
How I ended in a novel as a villain of the story

Life happened. Sorry have to take one week break! This novel tells the story of a Victor, orphan with hard life that got one day reincarnated to his favorite novel. But to his surprise he was not reincarnated as a main character but as main villain that is meant to suffer and slowly loose everything he had. Embark with Victor on journey for a good life with his girls, family and friends. I will be posting two chapters every morning ( I am from Europe so in your timezone it will be different ).They should be at least 1000 words long. R-18 chapters are released as bonus chapters and are not counted towards chapters per day. I am not marking them in chapter names but there is always warning in chapter before them at the end. They are always safe to skip if you don't like them. This just my hobby that makes happy so I decided to share it with you guys hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing it. Just so you know I am not really a fan of NTR and Incest so don't count on that please. PS: I am really bad with novel tags. So if you are better with them than me I will gladly accept your input.

Victor_PR · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs


"Sweety, you grow so fast. Okay than. What type of weapon would like to train with? Did you decide?"

"Demoniac sword or twin daggers"

"Hmm isn't demoniac sword just a weird longsword sweety?" Mom asked

"Pretty much yes. But it is used differently and also counts for more nimble classes on top of bulky classes like longsword." I answered.

"Okay sweetie. I will look for demoniac sword teacher for you, they should be fine with daggers too since twin dagger and demoniac sword is standard equipment there, I just hope you are not doing that just to get your hands on demoniac food." Mom and veronica chuckled.

"Mom I won't promise that I want inquire regarding their food, but I can ensure you that is really not a reason I chose that sword."

"And mom regarding the maid, I would love to check the orphanages around here to find a girl around my age or year older at max so that we can start building our trust while learning together, we can skip the awkwardness at the start like this, plus I can influence her class choice. As you know most of our maids have non-combat classes and I would really like to have maid that have combat class so she can help me in a pinch when needed even with combat. In short, I would like to raise for myself a perfect maid from the scratch."

Plus, there is a very special orphan girl somewhere in the town that is around my age that should have arrived in one of the orphanages about a year ago that I would love to raise. I thought this while smiling from ear to ear as I very enthusiastically explained.

Mom sighed and Veronica just chuckled.

"OK than sweetie you win. We will go check orphanages today. But you have to promise me that you are going to pickup a normal gift for yourself in the city."

"Sure mommy. I love you."

"Love you too, both of you. Now eat! Both of you."

After breakfast all three of us got dressed for outing. Once dressed we got into a magic carriage, commonly called here magiwagon. It looked like a normal couch but without horses, with white emblem of the Burghoff family on the black background. Inside were two benches on opposing sites of the magiwagon, seats were made out of red leather that most likely belonged to some monster. Outside of red seats everything else was black just the two emblems of the Burghoff family above seats and one on each shutter were white. Once we got in, we started our way towards the biggest orphanage in the city.

Burgberg was a quite large city filled with adventurers, inns, pubs, brothels, shops and other establishments meant mostly to accommodate adventurers. Since the main branch of the whole nation was situated here since the Burghoff duchy houses around 85 % of monsters on human continent. Forests here are choke full of monsters and monster lairs. Some parts of the forests were never even explored.

But the cities here are safe since they are protected by the barrier, high walls that are filled with soldiers with crossbows and one can see huge ballista stands in regular intervals placed on the walls, from what I heard this is pretty much standard in the duchy.

Clean streets with wide paved roads; buildings are made mostly out of stone with medieval European architecture with odd Japanese style houses here and there and few pagodas visible in distance. City is very lively, kids are running around playing and laughing on the street, adventures moving like ants everywhere. Various establishment trying to lure customers everywhere. As the magiwagon navigated the streets once it got close to pedestrians' noise of the street vanished and everybody just respectfully nodded to carriage once the saw the emblem on it.

Mother and Veronica talked about something but Victor was not really registering what they were talking about since he was enjoying the view and was trying not show the excitement on his face from the possibility of him finding his special orphan girl.

As they arrived in front of rather big four-story building with about two-meter-high stone fence and huge metal gate. Magiwagon slowed down and entered the gate to reveal big meadow that looked like giant playground for children. Sand, climbing frames, swings and so on filled with children that was playing around. In no time magiwagon came to a stop and we started getting out, woman in their fifties started running our way with surprised look. She looked like lovely neighborhood aunt. With brown hair in pony tail, green eyes and modest build.

"Greetings your graces! To what I owe the opportunity to welcome you here! I am director of the orphanage Katarina"

She spoke while she bowed. Mother answered with smile.

"Here my son had asked if I could get him a girl his age so they can grow together while he is going to be raised to be noble man and her to be his personal maid."

"That's rather unusual request. But it is very big opportunity for the girls! Does lord Victor have any specific requirements for the girl?"

Both Mom and director of orphanage turned to Victor, waiting for him to answer.

I just ruffled the hair on the back of my head and smiled. Still doing my best to hide my excitement. After I was able to calm down a little I answered the question.

"Nothing special, ideally I would like a girl around 3-4 years old."

"Hmm should not be an issue. Please follow Clara" she pointed to bowing woman in her 20s standing behind her "she will guide you to our audience room and I will gather the girls and bring them in"

"Thank you"

I thanked and started walking toward Clara, mom and sis followed right behind me. When Clara saw we started to walk towards her she started to lead us towards the audience room. We arrived in a room that looked like oversized living room with multiple couches with small tables next to them. We were seated in the middle of the room. Clara offered us some beverages and snacks but since we had breakfast not long ago, we politely declined, Clara returned to her duties while we waited for director to appear with the girls.