


Its 3:37 in the morning and I honestly need some serious mental help.

I had what I refer to as a creativity well or an imagination well, essentially a world endangering event where my brain retards harder while looking at something. so thanks to some ideas, here I am designing a fucking book off of it.

Essentially you get to see my entire process- or me trying to explain my thought process- of creating a character. I'm a little wacky up in the head hole and do things a little differently brain-wise, so lets just call me the god of a broken mind, madness with a purpose.


We aren't here to talk about my questionable mental state, we're here for character and world shit.


Lets get right into this, shall we?

nice to meet yall fags. hope you guys can enjoy my ideas, story segments, world building, and character designs and ideas.

MALICIOUS56creators' thoughts