
How I,Vandal Savage's brother, became a pirate king too early

A One piece fan gets the chance to reincarnate into One Piece World with no extra power or into DC world of his choosing with a few perks. Now what will he choose? MC: "I am a 100% OP fan so there is not even a moment of doubt... I choose option 2." ROB1: HUH?! But you could meet Luffy, Roger and even find the ONE PIECE. Why did you not choose that option. MC: If I don't have any extra power I'm as good as dead with the Yonko, admiral or even if a Celestial Cunt finds me while i'm still weak and there is no guarante that I would become stronger I migth be just a random character" ROB2: "HAHAHAHAHAHA. HE got you there. Well Done mortal as a thanks for showing me the sight of him losing you will have extra perks at his expenses!" All other ROBs: Agreed!! It's my first writing so don't expect some 10th level literature as Oda. I don't own any DC or One Piece or there respective Characters Edit: I added the "Too early" cuz I forgot to put it there

Isekai_enjoyer · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 10: Titanomachy! Getting the godly weapons

The war between Olympians and Titans, the Titanomachy, had begun. It had went as the original did as Marcus only fought a Titan once before growing bored of each one of them. His excuse to not helping that much was that the Olympians needed to learn their power through combats and that if they wanted to take over Kronos, they need to be in the fight as well. No one disagreed since it made sense and they used this war to relieving the pent-up tension they had from being trapped all their lives as for Zeus, it was a way for him at distinguish himself. At this point, Marcus only fought with Atlas as he was the only one to be able to put a fight and was not terrified of him. The Olympians had made camp on mount Olympus thus finally earning their name as "Olympians" while Marcus earned the nicknames such as "battle beast","The undefeated champion" and "The laughing thief". The first two were given to him by each side as he was seen as a beast of war from the Titan's group while he was seen as a champion from the other side. The last nickname was given to him by both side as he would take the powers of Titans he defeated for himself. It left the Titan in question weak for a whole week before the could move and two more months before they could use their power again. They were only able to use their power again because Marcus had leveled up his "devour" skill only up to Lv 80. It meant he could take the power, due to his luck, but not all of it as the Titans were dieties and his skill level was still too low to take everything. 8 Years flew by, on mount Olympus, Zeus and his allies were discussing how they could break the standstill of the war into their favor.

Poseidon: Zeus! We're almost there I can already taste the victory that is near.

Poseidon had mature during the war. He was no longer the rash Poseidon, he learn to differentiate between boasting and speaking facts. It was his fight with Atlas that opened his eyes.

Hera: For once we're in agreement Poseidon.


Metis ran into the conference room.

Metis: I found it the way to beat the Titans!

Demeter: Finally!! I hate this war.

Hestia:.....m-m-Me too.

Zeus: My love, speak do not make us wait any longer.

Metis: The cyclops and the Hecatoncheires were imprisoned in Tartarus by Uranus. If we free them they would gladly help us during this war.

Marcus, who perched on a collum made for him, finally spoke.

Marcus: Yes, there are.

Zeus: Are they strong?....I really hate it when you look into the future like that.

Marcus went down and sitted with them.

Marcus: ZEHAHAHA! You know I've been bored since Atlas hasn't come out to fight for a while.

A minor god was infurated by his statement and voiced his opinion. Sadly Marcus did not even care to remember his name:

Minor God #1: Then Why don't you fight in the other battles, Laughing thief?

In this faction, the ones that were held negative feelings for Marcus called him "Laughing thief". They did not see him as a champion. This minor God was new to the faction and thus spoke his mind out loud. He did thought that the tales of the "Undefeated champion" was probably a mix of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades feats that Marcus had appropriated for saving them 8 years ago. Most of those that saw him negatively were jealous of him. Marcus had guessed that this Title was the work of Metis to downgrade his feats. He had already reminded himself to not save her and to give her a final message before her death.

Marcus turn to look at the minor god.

Marcus: Laughing thief....Huh?

They was an awkward silence in the room.

Marcus: BAHAHAHAHAHA! It's still funny, everytime I hear it.

The Olympians were smiling as they had grown accustomed to it and knew which laughter meant that he was looking for a fight and which ones were for genuine joy. This laugh was the latter.

Marcus: Anyway, I'll just resume what's going to happen. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and I are going to Tartarus after taking care of the mole.

The onlookers were confused. They tought it would a Titan before Zeus send a lightning bolt towards a minor god.

Zeus: You always take the fun out this.

Hades: I don't mind. Saves us from the useless chatter.

Poseidon: HAHAHA! I knew he was the mole! Demeter, I won the bet.

Demeter rolled her eyes as she had never accepted any bet since they had waged nothing. Hera, Hestia and Rhea wished them good luck.They left towards Tartarus leaving the conference room without any goodbyes.

--------------------------------------*In Tartarus*---------------------------------------------------------- They had made their way through tartarus and vanquished the guards. In front of the quartet was the six siblings. Marcus went in front of them grabed the chains and spoke before his arm darkened and crushed the chains that was binding the six siblings.

Marcus: Deal.

Zeus did not even had time to propose any deal with the cyclops and the Hecatoncheires. He sight and went to propose a deal with them but he would have to be more eloquent as they had gained their freedom from someone else. While Zeus was negatiating with his six uncles, Poseidon and Hades were talking to Marcus.

Poseidon: You really don't want to rule?

Marcus: Nah, I don't want that cursed throne.

Hades: Cursed?

Marcus: Think about it. Uranus was a chill dude, according to mom, but became paranoid after seeing the possibility of being dethroned. Kronos, believe it or not, a loving husband and was excited to become a father but one talk with Uranus and he becomes a tyrant. Think about it, you get absolute rule over the heavens, you like it but then you starts to wonder who's after to get you next thing you know everyone is revolting. I'd rather be powerful on my own and be free to party anywhere I want.

Poseidon and Hades thought about it and he was right. Zeus would have to deal with all the shit that would be happening and even without Marcus being there, they would be zero chance of Zeus being a tyrant as both of them could keep him in check.

Hades laughed at what Zeus will face in the future while they won't be burdened by it.

Hades:.... HAHAHAHAHA.

Poseidon joined him.

Poseidon: HAHAHAHA.


Zeus could hear their laughter but thought it was just Marcus telling jokes. He had doubts about Marcus before but he could still remember the time he said that he would like to see Marcus being the ruler for a day. Marcus face looked like he had just smelled shit, it was a funny and reasuring sight to see. After a long discussion he managed to bring them to his side as they really would like to thank Kronos for allowing them to stay in Tartarus while enjoy his life.

Zeus went to the laughing trio and looked at Marcus.

Marcus: Fine! I won't spoil the surprise.


Zeus had been afraid that Marcus would spoil his moment... again thus he spoke as fast as he could only to understand Marcus words half way through.

Zeus: Let us go.

Marcus: I will stay here.

Poseidon: Why?

Hades and Zeus understood the reason.

Hades: You think Kronos might send some people here while they make our weapons.

Marcus: Yes I do. Remember, we still kept some moles alive to feed them false information for the decisive battle. Chances are they will send a large portion of they fighters. I'll take the hit and you guys can hit Kronos where it hurts. ZEHAHAHAHA!

Hades, Poseidon and Zeus agreed to his plan and if they were not sold before, the single mention of making Kronos suffer was all they needed to blindly follow his plan. After they left, Marcus looked at his system notification which was the real reson why he stayed.

[*Ding* you have fulfilled the conditions for ??? to be revealed.]