
How I lived through Great shinobi wars

Im_really_bored · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 10 (Fuinjutsu)

...…MC's POV...

After whooping someone as an example there wouldn't be people bullying Kushina again. I haven't even talked to her yet. I guess I should.

After thinking this I walked out of the ring and to Kushina.

"And the only way to to chase away bullies is by bully them" I said playfully to Kushina who blushed slightly.

"Thank you" she replied

"It's what friends do" I said as my voice returned to it's original nonchalant sounding way. Minato, Tsume, Shikaku, Choza, Shiroichi and Inojin arrived.

They were all laughing and Shiroichi looked worried.

"Himeko what if you get hurt" Shiroichi said

They all introduced themselves to Kushina.

After a month passed, Kushina had finally gotten used to how things were. The rest of the year was fun as we pranked teachers in class and went out on "food runs" where we would go from restaurant to restaurant eating lots of meals from each and the winner would be the last one to quit. The winner was always Choza. Things in the Hyūga clan were as boring as ever. I asked my father to teach me the body flicker technique when I was now and had now mastered it. I used it together with my byakugan like how Shisui and his sharingan.

The next year Jiraiya, one of the Students of the third Hokage came and chose Minato to be his discipline and he accepted. The rest of us could graduate if we wanted but were was the fun in that. We decided to graduate the following year.

Kushina asked me why I always had something covering my forehead and so I told her about the curse seal. She was shocked when she heard my story and asked if she could see the seal. And so I showed it to her.

"Ohh I can remove this seal" she told me. I had been planning to ask her to remove the seal on my forehead but that was after I had become a Jonin not now.

So I told her that and asked if she could teach me Fuinjutsu and she agreed. I had been preparing for the war in four years so these years I had learned fire jutsu from Shiroichi and a reluctant Fugaku. And was nearly mastering Katon ninjutsu. The ones I really wanted to learn were Raiton and Futon. Although I hadn't checked my elemental affinities I knew fire was there because of how easily I learned it.

Now I learned Fuinjutsu for the rest of the year before I graduate. Because with it I could finally create my own jutsu.