
Chapter 2: The town of Haldfur makes it's debut!

''So, where do I start?'' You ask yourself

You were confused as ever when you were handed a list of things to buy and set of into the town. You can see this scene so vividly when they draw it in the comics. The iconic wtf face and down point view of the MC in a busy crowd. Yea, no you swish your thoughts out in the open while getting weird glances and set off for eggs.

As you go from lane to lane and corner to corner you find no shop that sells eggs. You finally take a rest on a nearby bench. ''What's with my luck today?'' You say as you sigh. ''SELLING MILK, SELLING EGGS, COME GET THEM HERE 25% OFF!'' A man says right next to you. You turn around as fast as you can and see a dairy shop. ''Ahahahahhaha AHAHAHAHAH'' You laugh. You get up and turn around and buy some eggs. While you're leaving the shop you pause. No not anything like a cold. Instead, you get a rush of memories that Destiny had of this town. You take a peek at the list and start buying everything and on the list as fast as you can. When you're finally done it's about sunset and the night stores start to set up. As you leave out of the town you come across a fountain well the shopping part of the town is on the other side of the entrance to the town so you passed by the town square this morning but it wasn't as pretty.

As you start to walk across you decide to quickly take a seat on the fountain and watch magic tricks go up? Your eyes start to shimmer as you see people float and water flying around creating a beautiful scene. And along with that, your nose starts to perk up as you smell something really good. It was some street food. You realize it's already night and rush home.

As you entered the house, Mother was pretty worried as you brought in all those groceries at like 9:34 pm. As she starts to make dinner you head up to your room and start writing a diary. If you were going to experience all of these things you might as well write it down before you forget it all later! You start to hum as you walk down the stairs to see a wounded man and black? Your mother was putting bandages on him and handing him the soup she had just made.

''Oh, sweetie! Help this man out! He's injured severely and it appears he was attacked by Welfurom!'' Mother said while panicking. You didn't know what to do so you just try to bandage and put ointment on his scratches. ''Ah you have a scratch on your face, can you lift it up quickly?'' You ask the mysterious man. As he lifts up his hand you widen your eyes. The man had fierce purple eyes and black ruffled hair. The man kinda looked like- No - EXACTLY like the male lead! Except he was way hotter in real life! You quickly put on the ointment and rush upstairs to your room without saying a word.

The male lead was in your home and you haven't found Uria yet. You start to freak out and remember, wasn't this an event already and the book? ''Aha'' You say to yourself. In the book, he leaves right after so he must leave right after right? After that, you think to yourself ''Maybe I should hurry and find Uria in the town!'' But have second thoughts remembering that she belongs in a different town across the sea from you. You start scribbling things into your diary again.

Knock Knock*

You hear someone knocking on the door. You flinch and quickly say ''W-who is it?''. ''It's me, I brought soup. Did something happen?'' It was Mother. You let out a sigh and open the door for her. ''Nothing happened just had to do something quickly.'' You said. She nodded and left. You drank your soup and went down and rushed into the bathroom to brush your teeth. You didn't see anyone and just went back up. ''Thank god! He left now I think I can breathe. I have to hurry and get into the academy and find Uria before he appears again.'' You say to yourself out loud. You switch out of your plaid dress into your comfy silky nightgown and close the lights and head to sleep.