
How it all started.....

When I was a baby I was told I was really lucky I am still alive, my parents usually worked overtime to put food on the table for me and my big sister Melissa, I was only 1 years old and Melissa was 5 years old, my mom was pregnant of my sister Anastasia, my dad was a welder and mom was a nurse, my dad's name was Eric and mom Maryann,I will tell u why people say I am lucky I am still alive, it all started when me and my sister Melissa were home alone with our babysitter Alice who was also our neighbour, Alice usually loved me so much but was always hating my mom because she had everything ;kids a handsome husband and a good job, Alice could not have kids ; she

used to shower me, feed me and thug me in to bed, that day I didn't know what hit her when she was giving me a shower and held me under water in a baby bucket, at the same time Melissa came out of curiosity to look how I am getting a shower, Melissa saw everything and yelled out loud leave my baby brother alone, Alice panicked and ran away, my sister now took me out of the bucked and yelled for mom and dad, another neighbour heard the yelling and came running to our house but I was lucky because she was also a nurse, my face color was purple and blue I had so much water in my lungs, my neighbour thought I was dead but still she tried to give me mouth-to-mouth, at the moment she was busy trying to get me to breathe my mom and there were standing in the kitchen and saw what was happening, luckily I coughed a little water out and started to breathe again, my parents now rushed me to the emergency room where I got treated. I stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks because I had so much water in my lungs ; my mom made a complaint to the police, but Alice was long gone and no were to find, after I recovered mom never left us home alone again she quit her work, there is where the hard times started were the struggle and the wrong choices started for my parents.