behind now that I've resigned. 

HELLO! So, tea spiller's buckle in and keep your hands and feet inside the popcorn bucket at all times, because this story is one for the textbooks ~v~.

Margelix_Tejadacreators' thoughts
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